
Whispers Of The Darkness

Sometimes we become the monster we truly ever fear, if we do so to protect the ones we love, is it really a bad thing?

SolaceObsidian · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

Chapter 8: The Guardians of Frostveil

Things were just about done at the principal's office, Vernon, happy with his success shakes the principal's hand while giving Louis a big smile to which he turns his head in the other direction as a sign of refusal. Going back, we see a conversation between Vernon and Louis before they enter the academy.


Louis (shocked): YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!?

Vernon (smirks): Why not, it's a good chance to get to know Max better and even a great opportunity to study at the most prestigious academy in the world, I don't see what's so bad about that.

Louis: IT'S UNESSECARY, AND STUPID, the last thing I wanna do is be surrounded by weaklings.

Vernon (smirking): What, is the fearless Louis afraid of a little socializing?

Louis: I…I am not.

Vernon: Then prove it.

Louis: Ffine, I'll follow your stupid plan.


Hearing this Vernon smirks and playfully ruffles Louis's hair only to irritate him further.


Louis (visibly irritated): Alright, you can stop now.

Vernon (smiles): You used to love this as a kid.

Louis (further irritated): I'm not a child anymore so let's get on with it. 


With this statement Louis goes back into the forest leaving Vernon alone for some time, he then comes back with a dead boar on his shoulder and tosses it over to Vernon to which he smiles in response; they both then have boar stew and discuss their plan of action which leads us back to the present scenario.


Principal: I see, I have no problem in accepting the boy Mr. Vernon but I must remind you that all his classmates are at least five years older than him.

Vernon (smiles): Well, that won't be a problem sir, and secondly it's Dr.

Principal: Of course, Dr. Vernon; anyways, welcome to the academy Louis.


The principal extends his hand to Louis who just ignores him and leaves the room but the principal pays no heed to his actions and continues with his daily work after showing Louis to his classroom. After the first period is over Louis finds his way to Max's desk who is peacefully reading a book.


Louis (grins): MAAAXX, FIGHT ME!!

Max (calmly without even lifting his gaze): No

Louis (taken aback): Huh¸ I said fight me.

Max: No.


The whole day soon passed while Louis still pestered Max to fight him and Max, still reluctant, finally had enough and said calmly.


Max: Well, I'll give you three tasks, if you complete them, I'll fight you, but till then you help me.

Louis (skeptical): What kind of tasks are we talking about?

Max (smiles): The fun kind.

Louis (still skeptical but even more determined to fight Max now): Fine, I'm in.

 Max (smiles): Then follow me.


In the dead of night, Max leads Louis into a mysterious cave, its entrance emanating an aura of pure malice and bloodlust momentarily petrifying Louis with fear until Max tries to snap him back to reality.


Max (smirks): This cave contains what you truly desire but also your greatest fear, it will give you the power that you seek but also of what you fear.


Louis tries to speak but cannot, the fear of death greatly overpowers him, looking at this Max smiles sinisterly and puts his hand on Louis's shoulder, he then speaks.


Max (jokingly while repeatedly patting Louis's back comically): Well, you don't have to worry about this now, so come with me, I'm really hungry.


Saying this Max grabs Louis by the back of his collar and leaps into the air, as Max lands, he sticks to his usual flamboyant landing but accidentally tosses Louis sending him tumbling onto the ground.


Louis: OWW! What was that for?

Max: You were supposed to make your landing look cool; it gives off a certain vibe you see.

Louis (confused): Huh?

Max (sighs): I'll…explain when you're older.


Saying this Max calmly heads to the academy via the forest passage while Louis still pesters him with a handful of questions, telling him to explain what he was talking about. Max sighs and then finally gives in to his questions.


Max: Fine, fine, slow down, one at a time.

Louis: So, what was in that cave?


Louis: What monologue?

Max (sighs): Fine, in short, it's a power-up you will get after you kill a certain enemy.

Louis: So that will be my first task?

Max (surprised): Well, well, you catch on quickly for a pea brain.

Louis (offended, smacks Max on the head): WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?

Max (smiles): Let's go, your training begins tomorrow morning, don't be late.


Saying this both of them leave together, with Louis staying close behind Max, wondering what kind of intense training awaits him in the morrow. They both make their way into The Rusty Mug where Max orders two specials, Louis digs in as soon as the food arrives contrary to Max who elegantly eats without haste, they both relish the meals, even Louis orders seconds while a gang of adventures stare at Max from a distance.


Max (smiles): Enjoying the food?

Louis (focused on eating speaks with food in his mouth): Yeah, it's the

best, better that way Doc's cooking.


The group comes over to Max and their leader a tall, slender man with dark blue eyes, shoulder-length wavy blue hair, and a short stubble on his face; he wore a white full sleeves vest and a black pant, with a sword sheathed at his belt, he also wore a leather brown chestplate — pats Max on the back and exclaims.


Leader: Max! It's been a while, how've ya been?

Max: Ah, Mr. Atlas, it certainly has.

Leader: Who's this little runt?

Louis: HEY! Who're you calling little?

Max: Sir, this is Louis, a friend of mine and a classmate; and Louis, this is

Alas, B- rank adventurer and leader of one of the best parties in Frostveil.

Atlas (rubbing the back of his head): Aha ha, you flatter us, Max; so,

Louis, lemme introduce you to the rest of the gang.

Louis (crossing his arms): Not interes…


Before Louis could finish Max covers his mouth and smiles at Atlas as he begins to introduce his crew.


Atlas: This is Anna, our archer — Atlas points at a blonde woman, her hair tied up like a ponytail, her eyes as blue as the sky; clad in green leather vest and a short green skirt, she had a bow resting on her shoulder and a quiver full of arrows at her slim waist — and the face of our group — Atlas says with a proud smile on his face — but don't let her beauty fool you, she can be quite aggressive in battle.

Anna (smiles proudly): Hiya!! Nice to meet 'cha.

Atlas: Moving on, this here is Lenny — He points at a lanky fellow with a scar stretching from the right side of his forehead to the bottom of his chin, the man had long, messy dark blue hair covering his right eye and wore an outfit similar to that of Atlas, the only difference being the huge greatsword on his back and a rapier at his waist ­— don't let his appearance fool you, he is the tank of our team.

Lenny (smiles softly and speaks in a deep voice): Hey.

Atlas: And our last member, this is Jenny ­— He points to a petite girl with short brown hair, she wore a dark purple robe and had a staff in one hand with a small purple crystal afloat on top ­— she is the heart of this team.

Jenny (smiles shyly, her voice sweet yet barely above a whisper): H…hi

Atlas (proudly concludes): Together we are the protectors of Frostveil.


Saying this Atlas poses followed by Anna, Atlas turns around and scolds Lenny for not doing the pose with him, to which he gives a disgusted look and shrugs it off, Max smiles as he sees that nothing has changed since the past five years; Louis nudges Max, subtly signaling him to lend an ear to him.


Louis (whispers to Max): Hey, who are these idiots?

Max (whispers back): You really should work on your listening skills.


As Louis was about to reply the whole tavern broke into a joyous celebration marking the return of their strongest warriors, the whole tavern celebrated, rum and wine being passed onto each other, each table filled with food, and soon everyone broke into their traditional dance signaling even Max to join, Max smiles and shrugs grabbing an unaware Louis and joining his fellow comrades in the memorable return of his friends.