
Who Cares if I'm a Spider?

An introvert that have a social anxiety, due to bullying died, cause of death heart attack. Got reincarnated with a great sage as a high potential spider. [My English Sucks] [I don't own anything except the OC]

Boundless_Snail · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 04

When the assimilating process, is finished. I fell asleep my brain can't handle the burden of processing those memories in fast speed.


While, the spider(Blake) fell asleep the Great Sage is busy processing the update on the body.

« Assimilation success, [Transformation] acquired, detected the difference in reproductive organ. Commencing humanoid body modifications. Modification successful.   »

« Detected a rejection, trying again ERROR! ERROR! ERROR! »

« Trying the alternative method, alternative method success, erasing the other slot of biological transformation. Leaving only 2 slot [Human Form] and [True Form] »

« Racial skill [Inferna-Cyrokinesis] has been acquired. After consuming the target creature Blake acquired extra skill [Immortal Beauty]»


Some time later, I finally wake up I can feel the changes in my body.

Great Sage, report everything that happened when I'm unconscious.

«  Reporting, The body has been successfully assimilated with the creature Blake Snow. The assimilation isn't smooth as there's few rejection happened.»

Rejection?! I didn't expect such thing to happened!

Did the hidden danger was solved?

« Answer, Yes it was solved by erasing the possibility of having a more slot for you to transform into. Your human appearance is permanent and cannot be undo»

I grimaced, I cursed my luck, now I will be woman?! This is truly unacceptable! I want to fuck a woman not a man!

Great Sage tell me why the rejection happened?

« First the difference in sexuality, the body you assimilate is of a female, and you're a male. The result is rejection after modifying the body, the assimilation is success. Not until another rejection happened and the result is you have a permanent body to change to from a Spider into a human.»

Phew seems that I evaded sex change, this spider is relieved.

Great sage tell me what's new skill I have after assimilating with the brain dead woman?

« New skill acquired through Assimilation [Immortal Beauty], [Modified Transformation], Racial Skill [Inferna-Cyrokinesis] »

«Immortal Beauty: Users possess a supernatural beauty that surpasses the boundaries of nature, not just by physical attraction alone, but by other aspects and principles of beauty. Having such beauty can have mystical, empathic or psychic effect that reflects their physical appeal and qualities with graceful and flawless charms.

Any who observe these beings will be supernaturally affected to see a perfectly envision and idealized form of beauty unique to the user due to their increase appeal, apparel, action and even choice of words, all of which can cause awe-inducing effect to others even by sheer presence alone that can have a number of mental and emotional responses from others without negative effects making it impossible for them to look terrible regardless of the situation. »

« Modified Transformation: User can transform into human and true form . »

« Cyrokinesis: The users can generate and manipulate mystical demonic ice, which cannot be melted by mortal means, drawn straight from the darkest fears sentient minds have about winter, ice and arctic areas, including the fears of treacherous ice breaking, burying/devouring, damaging or tripping the victim in malicious awareness. Inferna-cryokinesis has a nigh-limitless number of uses, only limited by the user's imagination and their natural limits.

Fundamentally, users would be able to generate demonic ice through various means, such as lowering the temperature of the surrounding air until solid demonic ice forms or by freezing nearby water sources. They could release and channel this ice in the form of ice beams that freeze whatever it comes into contact with, or extremely rigid and durable ice walls and domes that can be used offensively and defensively.

There's also the capacity to use demonic ice in order to freeze one's opponents to death by trapping in ice that slowly kills their cells, or shattering them to pieces once frozen. Lastly intense agonizing pain instant death. »

Immortal Beauty is so pierce, I can easily gather unimaginable amount of charisma with this skill!

But what I'm more interested is the Racial Skill! Great Sage didn't state the applications and techniques yet, I'm sure the woman created many techniques after studying her power!

Great Sage show me, the application and techniques of [Inferna-Cyrokinesis], I don't want to start from the scratch as it will waste my time.

« Yes, Inferna-Cyrokinesis Applications: Absolute Zero Inducement

Cold Manipulation

Cold Energy Manipulation

Cold Presence

Cryokinetic Constructs


Cryokinetic Surfing

Cryokinetic Flight


Ice Attacks

Ice Erasure

Ice Generation

Ice Immunity

Ice Negation

Ice Solidification

Manipulate The properties of ice/Reflection Manipulation

Snow Manipulation

Slipperiness Inducement

Torment Inducement

Inferna-Cyrokinesis Techniques gathered from the assimilated victim.

Inferna-Cryokinetic Combat

Inferna-Cryokinetic Invisibility

Inferna-Cryokinetic Regeneration

Inferna-Cryokinetically Enhanced Condition

Cryostasis Inducement

Ice Absorption

Ice Augmentation

Ice Aura

Ice Bestowal

Ice Transformation

Ice Empowerment

Ice Healing

Ice Mimicry

Ice Sealing

Ice Storm Creation

Ice Swimming

Ice Teleportation

Ice Transmutation

Sub-Zero Rain

Unmeltable Ice »

That many?! That woman is so pierce! She really dedicated her life studying her abilities too bad she's already dead.

The time invested were not in vain, I inherit her skill and appearance, I will make much stronger ice ability than her after I fully understand the skills!


After wasting 1 week in the ice dome located underground, I went to the surface through the ice. Yeah, my new way of traveling I guess as long as there's an ice I merged or pass through it.

Also, I noticed that every step I made, I leave a frozen trail. Am I that cold?

Shaking my head I continue to look for a tailor shop.

Great Sage do I have a system? It's bothering me for a while now.

«Answer: Yes, you have a system but it's just a normal system with shop, storage, and your personal realm or known as your personal lobby. In short you're being treat like a game character.»

My mind exploded I do have one?! I didn't expect it, even it's only have shop, storage, and personal realm! But being like a gane character, I like how it sound something is using me as a tool for their fun.

Is it those so called ROB? Those self-proclaim god, I will eat them soon.

After seeing that I accidentally freeze the field I immediately flee from the scene.


I hurriedly escaped the Village Hidden in the Mist. Running on the water, it gives me a feeling of relief.

The feeling of being watched happened again but this time, I will fight the fellow that trying to scare me!

My moving slowed down as my vigilance increase, the feeling of being stalk disappeared.

I look around, the water waves seems normal. I deeded that its better to hasten my pace.

My stomach grumble, I cursed that my appetite is big. I stopped running and use my web and weave it into a net.

After creating my masterpiece, I threw it on the water. I watch the net sank, I waited patiently.

Soon, I pulled the net out of the water. It's kinda heavy, I'm glad that I caught a food.

After pulling the net out of the water, I opened my mouth preparing to catch the fish.

Although it's only one Its big enough to fill my stomach.

I injected the fish with paralyzing poison to prevent it from escaping. I stabbed the fish with leg. After I confirm that the fish isn't moving anymore, I cut it's stomach open and clean it.

When I finish cleaning the fish, I immediately took a bite! The big fish disappear within 10 minutes.

I thanked the nature for providing me food.

I continue my escape, I still wanted to have sharingan. Yeah, I want those overrated eyes, I'm curious how helpful those sharingan on me.


While I continue walking, I saw many boats carrying Kiri Nins it seems they're going to the Land of the Waves.

I furrowed my spider brows, pondering why Kiri sent bunch of Kiri Nins.

Although, I'm curious it's better now to follow the boats. Then, I encounter a white colored snake swimming on the sea it's a big one.

I killed the snake by trapping it on my sticky web before stabbing it with my poison coated leg, and then I eat it's body, I didn't forgot to eat the little fella's soul. I obtain an information regarding research to Hashirama's cells by Danzo and Orochimaru, but that research was currently halted due to increase of disappearing people.

Right now the little fella suppose to spy on the hidden Mist as Orochimaru wanted to reap more reputation, in order to solidify his standing as the candidate for 4th Hokage.

As it would bring him more freedom on his forbidden research. But it's just ranked second, Orochimaru's main objective is to find a suitable vessel for hisnew body.

I was surprise from the shocking amount of information from the little fella held!

Orochimaru huh... Things gotten more interesting. And finding a vessel it seems that he already created his own unique jutsu.


[I'm open for rude comments, if it can improve my writing comment it down!]

[Please tell I'm nearing at point of butchering my story.]