
whisper of love

this is a story of a gay guy named kabir, and his partner sushant who dies. they both were teenagers living in america . after sushant's death kabir becomes depressed. after some time two people come in his life, nick and vyom, will he love again? whom will he choose? what will happen?will kabir forget sushant ? to know what happened read the story and pls comment and vote.

Daoist0nxtg2 · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Ch 2 : A Tragedy

It was a special day for kabir, when he got ready and went down to the living room, he saw his uncle and aunt from his mother's side there. His cousins were also there. They all wished him a happy birthday, but sushant did not call or text him. He was happy but was waiting for his wishes and surprise because without him he was incomplete. He had his breakfast and went out. When he reached sushant's home his sister shree told he has gone out somewhere. Kabir called sushant.

Kabir:Where are you ?

Sushant : I'm somewhere planning something special.

Kabir:you told we will spend the day together

Sushant: I know love, but I need to give you something.

Kabir:I don't need anything . I want you.

Susahnt: See, today is a double celebration so I need to give you something.

Kabir: ok, I will also find something nice for you.

Sushant: i'm very grateful to have you

Kabir: Me too, I love you.

Sushant: I love you too.

Kabir: Listen …. Happy anniversary.

Sushant: happy anniversary.

They both hung the phone. Kabir looked at his purse , he had a nice amount of money .

He went to a mall. He took some clothes, chocolate and a bouquet of white roses. It was afternoon now. Kabir went back home.

"Wow! So many gifts",Kabir's mom Jiya said.

"Yeah", kabir replied as he did not want to tell about his and sushant's relationship right now.

"Who gave you those?"Jiya asked.

"Friends",Daniel said.

"I want you all to come to sushant's house in the evening , i wanna tell you all something",saying this kabir went upstairs.

Kabir texted sushant.

Kabir: hey! I have bought your gifts and I'm excited to see you in the evening. I will tell everyone about us.

Sushant: hi love, i have also bought your gift and can't wait to see you.

Kabir: ❣️

Then Kabir jumped off his bed and opened his wardrobe . suddenly his mother came there, "hey my dear, i have got something for you ",she gave him a black tuxedo .

"We will go out to a grand party tonight after you celebrate with your friends",jiya said, hugged him and saw him , "my son has grown up so much".

Kabir went to take a shower, he was really happy today. He was humming songs after sometime he came out of the shower ,his cousins were sitting there.

"Amay, i need to change, go out please",he said.

"You should use this perfume",amay said and gave him a nice perfume.

"You must use some hair gel for setting your hair today",Jaya, one of his cousins said and gave him the gel.

"Ok i will but first let me wear my clothes",kabir said and pushed everyone outside . Then he wore his tuxedo and applied perfume and hair gel. Wore his watch and saw himself in the mirror and remembered what sushant said once. He said " I wish to see you in black tuxedo one day, and that day i would really be happy, that day will be like our wedding and i wish we stay together always".

Kabir got a text from sushant.

Sushant:Come to my home , everything is ready for you my love and i'm on my way back home. I will reach you soon.good bye i love you.

Kabir ran downstairs in excitement and said to his family, "u'n going early ;you all come to sushant's house". He took a cab and reached there early. When he reached there he went to the backyard . The decoration there was the same as it was decorated two years back when sushant proposed to him. Kabir was crying happy, he was nostalgic and seeing all this he could feel how much effort sushant had given to do so.

Kabir walked to the dining table and suddenly a slideshow started and in that their lovely moments were seen. The moments when they laughed, their hugging, kissing, some small videos, funny jokes and all. Kabir was eager to meet his love now, suddenly he got a call , it was sushant's number. When he answered the call , he was shattered. Tears fell from his eyes and he turned quiet. Sushant' sister , Shree, came there.

"What happened kabir?Did you like the surprise and where is sushant?"she asked.

Kabir did not reply, she took the phone from him and talked to the person. Talking to the person she was heartbroken. Kabir's family arrived there.

"What happened?"Meera asked.

Kabir looked at his parents and was trying to say but words were not coming out of his mouth , his breath was stuck . Kabir fell on the ground and cried.

'`Can i know what has happened?'Danial asked anxiously.

"My brother!",shree cried, "my brother is no more ">

"What?"Jiya said in shock.

"Yes aunty, he had an accident in his cab , the cab driver and he have got severe injuries ",shree said . Kabir was devastated. He didn't knew what to say . he got up and kept walking. He ran shree followed him. They reached the accident area.

When kabir was going near the car which crashed , the police stopped him saying, "you can't go in there".

"He is my close one, the person i love",kabir shouted, "he is my boyfriend, my life, the person who was the only one who mattered for me, the person who was my support, emotionally and physically and you are saying i can't go inside".

The cop felt pity seeing him crying and let him in. when he looked there, sushant's body was half out, he was wearing a white shirt and a jacket which kabir had gifted him saving his money. His head was bleeding , he had a letter in his hand, some chocolates were scattered around the car and a box wrapped in gifting paper.

The ambulance took out both the bodies, Kabir's eyes were red from crying but he uttered no words. He hugged sushan't corpse and shree also came in. Jiya and everyone came there. Jiya was tense about shree, how and where she will stay.

The police gave all the belongings of sushant to kabir in a box. Jiya took out the purse kept in the box. It was Sushant's purse. When she opened it she saw one photo of lord shiva and another beside it was kabir's photo.

"Why is Kabir's photo in his purse?"Jiya asked .

"Mom, are you still going to act so suspicious right now?"Meera said.

Daniel hugged Kabir and consoled him. Then they took the dead body to an open area beside the graveyard and Kabir wanted to do his love's last right in hindu way as sushant always prayed to lord shiva and everyday. He did the last rites of his beloved boyfriend but did not utter any word then. When he and Shree burnt his body they both broke down and cried a lot.

"My brother!"Shree sobbed, "I have become an orphan".

"You are not an orphan, we are here for you",Jiya said and hugged her.

Kabir was all broken from inside. He was looking at the pyre of his love in front of him and couldn't do anything but lose him . now he could only see him as ashes.