
Whispers of Ravenswood Manor

*Updates monthly 2 chapters a month! ---------------------------------------------------- ---------- Amelia, driven by a thirst for mystery, accepts an invitation to an exclusive event at Ravenwood Manor. As the night unfolds, the mansion reveals its dark secrets, weaving a tale of ancient curses, unseen terrors, and the haunted past of its inhabitants. With each chapter, the tension escalates, and the line between reality and the supernatural blurs. "Whispers in Ravenwood Manor" is a spine-chilling journey into the heart of fear, where the unknown becomes a relentless adversary, and the guests must confront their deepest nightmares to escape the clutches of the malevolent forces that lurk within.

ken_kent · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

The Mirror of Regret

Amelia's pulse quickened as she wandered deeper into the mansion's labyrinthine corridors, each step echoing ominously in the dimly lit hallways. The whispers of hidden secrets seemed to grow louder, urging her towards an unknown destination. And then, as if guided by an unseen force, she stumbled upon it – the mirror.

Standing alone in a shadowy alcove, the antique mirror beckoned to her with a sinister allure. Its surface rippled like dark water, distorting the reflections of the surrounding room. But as Amelia approached, she realized with a chill that the reflection staring back at her was not her own.

Instead, it was a twisted version of herself, her features contorted into a grotesque mockery of humanity. She gasped in horror, recoiling from the mirror's malevolent gaze.

"What... what is this?" she whispered, her voice trembling with fear.

Oliver, who had been exploring nearby, hurried to her side, his expression a mix of concern and disbelief. "Amelia, what's wrong? What did you see?"

Amelia shook her head, unable to tear her gaze away from the mirror's dark surface. "It's... it's showing me something... something terrible."

Oliver frowned, his eyes narrowing as he studied the mirror. "Let me see."

As he stepped closer, his own reflection began to warp and shift, twisting into a nightmarish visage that bore little resemblance to the man Amelia knew. He stumbled backwards, his breath catching in his throat as the mirror seemed to feed on his deepest fears.

"This can't be happening," he muttered, his voice barely audible over the hum emanating from the mirror.

The rest of the group gathered around, their expressions a mix of horror and disbelief. Sarah, ever the skeptic, scoffed at the sight before her.

"This is ridiculous," she declared, her voice tinged with irritation. "It's just a trick of the light or some kind of illusion. There's no such thing as a mirror that can show you... that."

But even as she spoke, her own reflection began to distort, twisting into a grotesque caricature of herself. She stumbled backwards, her eyes wide with terror.

"I... I don't understand," she stammered, her voice trembling with fear.

Before anyone could offer an explanation, a sudden commotion erupted from the other side of the mansion. The group exchanged anxious glances before hurrying to investigate, their hearts pounding with anticipation.

As they rounded the corner, they were met with a scene of chaos – two of their fellow guests locked in a fierce confrontation, their fists flying in a flurry of blows. Sarah and another woman, whose name Amelia couldn't recall, were engaged in a heated struggle, their faces contorted with rage.

"What's happening?" Amelia cried, her voice barely audible over the cacophony.

Oliver shook his head, his expression grim. "I don't know, but we need to stop them before someone gets hurt."

With a shared sense of urgency, they rushed forward to intervene, pulling the combatants apart before the violence could escalate further. But even as they separated Sarah and the other woman, Amelia couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air.

As they retreated from the chaos, Amelia found herself drawn back to the mirror, its surface still pulsing with an otherworldly energy. She hesitated for a moment, then reached out tentatively, her fingertips brushing against the cool glass.

And as she gazed into its depths once more, she couldn't shake the feeling that the mirror held more than just distorted reflections – it held the key to uncovering the darkest truths of the House of Shadows. But whether those truths would set them free or seal their doom remained to be seen.