
Whispers Of The Darkness

Sometimes we become the monster we truly ever fear, if we do so to protect the ones we love, is it really a bad thing?

SolaceObsidian · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

Chapter 13: Marianne

Azra (in a boastful manner): This is the power of an angelic beast, once my transformation is complete, I will be unstoppable.

Max (playfully): Oh Azra, my dear cousin, nothing in this world is unstoppable.

Azra (smirkingly): We'll see about that.

Azra rushes to Max at top speed but catches Suki who was behind Max instead and takes off into the skies; as soon as he was about to escape, he sees a bat behind him and soon after that one of his wings is sliced from his body, he throws Suki but she is saved by Louisa who was the bat. Azra then comes crashing down. Then, Louisa proclaims 'That was for the poison'.

Max: Oooh, that must have hurt.

Azra (smirkingly): I'll show you hurt.

Azra creates a large barrier in the sky around Max and him.

Max: Is this supposed to protect me from rain?

Azra (smiles): Give it time.

Max (as he tries to catch his breath): OK...I can feel it now... how about a timeout?... Huh... timeout?

Azra: Goodbye Maximus.

Azra happily sees a struggling Maximus gasping for air and slowly dying.

Azra: Now, to remove one last thorn from my path

Suki who was in a state of shock due to the death of her only friend goes berserk and runs closer to Azra with her sword.


Azra casts a fireball spell but Suki easily evades it and slices Azra's chest with her sword, she then launches a series of attacks at an insane amount of speed but over time she loses stamina and Azra manages to catch the blade of her sword with his bare hands.

Azra (smirkingly): Was that the best you could do?

Suki (smiles back): To distract you, yes.

A dumbfounded Azra looks behind him to see Louisa cast a spell, before he could react Louisa released her spell which looked like it hit Azra. Louisa then looks behind to find Azra choking Suki with one hand. Azra looks at Louisa, smiles gently, and speaks.

Azra: Nice try princess, but it's going to take a lot more than that measly spell to stop me.

Azra then knocks out Louisa with one of his long, pointed feathers and takes off to the skies, he then chokes Suki even harder with a smile of satisfaction on his face.

When it seems like all hope is lost, a light suddenly blinds Azra and cuts off his hand which releases Suki, Azra turns to look in the direction of the light and is stunned; he sees a young boy with hair as black as ebony and skin as white as snow, the boy has a smirk on his face and speaks.

Max: Did you miss me?

Saying this, Max casts a spell that summons large red flames that spin to a vortex around him raced to Azra at an incredible speed, and sends him burning towards a nearby hill. Maximus then rushes to check on Suki and finds her lying unconscious, Louisa also comes after Max and the two have a short conversation.

Max: How's your eye?

Louisa: What happened to my eye?

Max: You got a little scratch. (it was a huge cut that started from her forehead and settled near her upper lip, not sure how she got that in the first place but what I found even more intriguing was how she did not notice it. She either had some top-tier endurance or was completely stupid. I used a simple healing spell for both Louisa and Suki and then flew to the hill).

On top of the hill Maximus finds a heavily injured Azra, a trail of blood covered the grass and led me straight to him, he did not seem to have any severe burns only deep cuts, this meant that he had successfully managed to repel Max's fire but had failed to repel the strong gusts of wind which formed the fire vortex.

Max (jokingly): Care for an apple.

Azra (coughs blood and weakly speaks): Why?

Max: Beg your pardon?

Azra (weakly): Why did my barrier have no effect?

Max (smiles): A magician never reveals his secrets.

Azra (weakly chuckles)

Max: I do admire your willpower though; anyway try not to talk much, help is on its way.

Saying this Max puts his hand on Azra's head and then leaves Azra.


I found myself standing on a plain grassland, it was just grass as far as the eye could see. All my injuries had been healed as if I had never even fought before, at a second glance I noticed a woman collecting flowers, I could not see her face so I cautiously walked up the hill. What I saw in front of me truly shook me to my core. I saw a beautiful woman with blonde hair and lovely grey eyes, although she wore a normal green and white dress, her beauty outshone it, I ran up towards the woman, tears trickled down my face as I did so.


As per Maximus, Azra was resting on the hill, I could never believe that Azra would have gone this far, it was almost frightening what this boy had done, I rushed to the hill only to find Azra unconscious, his whole body was covered in deep cuts and burns but somehow he was smiling, tears also began to fall from his cheeks. Wasting no time I picked him up and rushed him to the infirmary. This party truly did end with a bang, a horrific, Life-threatining bang.