
Who Killed Samantha?

All she ever wanted was to be happy and perfect. To be loved by everyone. It is not possible for everyone to love her, right? Everything changed when her rival got replaced with her after getting a lead role in Hollywood's movie - Her mother came back - She got drugged - She was accused of infidelity - And most importantly, she got murdered Who killed Samantha Williams? Everyone is a suspect Background: Los Angeles, CA Genre: Murder mystery Characters: Samantha Williams, Hollywood's Star Elena Holland, her best friend Nicole Kim, her biggest rival Jace Waters, her beloved boyfriend

Temmie_AJ · Urbano
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Hollywood's Star

"Mother, please do not leave us" Natasha said tearfully. I am so sorry, my darling but I have to chase my dreams"her mother replied. AND CUT.

"Ana, I need you to put more actions, put in more drama" the director said. Just take a look at Samantha" he added. "I am trying"

Ana replied. "Well, try harder"

She was to play the role of Natasha's mother, while Samantha was to play the role of Natasha, a thirteen year-old kid whose mother left her and her father to chase her dreams. "Sam, you have been quiet. Is everything alright?"the director asked.

"Yes, I am fine".

If only they knew that, that very scene happened to her. The exact words. Her mother, Eva Williams left her and her father to chase her dreams.

Remembering that scene again made her mad but she had decided to move on and be strong. By being strong, she decided to write the story.

Yes, she is the story writer and producer of the play. Why would such a scene make her sad? After all, people are looking up to her

"Take a ten minutes break, then we continue" Mr Lopez said. "será mejor que estés bien[you had better be fine], we can't do this without you"

"I am fine, you know, you are making it so obvious that you like me, it's annoying" she rolled her eyes.

"And you can do this with or without me. Remember, there's Nicole Kim"

"Oh please, everyone knows that Nicole is just an overrated actress" Ana replied with her mouth full.

"Manners, Ana, manners " Samantha glared.

Ana shrugged "Care for some hotdog, crew".

"Nah, we are good" they all replied in unison.

They knew if Ana gave them the hotdog, she would collect them back in folds.

"Excuse me" Samantha stood up. She went straight to the restroom, turning on the tap to wash her hands as if they were stained with blood. She sighed, a lot has happened to her. The door opened


"Are you okay?" Ana asked coming in.

"I am fine" she snapped.

"Easy, girl, you do not have to snap at me"

"Lopez wants you back right now, he said to tell you that it's past 10 minutes"


"Now, let's start all over"

"Mother, please...."

Just then the lights went off. It was dark.

"What happened?" Lopez quiered

"I thought you guys fixed the lights"

"You thought?" A strange voice asked.

"Who's there?" Sam and Ana asked, frightened....

Hi. I am a new writer. This is my first experience with writing apps.

Please, bear with me

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