
Who Do You Really Love Series 1: The Opportunity: Chapter 1

"I'll miss you sooo much." Hannah cooed as she straightened his jacket for the umpteenth time.

Jonas just smiled and gave her a soft kiss on her lips. They hugged one more time and he had to put some effort into pulling away because it seemed like she never wanted to let go of him and he was getting late.

"Darling, I think I'm late, so I'd better be off now unless you want me to get in trouble so soon."

"Oh no no no." She said hurriedly, sniffing as she fought back the tears. "Come, I'll escort you to the bus stop."

"Come on, it's not necessary."

"No." She proclaimed adamantly. "I insist."

"Okay. Your wish is my command."

They walked side by side all the way to the bus stand. She would have liked to carry his bag for him, in fact, she had asked to do so more than once, but he would have none of it. It was his bag and his to carry and not to burden others, said he. Walking with the love of his life down to the bus stand, Jonas felt himself the happiest man in the world. If not that they were in public, he would have jumped and screamed to express his joy, but instead, he made do with a satisfied smile on his handsome face. He had no doubt whatsoever that Hannah was very much in love with him. Any time he asked her, she always confirmed it and she showed it to him in showers. Just a month, one single month and he'd be back to marry his fianc茅e, the one and only love of his life.

Getting to the bus stand, Hannah suddenly tightened her grip on Jonas' hand, forcing him to look at her.

"Come on now, don't cry again, my love." He pleaded. "It's just one month and..."

"Yes yes." She cut in impatiently. "Just one month is what you always say, but it will feel like a century to me."

"Don't worry, my dear. With time you'll get used to it. It's just because it's the first time."

"Wait... This one that you're saying 'get used to it', hope you'll not be getting used to my absence and going after other girls there?"

"Ah." He laughed. "You trust me. I'm dependable and reliable."

"Hmm. Men and their promises."

"Look." Said he, nudging her playfully as he adjusted his bag. "Let me be going. I don't want to argue about the advantages and disadvantages of men to the society. At least, not today."

"Ehn. Go. Let me catch you with another girl and we shall see. We shall fit ourselves into one trouser leg."

Jonas laughed and kissed her quickly before hurrying to catch the bus. There was a lot of rushing among the potential passengers to get a place inside the bus and Hannah watched as her fianc茅 fought his way into the bus and got himself a seat next to the one close to the window. He smiled and gave her a thumbs up sign, causing her to smile back. The bus was full and the driver was eager to leave immediately. The conductor scrambled on and the bus pulled out of the bus stop. Hannah waved as the bus gathered speed, even going after it for a few yards before stopping and walking back listlessly. Apart from her female friends, Jonas was the only one she could discuss freely with and now that he was gone, what was she to do? Even though it was just for a month, it felt too long to her. She'd just have to figure out something to pass the time. She loved Jonas, she was sure of that. Even though he was not as rich as she'd have liked him to be, but at least, he was far better than those big-for-nothing boys around, who still depended on Mummy and Daddy for everything. She would surely miss him very much.

Walking slowly down the untarred road leading to her compound, all Hannah could think of was what to engage herself in to pass the time until Jonas returned. Suddenly, she heard footfalls, like that of someone running. She looked up to find Tinuke running towards her with a smile on her face. Oh God this one again, she thought. Tinuke was one of her numerous girlfriends, but she was a specialist in gossiping. Sometimes, she could be as talkative as a running engine and even though Hannah enjoyed some of her gossips, there was always a time when Tinuke would get on her nerves by appearing at the wrong time or talking about the wrong thing.

"Hannah, ah, na wa." She gasped, breathless from her run.

"Tinuke, what is it?" Hannah asked, trying her best not to sound angry. "Did someone die?"

"Ah, no. God forbid! I've just been looking for you everywhere."

"Now you have found me, so what is it?"

"It's one guy." She began excitedly. "If you see this guy eh... hmmm... money is good, my sister. Very fine bobo like that. If you see his car, you go bow. One big jeep with..."

"Eh wait wait wait." Hannah interrupted, clearly not interested in hearing the rest of the gist. "So what has all this got to do with me?"

"Ah, you did not even let me finish. I was getting to the sweetest part. If..."

"Tinuke! It's okay. Thank you. I'm not interested. I have headache. I want to sleep. I'm not in the mood abeg. Bye bye."

"Okay. See you later. Hope you'll come to church in the evening?"

But Hannah was already on the move. She was moving so fast as if her life depended on it. She was hardly in the mood to hear a three-hour narrative based on the fascinating properties of a certain

mystery guy. A cold bath and a deep sleep would do a lot to free her from her current state of unhappiness, that was the only thing on her mind.