
White rainbow

Collection of serial womance fictions

dolphin4d · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Chapter seven

To cool her mind, the rich young miss went to the gambling store and played till the evening. She lost a lot, but she did not care. She told the store owner to get money from her house, then she got out of the betting shop with a wine jar in hand towards the suburb area, in the North. Over there, there was a hill and there was a quite big log which was made of good and expensive wood on the top. Lantian climbed the hill, and when she reached it, she opened the gate and walked in till she arrived at a wooden porch by a stream. Next, she jumped to sit and stood her one knee on the railing.

Before, the sun was rolling behind the mountain. Lantian rose the jar to her lips and poured wine into her throat while her eyes were watching the golden light of the sun over the surface of the water flow. The cool wind blew slightly. Bit by bit, her mind cooled down, but the upset was not wiped off yet. Once in a while, she blew a long wind from her nostrils.

At the entrance of the porch, a young man, in older age than her, was walking in. He wore white plain dress and had gentle long hair. Although he decorated himself commonly, still his charm was on show and the interesting point was he had much gleam similar to Lantian; just he was taller. Through his pale face and his walking movement could tell that he was not in strong health.

This was Wu Feng, the eldest son of Wu Guang.

"Today is his death anniversary," Lantian uttered when her brother arrived at the railing.

In a low pitch, Wu Feng asked, "Do you argue with father again?"

"I don't want to, but it always happens on this day." Lantian raised up the wine jar to drink before she threw a heavy blow from mouth.

"It has been five years. You should drop it," Wu Feng said.

Lantian dropped her eyes. "It's a human life. How can I drop it?" she said.

"Even though he is our father."

"I know, but I really don't know how to forget it. I cannot forget it." Lantian re-lifted the jar to drink the alcohol water.

Noticing the face of sister, Wu Feng knew that she was very unhappy. No one could understand the pain she was going through; no one could feel the hardness she was holding. For a twenty year old girl, that was a very heavy thing and it was not easy to put down. Sometimes, Wu Feng felt he was not a good brother because he didn't have the ability to help his sister even to share her heaviness. Nevertheless, no one could help the rock that Lantian was grabbing; she herself was the one who could save herself. What he could do was standing next to her, to accompany her, quietly.

Slowly, the sun was going down behind the mountain peak and the sky became navy blue.

"I'm going back," Lantian said and got off the railing.

"Are you going home or somewhere else?" Wu Feng asked.

"I will go to Wan Hua Lou then I will go home."

"Don't go home late. Eldest mother will be worried."

"I know. I leave now."

When she was offing the porch, a man wearing the same style as Wu Feng, in hands holding a tray, arrived. "Third young lady," he bowed and said; however, Lantian didn't stop, she just nodded and left. Then the new guy walked to the table and put the tray on it. "Young master, it's time to take medicine," he said.

"Um." Wu Feng nodded his head.