
No intro needed

Elizabeth!! Get out here right this instant young girl or I will take away everything in your room including all of your books and journals that you hide under your bed. Okay mommy, Liz says quietly hopping not to disappoint her mother again. Then she quickly hurry's to the back room and starts to clean. Now, Elizabeth didn't make a sound while she cleaned this room spotless. Knowing that if she did make a sound or left one speck of dust. She would be in big trouble. As she finishes she reluctantly turned to her mother and asked if there was anything else that needed to be done. Her mother turned to the poor little girl and smiled, why yes there is. But before the little girl got the chance to ask what it was that needed to be done her mother cut her off. " BUT, I'm not telling you what it is, so you better figure it out before dinner is done. Because if it isn't then you will not be getting any of it!!" The little girl slowly backed up, trying to hold in her tears. She didn't want to make any wrong moves. She didn't want to make her mom any more mad than she already was. Although this was her being happy. It didn't seem to be a happy mood. This is a everyday thing for poor Elizabeth. She had no chance to smile and no chance to show who she really was. She was always quiet and never cried and if she was about to she would instead put her feelings into her cleaning and the stuff she did like journaling. She had zero chances to do what she believed in, she was stuck being Cinderella or that's what her "friends" called her. She didn't actually have any friends her mom scared them all off so all she had was her imagination.