
29. Found my first Poneglyph

The ground was shaking, and slowly crumbling beneath my feet, so I hastily retreated towards the edge of the crater, where I observed what happened.


Turned out that at the place where the sword was previously stuck, an ancient looking stone block raised from the ground.


Something was written on it, something in strange looking letters, something I could read, despite never seeing it before, it was a poneglyph.


Reading what was written there stunned me a bit, it was the following.


"This letter is for the one, who was able to draw the sword out of this stone.


Let me tell you a bit about the history of this sword, the Rokku no Eiko. The sword was forged by our best swordsmiths of that time, someone, who rivaled and surpassed most of the blacksmiths of Wano. But he wasn't only a great swordsmith, but also one  of our best scientists, and strongest warriors. His name was Volundr.


He smithed many of our best swords, some of them even on equal quality with the masterpieces of Wano. But this Rokku no Eiko, this sword is his masterpiece.


It perfectly combined his accomplishments in science and swordsmithing with his victory over his strongest opponent, a calamity, which brought nearly our whole kingdom to its knees, the slaying of the Great Beast, the Roc.


The Roc, was a beast stronger and bigger than the giant elephant Zunesha, way bigger to be precise, as its wingspan was around the same sice as the whole island of Wano, but way more aggressive and hard to deal with as it could fly.


It was a bird full of fury, fury towards the planet, as it was too small to let it truly spread its wings. And in its fury it grew aggressive and attacked all the living people, who it crossed. It continued its rampage until it reached our kingdom. And after a massive battle, where many of our best and strongest warriors were either killed or heavily injured, we finally managed to slay it.


Volundr, then used his scientific research and smelted the whole body of the Roc, including his Flech bones, blood, organs and even his soul, into this sword. The labor and effort he put into it can't even be described, as he spent 4 years until he finished this sword.


He named it as Rokku no Eiko, in honor of the bird, as he kinda sympathisized with this giant bird, who only wanted to fly freely in the sky, and wanted to allow it, to now fly freely in the sky with its smaller body, taking its place as the rightful ruler of the sky.


But the soul of the beast was still displeased with its current situation, as it didn't find anyone worthy to wi3ld its new form. As such it started its massacre anew, devouring all its wielders, then the surrounding people, and then continue wandering, searching for a worthy master.


Seeing its rampage, we had no choice, but fight the beast, now in the form of a consciousnes sword again. And we beat it again of course, as it wasn't even close to its previous strength.


We then decided to seal this sword on this island. Waiting, until the destinies person would find it. And this person is you, who drew it from the stone.


But let me warn you, as you wield this sword, it will grow stronger and stronger and when it finds you to be lacking and unworthy of it, it will again attack you, tryin to devour you. So you should always be on guard, even if you are the destinies person.


Now that you know our warning and the history of this sword, then go and spread your wings, and please let the Roc fly freely, allowing it to achieve its dream."


I looked at my new sword and smiled sadly.


"You sure had it hard, my new partner. But don't worry, as I also want to spread my wings and fly freely in the sky. So let's fly together, OK?"


The Rokku no Eiko in my hands, seemingly understood my words and trembled in agreement.


What an interesting encounter.


Not only did I get a new sword, one that seemingly stood on the top of the Supreme grade, if it could be the masterpiece of that Volundr, who's 'normal' creations could already content with the masterpieces of Wano, who I assume should all be of the Supreme grade. But I also broke through in my Sword Realm and created the full first move of my own Core Technique.


And I even found a new friend in my Sword, a likeminded individual, of wanting freedom.


Really a good encounter.


The only sad thing is, that the whole island is now dead, as I looked around at all these dead bodies.




I used my new sword and slashed with all my strength, infusing my Sword Force it it, at the ground, creating a massive sword wave, splitting the ground in two. Creating a massive gorge, 300 meters long, 4 meters wide and 10 meters deep.


Wow my attack power at least doubled with my new sword. A sword, really is too important to a swordsman.




I didn't only slash at the ground to test my new strength, I also used it in order to give these remnant of the body's a funeral.


I then started using my Push Domain, walking around, as I pushed all these body's, and bodyparts into the giant crater. After about 30 minutes of continuous work I finished putting all the strewn around corpses into the makeshift mass grave.


I then slashed twice, towards the sides of the crater, cutting the dirt at the sides off, making it fall into the gorge covering it. I then walked towards the nearby forest and fell one tree. Cutting it, making it a simple pillar, planted it on one ende of the gorge, then I carved into the side, facing the gorge.


"Here the locals and visitors of the Firefestival of year 1502 are resting. May thesebrave souls rest in piece after, they encountered the unsealed beast of the island."


Well not the best words for a gravestone I must say, but I'm simple bad at this.


Sorry you poor folks, but I couldn't find better words, this was my first time after all.




I sighed again and left towards the town we arrived at.


Another 4 hours later I finally arrived, I wasn't as fast as on the way there, as I'm pretty exhausted at the moment. The fight with my new sword was pretty intense after all. And although I got all my flesh back, but I still got exhausted.


Spreading my Search Domain, I noticed two things, one my Domain range somehow expanded again, to the full 300 meters, I don't know what happened to let it expand again, could be my breakthrough in my Sword Realm, as it slightly strengthened my mind. The second thing was the location of Alex and Nina.




I arrived shortly afterwards and slowly made my way towards the two. They were currently inside of a clothes shop, who selled kimonos, the traditional festive wear of the island.


Maybe they got something to do with Wano?


Well doesn't matter to me.


I went inside just in time to see Alex walking out of a cabin with a Kimono on.


It was a blue ground with many red trees on the bottom and some red leaves flying around. It depicted the Day of Fire pretty good. The kimono was also a tight fit, accentuating her body, making my nose itchy, almost as if it wanted to leak blood. Luckily I could hold it in, but I still slipped a bit, a slip of tongue.


"Damn Alex! You look good! It's such a waste for you to have acted as a man! I might even loose controll if I were to see you like this every day. Gorararara!"


Alex didn't notice me until I shouted. She blushed. Making her even more beautiful, almost making me really loose controll. But I still drooled a bit.


Seeing my drool, Alex blushed a bit deeper, but she still had a few vens popping on her forehead, obviously both embarrassed and angry at the same time.


She walked towards me raised her fist and hit me on my waist, she's still too short to reach my head without jumping. She also roared.


"You damn pervert!"


After this show, she went back and changed into a few more kimonos, most of them were blue and had some other designs, but most of them were pretty loose, still allowing one to see hints of her hot body, but let much more to phantasy. Which I also liked.


Seeing Alex having fun switching into different Kimonos, I couldn't help but also change into a few, those for men obviously. I wore mostly black ones with different designs, one of my favorites was one with some rocs flying. These rocs were golden, making a nice contrast to the black ground.


But since I found it slightly restrictive to wear I decided, to only wear it on one side, leaving the right, my main hand sides hanging loosely to he side. For pants, I continued to wear the black and wide ones I bought 2 years ago. I also wore nothing under the Kimono, showing my big and muscular chest and back partly.


Gaining a blush from Alex and even Nina, seems like she got used to me.


Well at least for now, I had to see how she would act after I brought the bad news.


Anyway, our small fashion show lasted for 2 hours before we decided to 'buy' 5 sets of kimonos each, I left the money for them simply on the counter, although I knew the owner is 99%dead, but it still didn't feel right to take them without leaving the money behind.


After we left the shop we went towards the direction of the Harbour, the girls already having a bad promotion, which turned true as I turned to them after reaching the Harbour.




"I have bad news Nina, sorry I don't know how to say it, so let me blunt. When I reached the center, I couldn't find any survivors or the reason behind what happened. I buried all the people I could find in a mass grave, as it was nearly impossible to identify them. You have my condolences

Although I too lost my granny, I wasn't good with this kind of situation and didn't know how to bring the news to the little girl in the best way. So I decided to be blue and make it as short as possible. Like taking a band aid off, just rip it off in one go. I knew it's kinda barbaric, but I couldn't think of anything better at the moment.


Sigh I still had to learn much.


As for why I didn't tell her, that I had tamed the sword, which murdered everyone, it was to protect me, but also her.


Since this incident, involved a whole island and many tourists, it's bound to attract the marine. And once they find the poneglyph, the world government will be involved, meaning CP.


So once they learn of the sword, which may be at the peak of Supreme grade,  they would naturally investigate fully. So it would be for the best for both of us, if she nothing of this. I mean, who knew how low these dogs would fall, and how far they would go to find it.


Nina on the other hand, started, like I expected,  crying and it fell to Alex, to console her.




After a while of consoling, Nina called down and I asked her if she wanted us to send her to the next island, or if she wanted to wait here for marines to come, as they should already be notified from other tourists, who came here late.


She decided to stay and wait, as this was her home. She also wanted to visit the mass grave I made and pay her respect.


I didn't say anything more and after a short goodbye left with Alex towards our next destination.