
White in new york

Zero_Amane · Ficção Científica
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1 Chs

Snow White City

"The snow feels so good on my skin". Said a boy who had pulled his hood down low over his face. He was standing in the middle of a crumbling bridge. "How long has it been since I've seen a human being?" while he thought about it, he walked on. At the other side of the road he saw a large shopping centre, I hope I can at least find clean drinking water here, he thought, and climbed through the broken glass door, "Oh, even this door must not have survived the collapse, anyway, where's the drinks department now? The boy looked at the already weathered signs and saw a couple of backpacks , "a backpack might be good for carrying." He picked up a rucksack and continued looking for the drinks section. When he was in the middle of the shop he saw the drinks section. He went over and got a water bottle from the shelf and opened it, "Now where are the test sticks? After a little searching he took out small sticks from his white and black jacket and dipped them into the water, the sticks immediately turned blue when they came into contact with the water, "Good, the water is drinkable and it even has a little carbon dioxide, a lucky day," he sat down on the floor and looked at the mobile phone, "only fourteen o'clock, and I thought it was already seventeen or at least sixteen o'clock, the snow makes you forget the sense of time. "When he finished drinking the bottle he got three bottles and put them in his backpack, don't feel like checking if the water is still drinkable, I'll do it later he thought to himself and walked out of the shop. He walked through the snow and looked around, "hard to believe that New York used to be". After a while he stood on one of the signs that said West 42nd Street, "Oh, Times Square, how long has it been?" He took off his hood and his black hair that went down to the nape of his neck was visible, "I should have looked for a hair rubber" he continued walking along Times Square. He pulled his phone out of his jacket pocket, "I wonder what kind of music the previous owner had?" He clicked on one of the apps and several tracks appeared, "On my own?" he clicked on it and a calm and slow melody was heard and a female voice came on.

"You and I have made this far, oh baby on our own We've been rowing boat as lovers 'till we lost the oar Letting stars and rain to fall on us,and we hoped that the flowers and sun will cherish us forever..." The boy hummed along and continued walking as he stood in front of the Empire State Building, "I always wanted to know what it looked like in there, the big glass door that was supposed to be held by a thick metal frame is completely bent and the glass splinters are all over the place. He walked through the door and looked around, "That's right, people would actually be working here and it would be a lot livelier. The boy went on. He saw that there was a bit of snow everywhere. He went up the stairs and when he reached the top he saw that all the buildings were covered in snow, "It's all white, that's nice and the wind is great, even though it's supposed to be summer. After a while he left again, "Too bad the lift doesn't work, I have to go back down one hundred floors.

When he was standing in front of the Empire State Building again, he saw a Harley that had fallen over, "I should first see if it even starts. He saw that the keys were still in it. The boy turned the key but it wouldn't start, "Oh well, at least I could have ridden a Harley. "He continued walking and listening to music. The wind was slowly getting stronger, he went into one of the buildings and looked around inside, "Well, there's no snow here. He entered one of the bedrooms and got onto the bed. The boy took one of the chopsticks out of his jacket pocket and put the bag down and took a water bottle out of his backpack and he opened the window, "safe is safe." He dipped the stick in the water immediately the stick turned yellow and caught fire. The boy threw the bottle out of the window and when it hit the ground the bottle exploded on the street. He got another bottle and repeated the process and the stick turned blue. He drank the bottle empty and put the empty bottle back in his backpack. He took off his jacket and lay down in bed.The next day he woke up and put on his jacket and took his backpack and went out of the house. The boy went to the place where the bottle exploded and saw that the place had already been covered by snow. He walked on and stood in front of a huge crater, "So this is where the ninth Shining phenomenon happened. He slid down the crater and landed in a thick wall of snow. He dumped the last of his water bottle on the snow and the snow liquefied. When he reached the bottom he saw a red marble as big as a pea, "I think that's the fragment of the ninth Shining, such a small marble gave people such power, and they couldn't handle it. "He took a small knife out of his pocket and stabbed the earth several times with it and buried the marble. He climbed out of the crater and continued towards the Flatiron Building. When the boy got there he saw that there were cars piled up everywhere, "what the...did someone play Tetris with the cars?" he went closer to the cars and saw that all the cars were completely eaten away by rust. The boy got into the old car and left it on the other side. He went further and saw a building that had been completely destroyed by a plane, the building next to it had cars in it, "someone has gone to a lot of trouble to throw cars. The boy walked on and stood in front of the Flatiron Building, "Wow, how do you live in there? I mean the building is triangular." The wind was getting stronger the boy pulled his hood over his head and continued down 22nd Street, "I wonder if there are any living creatures on the land even the birds have gone silent the ocean is just too dangerous and fixing a plane takes time and I still need instructions a car would be best but most are either rusting or barely usable. He continued walking and saw a huge octopus eating away at a building, "It's easily forty metres, they should be nine or sixteen metres. Must be the Shining, so the underwater world survived it. " With a smile he walked up to one of the tentacles and cut off a piece, stuffing it into his backpack. He continued walking through the snow and saw a café, he entered the café and saw a coffee machine and a stuffed bear lying right next to it, "a cuddly animal I haven't seen in a long time. " he walked up to the stuffed animal and took it in his hand. On the collar was weathered Harry written in black marker. The boy set up a fallen table and sat down and put Harry on the table, "Another one of those weather, or Harry. Silence, "Did you know I saw a giant octopus in front of it?" Silence, "Oh yes, I have some water, do you want some? "Only the wind could be heard blowing through the broken windows, "no, you're missing out." Silence, "and how was your day, mine was a bit better than the last few years." A tear ran down his cheek, "It's been so long since I've talked to anyone, I think more than ninety years have passed since the Shining," he sobbed, "I... I don't even know if there are any people left. " He wiped the tears from his face. The screams back then were unbearable, the people slowly turning into slime and screaming and calling out for someone, even the person who started it all has turned into a marble, I had buried him in the ground." Garry fell over to the side, "I don't even know what to do, I run and run and run but I don't have a destination, it just feels like shit." He kept crying ,,W...how did it get to this, why don't I get older even though my hair and nails are getting longer ,,killing myself would just be an act of stupidity. "Silence ,,me." The boy looked at Harry, "I just want someone to talk to, argue with, laugh with and tell stories to, if it's a girl my age I want to get along with her and like to fall in love with her." The boy took out his knife and carved a message into the wooden table, "I am a human looking for other survivors and hope you will tell Harry your story as I have done". The boy stood up, "Thank you Harry, I'll be on my way now. "He left the café and continued walking towards the east.

it's a short one shot.The song is ,,On my own" from taisei Iwasaki

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