
Why A Tree?: Reincarnated as a tree

Alex Smiths, yeah my name is you know (creative) like that but I just got to live with it (for 17 years that is). But one day walking to home after one of my great blunders. I died a death that at the same time i saw and didn't saw coming and got reincarnated as a ... Tree?! of all things why a tree?! An unknown god giving me a blessing? A Intelligent bird? A game like system? Well this is gonna be one hell of a ride So this is the beginning of my story on a world of sword and magic ... as a tree. or trees? Ok that sounded cringe and generic I don't know what me 4 months ago was doing but for people who want to know what to expect then here: Mc would be a little carefree clever smart and stupid at the same time. Mini trees that are parts of him that will help him The bird would be someone he meets early on. I have no plans on making him op early on nor making him super ultra op that he can one shot gods. A world full of monsters Tension on nations is always as high as snoop dogg I have plans on giving him, a tree a skill tree So if any of that gets you interested then please read

erchi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

A friend, Status and a diary

"Chirp-tweet twee" a cheerful voiced bird

"Alright alright you can stay. So my name is Alex what's yours?"


"Hmm so you don't have one, I see ok first let's give you a name" Alex said after pondering a bit

"Mayamin I'll call you Maya for short"

"Chirp" the bird or should I say maya said with satisfaction"

Suddenly Maya's status appeared in front of Alex.



Nameless Treant's Familiar.

<<Eurasian Tree Sparrow>>

This bird is a from the passerine bird sparrow family with a rich chestnut crown and nape, and a black patch on each pure white cheek.

This bird mainly uses peck attacks and scratches using its beak and talons.

Common skills: Peck lv 3 , Scratch lv7 (weak)

Uncommon skills: Scout

Rare skills: N/A

Unique skills: N/A

Ultimate: N/A

Alex's eyes went wide upon seeing the status of Maya. Suddenly he decided to test what's on his mind.




Nutrients Point: 13 (83 more before next evolution)

Completion rate: 13%

<<Nameless Trent>>

Rank 1(low) Treant(Incomplete)

Title: Living Tree

HP: 500

MP: 110

ST: 3


DEF. Physical: 25

DEF. Magic: 15

AG: 1

Common skills: Mana absorbing roots Lv1(body), Trapper(passive), baitLv2(Passive),

Uncommon skills: Sense Surrounding(passive), Nourishment(passive), Eurasian Tree Sparrow Language(passive), Tree editing(active)Lv3

Rare: N/A

Unique: N/A

Ultimate: N/A


God? (Too weak to read other details)

He seemed to have a relatively high Hit points and a really low Agility and Attack. There is also the fact that he is "Nameless" hmm should I start calling myself nanashi and become a hero he thought. The Nutrients counter seemed to have replaced what would normally be the XP bar. The trapper and bait must be because of my hole traps. But then he suddenly went silent after seeing the blessings section.

"Yes! I am blessed by the gods hahaha I knew they didn't forsake me back on Earth." He announced with pride

"Are same gods on earth or is it like different gods per planet?"

"Back on Earth huh. How is my Family and my friends now. Did 57 years pass there as well?" he wondered

"Well no use thinking about that I should continue thriving to get stronger maybe I should ask that god once I manage to get stronger and meet him also what are the effects of that blessing? is it maybe luck or straight up get stronger faster"

A few days passed and its been one week now since he got conscious. So Alex decided it was best to start something like a diary and with this it marks the end of Week 1 of Year 1 Month 1.

Year 1 Month 1 week2.

Day 1

Ah morning well it's not like I sleep or anything since now I'm a tree, through the night I continue editing the bird traps with some tips from a bird. I do take rest cause my mind feels tired but not as much you would when still a human.

"Tweet, chirp chirp" Mayamin giving instructions to Alex

"Okay there, is it good now?" If I were human I would be wiping the sweet of my forehead now. Alex thought

And now presenting the new and improved bird traps.

Now the shape has been altered so it would fit heat perfectly this simple feature will make birds fly in one after another. Also while we were at it we added some more now we have 5 of them and each and every one of them has been built so that it would be comfortable to birds of all sizes. I also received some tips about the squirrel traps and Maya doesn't seem knowledgeable about them but she did say birds and squirrels have similar taste in trees so we just turned them into bird traps hoping at least we can catch some more birds to make up for the lost from not being able to catch squirrels. We continued changing this until night came and Maya slept. Since I want to be efficient I tried digging a hole to store my future spoils.

<<Tree Editing Reached Level 4>>

Day 2

Today I am trying to consciously use the bait skill because it can make it more affective even though its a passive skill.

"Chirp! Chirp!" a panicked bird screams

<<Bait reached Level 3>>

"Ha! It worked! soon I'll be a master of baiting, a master baiter"

"Chirp twee Chirp"

"Yeah yeah. I'll paralyze and numb it to prevent unnecessary suffering" I would have liked to rub it in the birds some more. He thought.

After putting it inside the store room which is now a meter long 20 centimeters tall and 30 centimeters wide. After starting to absorb it he suddenly felt power welling from within him.

So this is the feeling of acquiring Nutrients straight from the source I wonder how much Nutrient points I can get from this bird.

"Another one were on role" Alex said (To the ones wondering how they are talking is when they first met is since the bird was inside him he used some grunt sounding words to communicate but now that Maya is his familiar they can talk Telepathically)

Treants usually have the power to talk to humans and other intelligent monster but due to being incomplete he cam only partially talk.

That day they managed to catch 3 birds and Alex was satisfied with the results because this way he can slowly get stronger and after evolving maybe he can start hunting pigs and boars.

<<Trapper reached level 2>>

<<Trapper reached level 3>>

<<Bait reached level 4>>

<<Mana Absorbing Roots reached level 2>>

<<Feeding Roots acquired>>

<<Familiar: Summon acquired>>

<<Familiar: Share Senses acquired>>

Should i put the skills there while he is acquiring them instead of when a day ends like

he makes traps, traps work

<<oh look trapper>>

or after the day is said and done thats when i show it like what im doing now? what do you think?

erchicreators' thoughts