
Why A Tree?: Reincarnated as a tree

Alex Smiths, yeah my name is you know (creative) like that but I just got to live with it (for 17 years that is). But one day walking to home after one of my great blunders. I died a death that at the same time i saw and didn't saw coming and got reincarnated as a ... Tree?! of all things why a tree?! An unknown god giving me a blessing? A Intelligent bird? A game like system? Well this is gonna be one hell of a ride So this is the beginning of my story on a world of sword and magic ... as a tree. or trees? Ok that sounded cringe and generic I don't know what me 4 months ago was doing but for people who want to know what to expect then here: Mc would be a little carefree clever smart and stupid at the same time. Mini trees that are parts of him that will help him The bird would be someone he meets early on. I have no plans on making him op early on nor making him super ultra op that he can one shot gods. A world full of monsters Tension on nations is always as high as snoop dogg I have plans on giving him, a tree a skill tree So if any of that gets you interested then please read

erchi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

A Offensive skill

Year 1 Month 1 Week 2 (Day 5)

I started the day with absorbing nutrients from the 4 of them which was the small boar they killed and the 3 adventurers. Then took a look at my status on which many skills have leveled up.

<<Trapper reached Level 5>>

<<Baiting reached level 7>>

<<Tree Editing reached level 7>>

<<Feeding Roots reached level 2>>

As I was looking at my status. I saw my Tree editing jump a few levels even though it's a Uncommon skill. It was probably since I kept on altering the design of my tree slowly so that the Adventurers won't notice. I altered them to be able to circulate the air and heat so that the fire won't spread and also the fact that I had made parts of the tree more fire resistant which goes beyond simple editing. The feeding roots just leveled up It was no coincidence that this was because I am absorbing a large amount of meat.

The baiting and trapper were because of the fact I managed to bait 3 humans into a trap for pigs. But as I was about to end my quick self inspection I saw a skill in the rare category it was

<<Sharp Branch>>


A skill that allows the use of sharp branch move once day(increases with level)

A speedy attack that can be used with no cost or burden but has a count that limits the use of the skill. Cool down of skill will be reset every 24 hours.

The tip can and outer edges can be harden with the cost of nutrients.

Is what it said, so this is a skill that allows the use of a move? The move and skill part confuses me but I need to test out this new skill of mine.

. . .

Year 1 Month 1 Week 2 (Day 6)

A small squirrel was by the second finding it harder and harder to resist going into a suspicious tree where it heard scary sounds from a few days ago. It looked wilder and in it's own way cuter than squirrels from earth. The squirrel is now having a internal struggle on what to do whether go onto the direction of the tree or just ignore it. After a while the squirrel started inching towards the tree.

But despite it's instincts telling it not to and the fact that he himself doesn't wanna go there, he still continued on.

The squirrel was just a few meters away from the tree that looked very peculiar and different from the other trees in the area. As the squirrel stopped to look at the tree and was about to continue walking towards the tree. It was suddenly Impaled by a spiky root from the ground. Instantly killed with no time to react from the sudden attack, it literally had no idea what hit him.

'Maya, the sharp branch move is in one word "Overkill"'.

I tried it on a pig yesterday and after using it I was amazed by the speed which no attack of mine before would even reach a quarter of It's speed and that's with using nutrients. The pig was staked and wounded, if I had 2 no maybe at least one more well placed Sharp Branch I could have killed it. and today I tried using tree editing on the skill and it seems like it works but just a tad bit harder than normal. I tried shrinking the attack into a smaller size and used it on a squirrel which was just now.

This skill has a lot of potential, I can use it as long as I have roots or any part of me close by. As I was thinking about things I can do with my new skill I suddenly thought of some very evil ideas for the use of the skill.

'Mayamin I'll need your help on some things for the *future*'

Mayamin was shaken by Alex's scary and evil thoughts.

While Alex was Absorbing nutrients Mayamin was practicing her peck attacks after getting that advice from Alex Mayamin started hunting small creatures and training her peck and occasionally does pecks and she is doing so while diving down on her enemies.

She started the diving tactics after Alex's advised her to do so because the speed will make her attack deadlier and stronger, Alex also mentioned something about possibly obtaining the skill Aerial Ace or something she wasn't sure whether it was a joke or not but she still tried to obtain it.

Her pecks now went from weak to strong her accuracy in hitting targets is quite good which is something Ash- wait who is that? After removing her confusion she continued. Her accuracy was something she needed to make sure is high and stays high.

Year 1 Month 1 Week 2 (Day 7)

Maya is continuing her training and is getting stronger. And I myself feel so strong the mark on my Rank1(Low) just turned into Rank1(High) and I feel like I gotten stronger by leaps and bounds because of everything I was absorbing.

But I may get stronger but I have 1 problem I need addressing.

'This world. I have to know more about how it works.'


'When you Maya get a little bit stronger I might send you out on scouting missions'

From what I have learned from the adventurers Is that this forest is quite big and they were one their way to the town Mautin to another town which I didn't manage to catch it's name from them, where quite far and they only do this trade once every 6 months. They trade for materials that they need for winter and for improving their City. Which removed my thoughts that assumed it was just a simple remote town.

So from the limited info I have I need to make contact with a human settlement but I have no way of going Inside for now I plan on fixing that how exactly? not sure. Their can be other ways to get knowledge but the best is still through humans.

I am also starting to feel and regard people as "humans" is this the effects of me turning into a monster?

Regardless of the reason I need to get to rank two so I can have higher chances of survival cause the way things are going now I will die sooner or later but since most strong monsters here ignore me I can probably prolong that but It just makes me feel uneasy being this vulnerable.

After setting some plans, if you could even call them plans. Night came and some stronger monster started appearing like Large boars and occasional Bears that are taking the cover of night to move around.

After having nothing to do at night except wait for my mind to go to rest into a pseudo-sleep like state I started to develop a new appreciation for the night sky.

I had always wanted to look into the skies but that had always been impossible since my sense are limited and I can only vaguely see the dark night sky but by focusing it like a telescope I can see almost the same way a human can, the endless sky contained 1 moon which is just one normal looking moon contrary to the moons I thought this planet or world might have. Like the classical 2 moon or one being red.

When I stare at the night sky I sometimes forget that I am in a body of a tree and instead in my old world.

It feels so surreal gazing at the star like these even though I never really did so in my past life where I didn't even bother looking at all into the sky, but instead of the beauty of the sky making this feel unreal it was mostly because I am doing this while "standing" and containing and absorbing humans and a boar.

Yup! A perfectly normal night. With those thoughts I rested my mind and waited for tomorrow.