

In a rustic little coffee shop, outside Cirquil university, two young women who couldn't look more different sat drinking their mocha's, one women looks like she just walked out of an Instagram post, in pastel pink with her flawless make up and i-phone, the other looked like she'd just arrived from the south side of town, lose hoodie with some faded jeans tired blue eyes and messy brunette hair, "are you sure about this, Sophie?" a tired voice asks, "100% i've known most of these guys for years Hanna, it's going to be perfect! besides we've already signed the lease so it's not like we can back out now!" flicking through filters on her phone Sophie replies. "yeah i know it's just... i don't know" with a sigh Hanna has another sip of her coffee "look it's going to be an Adventure!"

a few Instagram photo's edited later and the two women part ways

"See you tomorrow Hannah moving in is going to be a lot of Fun~!"

"yeah see ya"

'yeah fun so much fun, moving into a 6 person flat with 4 guys i meet less than two weeks ago, and my best friend of a decade, fun doesn't even being to cover it.' walking down the sidewalk Hannah pops her headphones in starting the 50 minute walk home, and wonders 'what the hell have i got myself into this time.'

Hi~! so as you might guess this is for the competition, and this is basically just the introduction faze, honestly i'm currently flatting myself and i honestly do feel like Cinderella sometimes unfortunately i don't exactly have a prince. but you don't want to know about my boring life, i'll probably write more tomorrow. so thanks for reading so far~!

kakashilovercreators' thoughts