

"Shhhh, have you heard about ... " A whisper slipped into my ear, causing it to twitch. I scanned my surroundings, but the source of the sound remained elusive. Soon, the same voice chuckled, "Heh, looking for me?" I jumped as I felt someone leaning against my back, but when I turned to look, there was no one there. Have you ever had that feeling that someone was right in front of your face, silently judging your every move, even though you couldn't see them? It was precisely like that. The air in front of me felt like it had eyes, watching me, scrutinizing my every action. I sensed the presence right in front of me, lingering for a moment before I felt it right next to my face. It was as though something was breathing near my ear. My mind spun, cycling through explanations from a draft to an invisible figure. "Shhhh, have you heard about how mad Leo has become?" The voice sent shivers down my spine, and I struggled to catch my breath. My heart raced, and I stammered, "I... I..." The voice laughed and continued, "Have you heard how he's in your city? Hiding, waiting, observing?" My legs gave way, and I collapsed onto the ground. The presence remained unrelenting, bending down once more, bringing its lips near my ear. I couldn't move; I could hardly control my trembling. "Don't worry, if you haven't, you have now. So, what are you going to do?" The voice sang the last part with a hint of sadistic pleasure. "How about you ask for forgiveness? Maybe things won't be as difficult for you then." It paused to gauge my reaction. "We both know how this game is going to end, right?" The mocking tone persisted as it laughed once more, then grew serious. It whispered one last time, "Shhhhhh, have you heard that even the birds are shifting their homes closer to the dragon and away from its prey? What a wonderful sight, isn't it? What a wonderful..." It paused for dramatic effect. "Sight~." After that, the whispers ceased, and the invisible presence vanished. It took some time for me to calm down. I rushed home, locked the door behind me, and checked every window and room before settling on the living room sofa. I felt utterly hopeless and miserable. I didn't even notice when I fell asleep on that sofa. ---------------------------- Multiple male leads who are possessive as hell.

lazy_potato · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


What I didn't notice was that someone was peeking from the street corner, observing me with a twinkle in his eyes. "We meet again," he whispered with longing.

The next morning, I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. I got out of bed to freshen up, struggling to shake off my sleepiness. As I brushed my teeth, it dawned on me that I hadn't slept in my bed last night, and I lived alone. Perhaps I had mistaken my sofa for my bed in my drowsy state, so I rushed to my bedroom with a toothbrush in hand.

As soon as I saw my bedroom, I knew it was no hallucination. The color drained from my face as I recalled what happened yesterday. I finished brushing my teeth and began to analyze my next steps. "I could run," I contemplated in my mind, but quickly dismissed the idea. "No, that won't help if they already know where I am."

"Sh*t," I cursed out loud. After completing my morning routine, I checked my phone before heading to work. There was no point in panicking pointlessly after the adrenaline had passed.

I noticed a message from my colleague, Maria, inquiring whether I was going on a trip to Sienaru Yama. Sienaru Yama was a mountain range known for its hot springs and scenic views. It was considered sacred, blessed by the goodwill of the spirits of the forest and mountains. I couldn't be sure about their intentions, but I knew that they would follow me if they knew where I was. They wouldn't tolerate me being in a hot spring with someone else, even if it were with other girls.

Perhaps I could use the trip to get away. I'd get a chance to ride home and, since it was so remote, I could disappear for a while. I could also request sick leave before leaving properly. I planned what I was going to take with me, trying not to look suspicious. I messaged back, saying I would go. Maria replied immediately with an excited emoji. I chuckled, thinking of her as my lucky charm.

I went to work, meeting Maria at the main door. She hugged me upon seeing me, exclaiming, "You're really coming?" as if someone were playing a prank on her. She had her doubts since I had always been cautious about trips and photography.

"Yes," I replied, rubbing her head before leading us inside. She kept talking about the trip, and it was comforting to see her so excited. "I'm going to miss her," I thought to myself.

When I first joined the company, Maria had been reserved and introverted. However, as we started to interact, I realized that she was naively cute and a little clumsy but extremely sincere in her dealings. I had initially wanted to keep my distance, but she could be oblivious to people's cold demeanor. I remembered when I had been distant, she had started crying, asking me what she had done wrong, and I couldn't bring myself to hurt her. So, here we were, still friends.

We were leaving in two days, and Maria was making plans with other female colleagues to wear matching dresses. I didn't reject the idea as it would help me slip away, so we were going shopping the next day.

"Liz," Sam had her usual gossipy expression on. "Did you hear that management is changing?" Her whispers sent a shiver down my spine.

"Really?" I whispered back, matching her energy. "Where did you hear it from?"

"I heard it from the manager," she whispered. I looked at her suspiciously, and she averted her eyes before correcting herself, "I overheard her conversation in the hall."

"What else did you hear about it?" I leaned in closer. "Well..." She hesitated, her hand going to her neck as if it were sore.

I chuckled. "What's it going to take?" Her eyes lit up as she got what she wanted. "We're thinking of having a BBQ party tonight. I can tell you after you drop me at home?"

"Sure," I agreed, and she left soon after she had what she wanted. I had always been cautious, but I figured there was no point in being careful now. It was somewhat liberating.