
Why 'The Records' broke

The beginning marks the end. A story untold as it never ended, a story broken as it never got the chance to heal, a story of the stars and a story of the world abandoned by fate. People live by desires, dreams, motivation and undying crave for something. Everybody want something in life, something that they want to achieve no matter the cost. But how about those who don't? How does it feel to not have any dreams? How does it feel to not have a single thing you are interested in? How does it feel to not crave for anything? Life goes just like the flow of the river with nothing so ever happening in your life and meet the Sea as in Death. What would happen if an otaku character travel beyond the Milkyway Galaxy to the world of magic? Rudra the main protagonist travels with the Emissary of the Destructor to the World of magic. Faced with the Trial beyond the limits of his own, Rudra fails to overcome the Trial. But the Destructor grants him another chance because of the transcending power he posses ' Authority'. Two years after the Trial will be held again to test the successor of Shadow God, if he fails to overcome the Trial again then not even Death can save him. Rudra ends up on the planet Seed in the Reedreada Galaxy as per the Destructors wish. There he joins the famous Star Verse Academy to train himself and overcome his limits and face the Trial with everything he got. But will that be it... English is not my native language, so there might( must) be some mistake, please inform me through comments. Text me on Discord if you have any advice or opinion Discord- Ether7#2296 And lastly, of course, cover page is not mine. If you want me to remove it( Which I am sure no one is interested in) I will remove it.

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Hope is closely related to desire, faith, and possibility. Stories about hope are central not only to the study of literature but also to psychology, social movements, and religious studies. Hope tends to center on the belief that positive change— either individual or societal change—can or will occur.

I had hoped too .

A hope, a false hope is all I had, that one day, something will change. One day I will be able to live the life I wanted. I clung on to this false hope, which kept disappointing me everyday. Until.... you know what happened.

I still haven't found my reason to live, but I think the life I am living right now is the best I could ask for.

I looked into the eyes of the other person and answered-

" Hope, .....believe that something will change that will make your life better or do something to change your life for better.

In my case, I am a mentally weak person. I clung onto the false hope that one day my life will change and it did. One day a hand reached out for me even though it was a hand of deception, I accepted it.

I was haunted by the same question as you. What do I live for? Honestly speaking I still haven't found my answer yet but the current life I am living right now is the best I ever lived."

The person next to me fell silent and didn't say anything. I don't know if what I said, answered his question or not, but let's hope it did. I don't want anyone to live the same life as I did, an ambitionless life, a hollow life, the life of a puppet.

" ....Thank you for your answer."

The atmosphere between us once again grew quieter as no one spoke, but unlike before we understood each other a bit better and the silence between us didn't feel uncomfortable as before.


Currently, me, Erika, James and Steele are walking down the streets of the Sie market toward the academy. Walking isn't the right word but..... ugh let it be.


The whole Cosmos is divided into eight parts according to the number of major races.

Major races are those who have the largest territory in the cosmos.

Major races : Angel, Demon, Vampire, Human, Elf, Dwarf, Merfolk, Monster. These eight major races rules most of the cosmos.

The territory we are in right now is the territory of demons, ruled by Emperor Zenon.

And the guy I talked to earlier turned out be Grand Duke Azeroth.

Though sudden, I wasn't much surprised as the concept of noble is new to me. I mean, I know a noble is someone with a surname and owns a territory and are mostly third rate villains. But not much to say that I know about their rules, lifestyle, etiquette.

Guess I should start reading to get to know the world better. I still don't know the noble hierarchy, I don't know if the world and the earth has any similarities. What do people love to do? what do they do for living? what type of life style they live? dreams of children?


Just the thought of getting to know more about the world excite me this much.

Jeez, what am I? a child?

Back to the main topic

I now understand why the Underworld is wide open for anyone without securities. From what he said the Underworld we were at is also just a branch connected to the main Underworld. It's just that demons are quite relax about the illegal market. After all, if the grand duke himself is supporting, then who will even try.

After that he left the place and the guard escorted me back. We played another match and left the battle arena. After that, we went to a bar to drink and surprisingly we got drunk. I heard that you won't get drunk in the world of mana, but this is totally opposite.

If I think more about it, humans always found ways to do things that weren't supposed to.

The liquor we drunk contains a substance which numbs mana in your body making the drink effective.

But the biggest issue comes here.....