
Whispers of the Unseen Realm

Jase. A normal villager living in the town of Highchester. He plans on living a normal and happy life, however fate has much more in store for him.

Tto2 · Fantasia
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: Survival of the Fastest

Time seemed to slow down. The cloud guy reared up the back of the cloud to try and block the fireball, I tried to use my powers to push it back, Eleonora was watching expecting us to fly across the air, even the guy walking nearby reached out his palm to try and stop it, probably because he was wearing an expensive suit, and the baker guy saw the commotion, and froze on the spot, dropping his rolling pin. That, is what caused a chain reaction. the rolling pin, hit the expensive suit guy, causing him to trip, then he grabbed on Eleonora's cloud, which caused her to fly in the air, which almost faceplanted her into the fireball, and then she created a water spear, which caused her to dissipate the fireball, which made her faceplant into the concrete, and that caused a piece of rubble, to fly into the other guy's eye, which caused him to instinctively launch an earth spear, and then I created a fireball, which crashed into the spear, which causes a large explosion. Apparently, earth and fire don't mix well. Anyways, we launched into the air, and the cloud driver made a cloud, which cushioned our fall. It wasn't a driving cloud. It was a cushion. The cloud slowly dissipated. "Hey, You okay?" I asked the driver. He gave a thumbs up. I used a small fire orb, to slowly heal up the wound. It doesn't sound like it would work, but it works. Even though it is painful. I helped him up, and while the baker was still in shock about everything that had just happened, I quickly headed into the baker's shop and got a bunch of coins. I left him a note, saying sorry. I hopped back onto the cloud, paid the guy more coins and we drove away. About an hour later, I told him we could slow down. He continued to drive me, until we were out of Millstone. I gave him more coins, and some mana from me, and we continued the journey. When everything finally seemed calm, and I had a full tank of mana, the building behind us exploded. "It's them! Run! Or... Fly!" I shouted. I poured my mana into him, and we continued in the dark. It started to get too dark to see, so I created a fire orb, which lit the path. As we continued running away, I saw a little boy practicing earth magic. "Throw that at me!" I shouted. I quickly created a fireball, and langhed it at the earth magic. I created a large explosion, but I created it too early. They managed to get through, with maybe a cut or two. We zoomed down an alleyway, and it was a dead end. However, he continued at normal speed. "There's a dead end!" I shouted. He still didn't slow down. I grabbed onto the cloud and then braced for impact. They were right behind us. All of a sudden, he launched us up the wall, and Eleonora and her 'Friends', were able to continue behind us, just barely grazing the wall. Once we were on the rooftop, he finally spoke, In a thick New Zealand accent. "Now, let's have some fun with these guys." He then swiftly moved around rooftops, causing Eleonora and her group to have some close calls. I gave him most of the mana I currently had, and then when he swerved, I launched a fireball, causing one of Eleonora's group to fall off, into the alleyway below. I didn't want to know what happened to that poor person. The driver continued taking swerves and turns, and when I finally had enough energy, I created another small fireball, and launched it. I had horrible timing. I hit a pigeon instead! We continued on our way, and we kept taking turns. I saw Duke Patton's house up ahead. "Quick, Fly into there!" I told him. "Into the great Duke Patton's house?" He asked. "Yes! I know him!" I shouted. We flew in. The guards tried to stop us, but we got through. I busted into his living room, and the guards almost stabbed me, but he stopped them just in time. The cloud driver stood beside me. "Gather all the guards! Eleonora and her... Friends, if that's what you call them, are here!" I told him. He quickly pulled up a green orb, and a warning bell sounded. "Please eradicate all intruders! The boy and new Zeland cab driver are not intruders!" He shouted into it. I quickly started storing up my energy, and it looked like the cab driver was doing that too. He created a small blue orb in his hand, and seemed satisfied. One of Eleonora's 'Friends' Crashed in through the back door the guards were about to pierce him, when a blue stream of light pushed him out, into the concrete next to the fountain below. I looked behind me, and the cab driver was the one who had done that! "That was cool!" I told him. He just chuckled, and waved it off. Duke Patton's wife, and baby daughter, juniper, ran in. "What is going on?" She asked. "I will explain later." Duke Patton told her. Duchess Patton and Lady Juniper stood in the middle, The cab driver, Duke Patton, and I stood around them, And guards formed two rings around us. One with spears over us, one with spears pointed outwards. Green beams of light shot out through the window. Most of them were blocked, others hitting a guard, and the rest harmlessly hitting the ceiling, or walls. The guards quickly fired back, some emitting firey balls of magma, others shooting similar beams, but orange. Someone busted through the front door, and Duke Patton, Cab Driver Guy, and I, took care of him. I blasted him in the face with a fireball, causing him to fall to the floor, Duke Patton stood him back up, and then Cab Driver Guy, slammed him through, not against, but through, multiple walls. Someone broke through the ceilling, but he was delt with, but the guard's spears. On the horizon, I could see more people coming, because they all had Light orbs in their hand, to illuminate the way. My sister busted throught the door, fighting some guy who seemed to literally dodge everything, but then Cab Driver Guy, Blasted him through some walls, and that was that. My sister was about to ask him what that was, but I stopped her. "We have more important things to do now." I told her. Duke Patton, and my sister, went together, looking for Eleonora. Meanwhile, Cab Driver Guy, and I, stayed back, to Protect Duchess Patton, and lady juniper. We fought lots of those weird people, and suddenly they started retreating. We had won! Eleonora was brought through the door, encased in a shield. "I trust you men to bring her to the interogation room?" Duke Patton said. "Of course." They all said in unison. They created another shield around her, and then Duke Patton let down the original shield. "Carry on." He told them. They all created sheilds around her, and then procceded to carry her away. "Are you okay?" Duke Patton asked. "Did they treat you okay?" Deliah asked. "How are you feeling?" Duke Patton also asked. "Are you thirsty?" Deliah asked. They bombarded me with questions, and I anwsered most of them, Not that they probably heard me over all the other questions they asked. Once they finally calmed down, we sat down to talk. Cab Driver Guy, was now in diffrent clothing, and I realized he was a agent, for Duke Patton. "I left him there, just incase you escaped, and found your way back to Briar Glen. I'm glad I did." He told me. We talked for a while, with the occasional, 'Are you okay?' and the 'Are you sure you don't want a glass of water?' After that, Duchess Patton thanked me for helping protect her, even after everything that I had been through today, or well yesterday, because it was already one A.M.. I said goodbye to the Duke and Duchess, and then my sister took me home. When we arrived, I found out just how fast news travled, and a lot of people, mainly the regulars at my shop, came and hugged me, talking about how they had heard what happened, and were going to set up a ceremony in my memory, and they had just pick flowers, and after all that happened, we were at home, weaving flower wreaths, because of how many flower's we had gotten from the people. I even pressed some of them, on of each type. We still ended up with enough flowers to decorate the whole house! We set up the flowers, and made them look beautiful, and then gave each person who gave us flowers a wreath. We stood outside, enjoying every moment. The rain started to fall, and so we went inside. I looked out the window, and watched everybody else. Enjoying themselves. My sister and I worked together to bake a cake, and then we celebrated my return. Little did I know, outside, a small, deadly, man hungry flower, was in bloom. Right, in the center of the city square.