
Who do I trust now?

One night,My friend who was my life....... Died.. But nobody how she died, and some says she was hunted down by some monsters........

Nanamiya · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

A Dead Friend-Chapter-01

Me and my friend Cha-e are friends from our childhood.She is the person that I trust more than anyone.And also thinking confessed here about my love to her.But a shocking event that I didn't think in my life happened.

One day,When I was going to Jin's house.I saw a lot of people gathered and talking about something which was scary to see.A girl hand was cutted and thrown in garbage stand but it looks familiar to me.Wait isn't the hand looks that like cha-e's.I go closer to see and there was ring that I give him in her birthday.I was senseless for few second. Then I contact Cha-e's parent and I heard that Cha-e was coming at our house but she didn't. I didn't explain cha-e's mother.I was scared if cha-e is in a problem. After sometime, the thing that saw make my body tremble and broken.It was

