
Whisper's of my soul

(This is a rewrite of my first novel embracing the shadows because I was not able to connect to the story I decided to stop it if I cannot connect with it how will the readers even though most of the things will be the same I will change things that I didn't like, Atleast give it a try) Daemon is a normal boy who always tries hard in his studies for the recognition of his peers but fails to do so, even though he didn't have friends to play with and was often bullied for his long hair he never complained. Because he was not truly alone as there was one girl always with him and he thought everything would change with time. But the reality is cruel to everyone one day everything changed for him as he started to hear a voice in his head whispering how this world is cruel and you need power to control it. After some incidents which lead him to compel towards the darker side, he succumbed to the darkness within and let his other side out. How he will live a double life solving the mysteries of this world and the voice in his mind. How will his life change as the darkness engulf him? Let's find out. Even though the story is based in India for my Convenience I will change names because This is a story based on alternate earth and there will be many changes, not the same earth (I am a newby author and I hope you give me an honest response I am willing to correct my mistakes so write a review, English is not my first language just so you know) (I am writing this novel on my phone of course because I don't have money for buying a laptop.) ( patreon.com/Piyush_eternal ) (This is my Patreon account new to that too so tell me if anything is important for the time being. I will appreciate your support )

Ace_of_your_heart · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Gripping Sadness

 (Daemon's pov)

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and everything was normal. I still sleep in Arta's room, but nothing major happened. In these two days, I noticed that Preeti is back to normal now a little that she doesn't avoid me much.

I am happy that now at least our relationship is getting back to normal. During these two days, I studied very hard and practised my writing skills.

During these two days, I even went to Alexander's house one day. We played with the remote-controlled robot he got on his last birthday. It was very fun. Lucas was still hostile toward me, but I decided to ignore him.

As for school, Simon maintained his distance from me well. Everybody maintained their distance from me in the class, but it did bother me much like before, from the day I permitted Damien. I wasn't much bothered by these things. It was even helpful in my studies. My relationship with Damien also grew as I genuinely started to trust him.

I talked with my parents. My mom missed me very much, and I missed her too. As they were settling into the new place.

Today my school leave was early, and tomorrow is a holiday for exam preparation. I arrived at Preeti's house early because I noticed that it was unusually quiet. I searched the house, but it looks like Aunt Meera has gone shopping.

I heard Arya's voice. It looks like she is home from school.

"Hey, Arya Looks like your mom is out shopping; do you know where big sis is?" I asked Arya about Preeti.

"Yawn, she came early today; I think she had a little fever; she must be in her room. I am tired, Daemon. I will sleep for a bit. Wake me up at 4 p.m." She said in a sleepy voice, I decided to not disturb her. I walked towards Preeti's room.

As I walked towards her room, I was a little worried about her health.

Standing at the front of the door, I remembered what happened the last time I visited her room. My face heated up at the thought of that. As I opened the door.

I saw Preeti sleeping on the bed with her blanket on.

"Phew, it looks like she is okay, but I should still check if she needs anything." I decided not to wake her up as I checked if the water jug was filled or not after checking all the things.

I walked towards her bed and checked her temperature carefully, trying not to wake her.

She has a little fever, but it looks like it's not very serious. I was checking her temperature, and my eyes unknowingly fell on her pretty face. She was different from Arya. If Arya was cute, then she was beautiful and sexy.

'But I should not think about her from now on; she is like a big sister to me, and I know what Arya feels for me.' My heart felt a little empty at this thought, but I resolved it. I will only focus on Arya.

You don't need to; you can just love both of them. Damien joked, I think, but why was his voice serious?

'You don't need to joke with me like this, Damien. I thought he was joking with me.

[I am not joking with you.]

'..... '

I was about to ask something, but I saw Preeti opening her eyes, so I focused on her.

"Is that you, Daemon?" Preeti asked in a little drunk voice, It looks like she still has some fever. 

As Preeti opened her eyes, I smiled gently and nodded. "Yes, it's me, Big Sis. How are you feeling?" I asked, concerned about her health.

She blinked a few times, trying to focus her gaze on me. "I have a little fever, but it's nothing serious," she replied, her voice still a bit groggy. "What time is it?"

"It's around 2 p.m.," I answered, glancing at the clock on her bedside table. "Arya is resting in her room, and Aunt Meera is out shopping. Do you need anything? Should I call someone or get you something to eat?"

"No need to worry, Daemon. I just need some rest, and I'll be fine. But thank you for checking on me." She said it in a little cold voice this time like she was annoyed.

"Take care, Big sis. If you need anything, just let me know," I said, a little surprised because I was asking out of kindness, but a sense of relief washed over me knowing she was not seriously ill. "Rest well, and I'll check on you later."

As I left her room, I felt a mixture of emotions. Preeti's casual remarks left me with a bitter taste. She was not being herself; if it had been before, she would have made me do all her work, but now she was talking to me like I was an outsider.

My feelings for her resurfaced.

[You know, it's alright to care for both of them, Daemon. Love is not limited by boundaries. You can have a special bond with Arya and a deep connection with Preeti. It's not wrong to have feelings for more than one person.] Damien's voice resonated in my mind, seriously this time.

I hesitated, trying to process his words. "But... It feels complicated. Arya and I are so close, and our families even have plans for our future. I don't want to complicate things further."

[Love is not something you can control, Daemon. It happens naturally. It's okay to have feelings for both of them. Just take it one step at a time and let things unfold; otherwise, you will always regret it,] Damien advised.

His words left me pondering, but I decided not to dwell on them too much for now. I needed to focus on being there for Arya and supporting her during our limited time together.

(Preeti's POV)

As Daemon left my room, I couldn't help but feel touched by his care and concern. He had always been a sweet and thoughtful kid, but there was something different in his actions this time. His genuine worry for me stirred the feelings for him inside me that I was trying to ignore.

My heart skipped a beat as I remembered his gentle touch and the way he checked on me without any hesitation.

"Sigh, I am behaving like a little girl in love with what's going on. I decided that I would enjoy this boy and forget him after, but now suddenly I wasn't even able to tease him."

"It looks like I will have to do something about it; tomorrow I will make him sleep with me." My mood brightened as I thought of this plan. My parents can't guess my motives. I will just say that I will miss him as my brother. So let him spend some time with me.

"Fufufui will have to get my control back." I chuckled as I drank water because I was thirsty and went back to sleep.

(Damien's pov)

In Daemon's mind

"It looks like I will have to convince Daemon to accept his feelings for both sisters; if he gets a heartbreak, it will be easy to manipulate him to go down a darker path."

"Hmm, Preeti loves him too, so knowing her character, she will attack him soon. I just have to bid my time."

"If I release his emotions, then it will be easier."

(Daemon's pov)

The day passed, and it was already night. Aunt Meera Came back early and cooked us some snacks in the afternoon, After which I started to study.

In the evening, after studying, I watched Television for a bit.

Uncle came back at 8 p.m. and brought pizza for us. I like pizza, so I was very happy.

During Dinner

"Hey, Daemon, do you need something for your studies or something else? Just tell me; we are family, right? You can ask for anything," Uncle asked with a warm smile.

He must be thinking I am sad and missing my parents. It's true, but mostly I was confused because of my feelings towards both sisters.

I will never leave Arya, but why did I feel the pain when Preeti talked like that?

"Uncle, it's nothing; I was just thinking of something. I don't need anything for now, but I will let you know if I want." I tried to smile but failed. Uncle didn't ask anything after that, But like always, Arya talked to me the whole time, overflowing with positivity.

After dinner, I walked towards the stairs and the rooftop without alerting anyone.

Arriving at the roof, I looked at the stars. All my emotions came crashing down on me like a dam broken. I became sad.

If Arya were to know of my conflicts, she would be sad that I even considered these feelings.

Damien was quiet; usually, he would have cheered me up, but he didn't say anything.

I sat down and hugged my knees as tears started to drop from my eyes.

The only person who could have taken care of my sadness is also not with me now.

"Mom, I wish you were with me at least now."

I didn't know at the time that there was a reason for Damien's silence.