The father-son pair sat for the longest time they ever had, in silence, in their thoughts but together. At last, it was rash Tenji, who broke that peace because he couldn't endure any more of it.
He opened his eyes, with visible anger in them, and was about to argue with his silent Father when his eyes met with his. Kuog was looking at him all the time, his gaze distance probably with some guilt, sorrow but maybe it was just a trick of dim light.
In the next moment, hard features returned to his father's face. The same broad smile and pride once again flowing from his eyes. His red hair filling his vibrant look of the great clan leader, Kuog Ilios.
"Haha, how unnerved by the silence of your father. Looks like you have been used to hearing disputes from me."
He turned his face immediately and stood up in a flash with his back turned towards the stunned Tenji. He was feeling dizzy suddenly.