

If you were born in the world of BnH, what would you do? will you be a hero? will you be a villain? Well, if it was me then I will choose to become a hero! BUT WHY I WAS NOT IN JAPAN! (photo profile is not mine.....I don't have anything bassically)

greiand · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs

New Life

What will you do if you enter the world of Boku no Hero anime? Are you going to become an ordinary civilian? Will you be a hero and keep the peace? Or do you want to go wild and become a villain?

If I was faced with that question then I would have answered very loudly that I would become a hero without thinking. Who wants to be a villain and be beaten up by the heroes. That's why I feel very happy when I know that I have been reborn in this anime world with even a unique ability that might help me become a hero.

But ... but why? Why am I not in Japan?

*Sigh* I guess I should have explained from the start ... but you know what? Explaining that I died and came back to life is very boring, don't you agree with me? But someone must have complained if I didn't dump the info properly at the beginning of the episode. So in essence I'm dead (./The End), that's almost everything I remember. I don't remember my past life name or anything about myself apart from my hobbies reading Japanese comics to Korean comics. I don't read everything, of course, I just read in moderation. Even though I don't consume too much anime or comic books but I know my current condition with and I also have the most overpowering power in the world of fanfiction ... I HAVE THE POWER OF THE GAMER.

I don't know how I came back to life in this world or how I died in my previous world. I only know I died and I am alive again ... then why do I know I am in the world of Boku no Hero? Why do I know that I have the power of the gamer?

[Congratulations Player! You have been chosen as one of the heroes in the anime world of Boku no Hero Academia. You were destined to be a great hero! Not the best, but still great. You will live your new life with this new power with the help of the Gamer system. The gamer's strength is not here to make you the strongest but to help you use your Quirk more effectively and efficiently. That's why the system you will receive won't be as complete as the other candidates ... oops I guess I have talked too much. Hopefully your life this time will be better! Adios!]

Well, this transparent message box that is floating in front of me should make me happy ... but I'm not happy at all. When I first woke up I was in the middle of a class at school that I didn't know about, and suddenly I had painful dizziness. The pain comes as this body information invades my head and streams information from my new life that I can't digest properly. Because the information is too much it makes me bleed in my eyes, nose, and also my ear holes. So I was taken to the school health unit and rested. After I woke up for the second time I was told to go home by my homeroom teacher ... but I don't know where the exact location of my house is ... and isn't this area one of the cities in Indonesia (although I don't know the exact location)? Does that mean I can't apply to the same school as the main character? Wait, depending on how weak my gamer skills are I should be able to get a scholarship to Japan ... although I want to know why he talks about other candidates I put the details of that message aside later.

With a fixed goal, I immediately looked for vacant land or vacant houses and checked my abilities.


"Main Menu"

I managed to find a soccer field that had a small hut. After confirming no one was around this area I went straight to the back of the hut and summoned my ability.







Alright there's Status, storage, task, and shop (?)

"There is no point in asking. I better check the contents".


Name: Billy Ksatrya [Select]

Age: 11 [Select]

Gender: Male [Select]

HP: 132/132 (2%/minute)

EP: 0

Quirk: Skeletal Blade


Swords Rank 1 (0/10)

Regeneration Rank 1 (0/10)


Slash (Swords) Level 1

Parry (Swords) Level 1


There is no part to increase in strength or intelligence? Okay, I guess I have to accept the situation that I'll just go to school here. I have no hope of getting a scholarship. I think I can be the number one hero here.

* sigh *

Then let's see what I have.

Name: this is something that would be used if people greeted you. You can change your name at will by pressing the select part. This feature is very useful for incognito because even if the name remembered by other people changes, the name recorded on the computer will not change.

'I think this one is good ... but I guess I should take notes first. The caption here says that if I change my name then everyone who knows me will have their memory modified about my name. I guess I should be careful about this one '

Age: this is a number that shows the condition of your body age. You can change your age at will by pressing the select part. What are you going to do with this feature? Do you want to play a Shota x Onee game?


Gender: gender will affect how you reproduce with the opposite sex. You can change your gender by pressing the select part. After all, why would you want to change your gender? * Gasp * Do you have fetishes for that?

"No," I answered flatly in my mind.

* sigh * instead of fussing over unimportant things I better just continue my inspection.

HP: HP or what is called Hit-Point is a set of numbers that shows how much damage you received before you fell and died. HP will increase with special skills.

'So I have to find a skill that can increase HP, not by increasing Vitality.'

EP: EP or what is called evolution point is a set of numbers that can be used to increase abilities and skills.

'Sweet, this is something I'm looking for. Maybe I still have hope ... '

Quirk: a mutated form of your body that gives you special abilities. Quirk is not unique, there may be individuals out there who have the same quirk or have something in common with yours.

"I don't know what this explanation means but I seem to have to be careful."

Ability: Abilities are an extension of your quirk and something that will help you use your Quirk better.

Skills: Skills are similar to abilities because skills are an extension of abilities! What are you hoping for? A superhuman ability ... wait a minute, isn't that a Quirk? Anyway, Skills are things you can do in the context of Ability. For example, you can perform slashes with Ability Swords but you cannot perform healing skills with those abilities.

"Is it better if I study here and then I work in Japan? Judging from the way I became strong there was a possibility that I would have to train longer than the main character. Maybe it's better if I practice with my new abilities as much as possible then I'll decide if I can go to the land of Sakura in the near future ".

I really don't remember almost everything about myself in my previous life but I know that I am the worst person in terms of academics. Maybe I can still be helped because I'm a little good at sports … But I'm just a little good Not being very good like a professional athlete. I guess even in this world I have to take a physical path (sport).

Hmm, but in this world full of violence I think I'll have a place to shine. In that case, my life this time will be the best!

'Oops, don't forget to check the others first'

Quirk: Skeletal Blade is a form of mutation that allows you to grow additional bones that can be shaped into anything as long as the shape is not too complicated (guns and other complex objects cannot be formed without supporting factors) and can be used as tools or as weapons.


1. Swords: this ability lets you know what it takes to use the sword to its fullest. Currently, you are still in a low enough rank to make you only have the knowledge, technique, and strength equivalent to an amateur swordsman.

2. Regeneration: this ability allows your body to heal wounds much faster than normal humans. Right now you can only heal your wounds a little faster than normal people.


1. Slash: This skill shows how strong the slash of your weapon is, the higher the level the stronger the slash of your weapon is or you can even cut almost anything if you reach a sufficient level. Right now you can't cut things with enough force or precision.

2. Parry: This skill shows how skilled you are at deflecting your opponent's attacks, the higher your skill level the more skilled you are in deflecting attacks that will harm you. Currently, you are still very stiff and clumsy in fending off attacks.

This ... this is really great! It is true what the message said earlier. I will never be the strongest, especially if I imagine fighting Deku or that All-for-one or maybe there is still another enemy? I don't really know the names of the characters in this anime series. Maybe because I still have finished reading the entire Boku no hero series, I still don't know all the characters or lore from this series ...

It's better if I just study here until I really believe in the situation of this world, only then I might be able to see the main character after I finish my studies here.

'Let's get rid of bad thoughts and try with what I have!'

Alright, after the status I have to check the other menu.


[empty] (x5)

Huh? Why are there only five slots ... I guess I should assume that I have to pick up a special skill to increase the number ...

Inventory: virtual storage that will store items in the available slots. If there are multiple items then the object will be squeezed into the slot of the same item. The initial slot of a player is five slots and to increase the slot the player has to pay ten million rupiahs (710 USD / 76,280.00 JPY) for one additional slot or you can win it through a quest even though it is very rare.

'It's ... really expensive'

How could I increase the amount of my storage shortly? I COULDN'T. At least, I can lighten my shoulders a little bit with this storage ability…. I'd better refocus on what's important first.

For quests or requests ... it seems like it's still empty. Looks like I have to accept the quest first then I can measure how useful this quest feature is. The last feature is the shop feature and this feature is the feature that most intrigues me. Why not? This is clearly an online shop! Well, there are some differences between the features of this shop and the online shop. The first difference between this shop and the regular online shop was that this shop of my abilities sold weapons and not just ordinary weapons. There are weapons with additional magic effects here! Even though the price is very expensive. Oh, some sell slaves here just like what happened in the gamer series ...

'Hmmm? There is a pretty girl in ... go all the way you savage devil '

Phew, I almost bought slaves of this feature (even though I don't have the money to buy anything here), if I ever buy slaves then I'll be treated as a sex criminal. If I have been considered a villain at the beginning of the episode then there is a chance I will have to fight the heroes or maybe worse I won't be accepted by the environment around the main character.

'OH MY GOD! I don't want to die as an NPC! I also want to be able to experience a bit of the main character's adventure and maybe I can get a lover too… I don't need to get a harem I'm very satisfied with just one lover! '

I want to take another deep breath but I don't want to be a character who always complains about what they've received. I better check the last feature of my abilities and search for my home.

Party: This menu is divided into three, namely List Member, Summon Member, and the last one is Party Chat. Each menu has its own function that can help players with their future needs. Don't just make this feature your tool for finding a harem! Without further ado here's what the menus in the Party feature do:

- List Member provides information on who has become your partner, be it their status to their location or even what activities they are doing (Note: if they leave your party group, their information will no longer be displayed). You can only add five people to your members but you can increase the amount by paying as much as ten million rupiahs for each additional party member slot.

- Summon Member allows players to bring one or all of your party members to the player's location even though they are separated between time and space (Ba-dum ts). As usual, I remind you not to make this feature a means of seeing your party members when they want to change clothes! The maximum distance between you and your party members for you to use this feature is three meters and of course, you can pay to increase the distance ... and of course, the price is ten million ... and no, the distance will only increase. as much as one meter each time you pay the fee.

- Party Chat provides suggestions on where players can communicate with their party members. Communication that can be made by players can be from sending voice messages to party members or vice versa to making video calls with party members (Note: fellow party members can use this feature without the player's permission).

Even though it's useful, this ability of mine never stops making me angry. Is this my ability just to make fun of me or something?

[Ting tong! Congratulations!]

[Having realized an important thing earned you the (Ability) [Intuition]]

I better immediately find my house.


O Development of memory transfer! Why don't you do your job and let me know about my current home!

AH! I also just moved from my previous house. Is that why this body also doesn't remember its own home address?

[Ting Tong! You are right! Before you awakened your memories from your previous life, your body and all your family moved house because of your father's work. Due to this, you entered into a junior high school which you don't really know in a strange environment, but don't worry! At least you have super abilities and a life that is not boring! Get excited and live your life to your heart's content!]

"Can you tell me how to get stronger quickly?"

[Nope! I won't leak anything to you. You have to find a way to master your abilities. If you want me to help you then you have to follow my rules. NO SPOILER !]

"* Sigh * then can you guide me towards my house?"

[I have a better idea.]




A little annoyed with the attitude of this game system, I saw that small alleyway in front of me ...


And I saw question marks like those in games if they wanted to show signs of a quest. I held myself in first and thought about what happened. I'm still not sure if I can do a mission. Even though the story or anime shows a mission at the beginning of the episode, I'm still not sure about my strength. Why do I sound like a loser who is afraid of challenges? How could I not, this is the world of BnH! Here almost everyone has superpowers that refute common human common sense.

The me who was just born (got my memory) in this violent world has the possibility of having to face a power user if I try to accept a mission without preparing anything ...

[Oi! Don't worry, even if you fail the mission this time you won't die. During the first year, you will be protected by a system that keeps you from dying in that time. Even if you die, you will immediately be turned on by the system. So, don't be too afraid and start your adventure!]

"Then ... how about after that period of time?"

[Well ... you better get strong because the system won't give you any protection unless you pay 2 trillion then you can get a system protection bonus.]

"This system really is a Greedy ..."

* sigh *

After the system didn't answer my calls anymore I tried to brave myself and take the mission that was right before my eyes.

[Quest: Heroine in Distress(lol)]

[Oh no! An innocent young girl is being attacked by a herd of bad guys (lmao). She need help from the prince riding on a white horse to save her(So Cliché). If you can finish this task successfully you will get a lot of rewards.]


Home's Direction

Skills: Battle Instincth(Intuition)

New Friend]


Alright, I guess I should do it ...