
whisper of love

this is a story of a gay guy named kabir, and his partner sushant who dies. they both were teenagers living in america . after sushant's death kabir becomes depressed. after some time two people come in his life, nick and vyom, will he love again? whom will he choose? what will happen?will kabir forget sushant ? to know what happened read the story and pls comment and vote.

Daoist0nxtg2 · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Ch 3- The Letter

After the last rites the ashes were given to shree . She looked at it and started crying. She walked towards Kabir and said , "you are the one who should keep this".

"No, you are his sister , you keep it", Kabir said, getting some courage to speak.

"You were more than me for him, he loved you",shree said.

"What?"Jiya asked in shock.

"Yes ",kabir broke his silence, "i loved him , he loved me, we were together as a couple for two years , today only it was our second anniversary".

Saying this, Kabir went from there . Everyone in his family heard what he said and was shocked . shree went to her house and saw kabir crying hugging sushant's things. He took one of his photos and spoke to it, "why? Why did you leave me?'' he sobbed, "there were many things left for us to do , we had decided many things, how could you just go like this?"

Shree sat beside him, suddenly a girl came there, with a tension on her face. Seeing her, Kabir just broke and cried.

The girl also cried, "I'm sorry , really sorry. I was not there during your tough times",she said.

"Emily, how could sushant go like this?"Kabir cried. Emily was one of Kabir's best friends and David was the other, he also came there. They both were really close to kabir.

"You came early?"Shree asked.

"Yeah, I just took a flight immediately as i got to know about sushant",emily said, "and came running from greece".

"Emily, why did you leave such a great opportunity?"Kabir asked, gulping his tears.

"Nothing is more important than my best friend",Emily said.

"I can't stay without him," Kabir said.

"Don't say so?'David hugged his best friend.

"Where were you?"Shree asked.

"I was out of the city with my family",David said. David was tall, American, fair, had a proper cut, cute face and manly physique.

"We are sorry",David and Emily said.

"It's ok," Kabir said softly.

"These are sushant's belongings and your gift is inside it too",shree said and gave him a cartoon.

"Can I please stay alone for a while?"Kabir requested.

"Take care",Emily said and everyone left.

Kabir sat down on the floor , and opened the cartoon, there was a diary on which his name was written. When he opened a random page he saw a picture where he and sushant were kissing each other and below the picture it was written, "at last i got my love of life!!". Then he turned to another page and saw a wrapper of chocolate stuck and beside it was written , "first gift given by kabir ❣️".

Then he turned to a page where the bookmark was kept. On that page on top it was written, "kabir" and below that it was written, : kabir, he is the person who matters to me the most , we are really happy together . I don't need to think before speaking in front of him, I can be whatever in front of him, he never lets me cry, I really love him and….

Sushant was going to write but no one has control over death and life. Kabir kept the diary aside. Then he saw a letter. It was the same letter which sushant had in his hand when he had the accident.

The letter said :

My dear kabir,

I love you, I just love you, I don't know what to say. I don't have words for you. You are the most precious gift of my life. You have always been there for me in my hard times. Tumhare saamne (in front of you) I can be anything, even a cry baby you have always taken care of me . After my parents died my sister was the only one. We did not know what to do? How will we stay? Phir tum aaye (then you came), when you came to school i felt something , then we talked and i fell for you and you did too. You never made me miss my parents , I felt complete with you. I know I'm a very filmy type but I know you like this filmy guy. My sister also has good friends in your family too. I love when you are close to me, I love when we spend time in school, i dance class dancing, walking down the hill, having ice cream . you have given me many gifts and everything was my favorite not because they were white and everything was my favorite but because it was given by you. I can't imagine staying away from you now. If you leave me now, I will die and I'm serious. What we have is not just dating, it's more than that and that I can't find in anyone else. I wish to grow old with you.i 'm waiting for that day when we can walk holding hands in front of everyone proudly. I wish to be with you and before I die I want to see you in that black tuxedo. At the end a very happy birthday my love, may you always be happy, i will always be there for you and i love you…

Reading this Kabir got emotional. Then he kept the letter aside and took out the gift box which sushant wanted to give him . When he unwrapped the gift it was a nice watch . The price tag was inside it and the cost of the watch was 200 dollars .

"What were you sushant?"Kabir said kissing sushan't a photo , "you spent all your savings for my gift, but without you this watch is also priceless , the thing that mattered is you , why did you leave me?"

Then he saw many photos in which only sushant and he were together. Sushant loved Kabir a lot and so did kabir. Then he took out some clothes . those turtle neck t-shirts that had sushant's scent. There were more clothes and Kabir had memories with all of them. He was really sad.

"Why did you go, babe?"Kabir whispered, remembering sushant.

He saw a box near the dining area in the backyard. He got that box and opened it. There were some indian kurtas in blue , red, gray and many more colors. There were shirts and all were really good. Some trousers , jeans and joggers. There was a small piece of paper inside it.

The paper said, "these are all the clothes you liked me in and you also wanted these , i couldn't buy these so i'm giving all these to you, i love you ♥ ️".

"You loved me so much",kabir said with tears in his eyes, "now i think the kind of love i did to you was nothing".

Kabir looked up at the sky and said, "I love you".