
the invitation

The war between krakens and mermen had been long and brutal with the two sentient species locked in enmity for centuries. Krakens, notorious for hunting merman as a source of food, unknowingly crossed a line when they accidentally killed the daughter of the 9th king, Solvaris Zenon, that sparked an all-out war against the krakens.

The strength of the krakens and mermen was evenly matched, making it difficult for either side to claim victory. However, a game-changing element suddenly emerged, threatening to disrupt the stalemate that had persisted for so long: The Poseidon Crystal.

Gifted to King Solvaris by the gods themselves for his amazing showcase of bravery against the evil krakens, the Poseidon crystal bestowed mermen with overwhelming power, leading to a resounding victory. To this day, the crystal remains, generating waves of magic that filled the Arestic land, the domain of the mermaids to transform their bodies and wield magic as they saw fit.

"And that concludes our final history lesson,"

Niamh closed the tome from which she had been reading.

As a history teacher in the prestigious merman school, she had shared this tale with her last student, Aris, who expressed gratitude for the engaging history lessons.

"Thank you, teacher," Aris said warmly. "I'm grateful to have had you as my history teacher. It was always fun learning from you."

Niamh returned the smile, but as her student left the classroom, a wave of worry washed over her.

"Ah Aris was my last student" she mumbled to herself, counting on her fingers. "Zero students for this semester. I am doomed"

Her worries were interrupted by the arrival of the principal's assistant, Yerik, A tall merman with a lean Frame and a condescending demeanor.


"Miss Niamh, I assume you are already aware of your situation," He said, walking towards her with a document in his hand.

"Isn't it too early!? I was promised ten days to acquire new students after Aris left!" Niamh retorted, rising in anger.

"Unfortunately, the council has decided to let you go," Yerik replied, adjusting his glasses. "Your results as a teacher were the lowest among the professors, and you had the fewest number of students. These decisions were made by the committee, not by me."

Yerik handed Niamh an envelope containing the approval of her discharge and her severance pay.

Niamh stood there in stunned silence, unable to refute the truth of his words. No students wanted to join her class, resulting in consistently low teacher assessments.

However, his cold and callous attitude left her feeling bitter.


Niamh thought, her mind filled with disappointment

'i can't believe I've lost the job I worked so hard to obtain'

Deep in thought, she found herself at "Starnacles," a mermaid equivalent of Starbucks, sipping on her oztea —a beverage akin to coffee but with its unique twist.

"I suppose I should start looking for a job," Niamh muttered, her voice tinged with resignation. "At this point, hopes and dreams can take a back seat. I'll have to do whatever it takes."

Lost in her ruminations, she was startled when a familiar voice echoed through the café, causing her to accidentally spill her oztea.

"Ugh! The disgusting stench of oztea! you!, can't you see where you're—" a stranger's voice exclaimed.

Niamh's body tensed as she recognized the voice. 'Oh no, why her of all mermaids!?'

"I apologize, lady. I will try to be more careful," Niamh quickly bowed, attempting to hide her nervousness and fear.

"Wait a minute," the stranger said with a smile. "Aren't you Niamh?"

Niamh looked up, shivering as she met the gaze of the strange mermaid.

"Huh?" Niamh feigned surprise, attempting to mask her unease.

"Don't tell me you didn't recognize me," Orisetra said with a smirk.

Niamh's heart sank. "Ah, big sister, Oristera! How could I not recognise you?" she replied, attempting to conceal her anxiety.

Curiosity piqued, the other café patrons began whispering amongst themselves. 

"Orisetra? Isn't she the second and the most loved daughter of the king?"

"Big sister? Does that mean she's also of royal blood?"

"Could it be? I feel like we're witnessing a reunion of the princesses."

Niamh avoided eye contact, nervously looking away from her sister's and the patrons scrutinizing gaze.


Orisetra's presence overwhelmed Niamh, filling her with a sense of nervousness and dread. 

The strangers in the café whispered among themselves, connecting the dots and speculating about the identities of the two mermaids.

"Oh, wait! Didn't the king have that infamous Third daughter?" a cafe patron exclaimed.

"Indeed! The one with the cursed tail!," another patron chimed in.

Niamh, still grappling with her emotions, struggled to find her voice. "Uhh... Big sister, what brings you here?"

Orisetra maintained her smile, seemingly relishing her younger sister's discomfort. "I just happened to stumble upon you. It's a pleasant surprise, wouldn't you agree?"

The café patrons eagerly observed their interaction, captivated by the reunion of the princesses.

Orisetra leaned in closer, her voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and mockery. "You still hide your tail, don't you?" she whispered with a smirk.

Niamh's eyes widened in shock. She stammered, unable to find the right words.

Meanwhile, the café patrons continued to gossip about Niamh's predicament, recounting tales of the infamous Third daughter with the cursed tail.

Feeling cornered, Niamh mustered the courage to respond, albeit nervously. "Yes... It's just a personal choice."

Orisetra's amusement grew. "Anyways, I'm glad I met you here. Remember the upcoming royal family dinner?"

Niamh's heart sank even further. Memories of past family gatherings flooded her mind—the open mockery from her sisters, the indifference of her parents. The wounds are still fresh.

With a heavy sigh, Niamh nodded.

 "Yes, I remember."

"Don't forget to come," Orisetra said, her smile widening. "You wouldn't want to disappoint father, would you?"

Disappoint? Niamh mused bitterly. That ship had long sailed. Memories of her younger years resurfaced, when everything she did was met with scorn from her family, particularly her father's indifference.

"I will be there," Niamh forced the words out, her determination to confront her father evident in her voice. "Then I shall take my leave."

Turning away, Niamh hastily made her way to her apartment, tears welling in her eyes. Frustration and resentment welled up within her.

"So annoying," 

she muttered, her voice filled with a mix of anger and anguish.

As she reached her apartment entrance, she noticed the invitation to the family dinner lying on the ground. Picking it up, she felt the weight of the impending event pressing upon her.

"How is it already here?" Niamh questioned, her voice tinged with exasperation.

she opens the letter while heading inside 

 "what!? Two days until the royal dinner? What kind of ridiculousness is this? Everyone else must have had at least a month to prepare!"

She tossed the invitation on the floor and collapsed onto her bed, her face buried in her hands.

"What the hell! Why do they hate me so much?" she exclaimed, her voice muffled by the pillow.

 "I didn't even do anything wrong!"

Frustration turned to determination. Niamh sat up, wiping away the tears.


"Fine, then. If they hate me this much I'll just ask my father to remove my name from the family register, this way I'll no longer be associated with that damned family!"

With a newfound resolve,she got up, her mind already racing with thoughts of what to say. But weariness caught up to her, and soon, exhaustion claimed her as she drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Niamh awoke to the blaring sound of her alarm. 


She groaned, not wanting to face the day ahead.

"Ugh, I don't wanna wake up," 

she muttered, reaching over to turn off the alarm.

Checking the time, she realized it was already the morning.

A sigh escaped her lips. 

"Day one of being unemployed... Great."

Niamh prepared herself a cup of oztea and leaned against the railing outside her apartment, gazing towards the towering castle-like structure that housed the king's palace.

"They made it so extravagant to hide their emptiness and lack of emotions," a voice interrupted her thoughts.


"who is it?!"

Niamh turned to see a stranger walking towards her—

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