
Whimsical Winter of Ichemound

Just trying to write

ELC · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


Chapter 1

 I was somewhere in the middle of Diedmons Roue, one of the seven districts that made up Ichemound. Because of my Job I was sent around all the different areas frequently but so far, I've been here the longest.

 When I was younger my family used to watch some movies during this time of year. Being October in all, we'd rent out some horror ones and spend the rest of the 31st watching them until all of us fell asleep on the couch. I haven't seen them in a couple years so I might as well carry on the tradition.

 I popped some corn, what my brother ate, got some whiskey, what my dad drank, and my mom. Well, she just had a little bit of both.

 It was lonely just being by myself here. Sitting in the middle of my room, as the TV screen lit the small corners of my little 3x3 apartment. Cheapskate forbids me from seeing my family but gives me such a tiny space to live in. Guess I can't complain they're the ones paying for it. Doesn't change the fact that Diedmons Roue might be my second least favorable district being close behind Ashtons Venue; that miserable place. Every Time I was sent to drive there I got goosebumps, I think everyone there had the same feeling. Didn't help that out of everyone in the city I was probably the only one that was taught what made that district so awful. Not that I really wanted to know that. Would rather be ignorant of it all.

 Being an Uber driver meant I would go around the city for most of my available time. They sent me Diedmons Roue because most of the higher clientele were centering around this area. I don't know why though, it's not like this part of the city showed any promise; Would have to turn up the volume all the way until it completely drowned out whatever leaked from the outside into this little box. Might have to invest in some headphones, maybe I'll even get a discount. I doubt it though.

 Ai Harlington, one of the only people in the city that can remember these roads and I still couldn't catch a break in that regard. What was all that schooling for if I wasn't going to be catered towards. I guess I'm just another wheel in the cog; shouldn't be surprised.

 I sat up and placed the now cold popcorn in front of the Tv. I went to the bathroom; washing my hands with the cheap soap the room provided me with and that sorry excuse for a towel that could barely wrap around my waist. Taking a shower was a time inducing project because of it; and, I wasn't even that tall- well I was almost six foot- so, average.

I looked into the mirror intently running my fingers through the dark circles that were hidden under a thin film of makeup. You couldn't tell from first glance but with even the slightest touch you could feel it. Found my vision becoming gray at some points; must've been because of the movie but right now I wasn't feeling it as heavily. Or my body could have finally got used to the routine: Phone rings, I dress up, and then I set off to wherever the clientele wants me to. It's gotten to the point where I'm always in my work attire, just making it easier to run out of the building without looking completely indecent. If I wanted any chance of getting out of this city then I suppose I had no choice but to suck it up and live with it. Wasn't going to get any better anyways.

 Although the radio silence was a welcomed change to the overall rumbustious setting I found myself getting into, it didn't change the fact that it was strange for me not to get at least one call on Halloween of all nights. Felt butterflies in my stomach every time I even caught a glimpse of my phone under the sheets. Came to the point where I couldn't even look at the Tv screen for no more than five minutes without whipping my head around over an imaginary buzz.

 "God what's wrong with me? It's as if I want a call to come."

 Maybe a part of me was. This was the only thing I had in my life to call my own; no one could do what I did, what was wrong with keeping that sacred.

 I already knew the answer to that. It was wrong to think this way. The fact that I was even thinking this meant at last, their brainwashing had finally taken a toll on me. No way I would be saying this without it.

 Finally after continuing the routine of turning around, watching the phone, then turn back around to look at the TV I turned it off. I wasn't going to get any sleep tonight, I might as well go for a drive.

 Outside as always there was a bitter cold that stung like needles against my bare skin. Always a random gust of wind would make it's way before I had the chance to run into my car. Today was no exception

 I wrapped my arms close around my chest as I walked ahead. There were groups of four to five people around me. Some kids, some groups of adults. Even, though I'm sure they were all to self absorbed to notice me, it didn't stop that lingering feeling of judgement.

 I hated it, every one of them i felt, all staring at me, looking at my clothing; that dreaded black suit they made me wear. It signified my alliance. There was no other way of spinning it.

 Those eyes that peered through the little slits, their scarves made, always somehow ended up meeting up with me. Met my eyeline and each and every time I couldn't ignore it.

 I opened the car door and hurried inside. My chattering teeth being the only thing sound in the empty vessel. I placed my phone on the passenger seat and turned on the car, immediately turning on the heater.

 I dropped down the visor and looked myself in the mirror. That wind had unlogged some strand black hairs in my bun and my already pale complexion somehow looked even plainer. Somehow mimicking the color of the snow. I don't think I'll be able to make it to the end of winter if this keeps up. My hope was already waning.

 My head met the head rest and with hefty sigh, a cloud of white blew into the car. Why of all places did I have to be born here, I thought. If I still had any semblance of a dream left I'd want to live somewhere it was warmer, somewhere it didn't topsy Turvey from below 0 then tousle back to a beautiful 25. That's all I really asked for.

 Only time the sun made a lick of a difference was in July, a sweet and beautiful 67 F. But, that only happened once a year of course. I looked forward to it more than people cared about Christmas. July was my own personal Christmas. Those nine months couldn't come any slower.

 Finally as the heater kicked in, my window began clearing up and with one swipe of my hand my foggy window was no more. Everything now in full scope.

 It was as bright as ever, buildings spanning miles ahead and behind me all glowed a bright yellow. The cries of joy, the embrace of man and women, and the screams of bloody murder all mixed into one conglomerate whole. This was Ichemound. My home.

 If I were surmise this city into one word it would be "unknown". If you looked at the map you wouldn't find us which was per design.

 Solomon E. Grimmer, our all mighty ruler, made it this way for a reason. He held the reigns to my fate and I listened to every word he said. Hell he was the whole reason I was even in this profession to begin with. Along with... other reasons but dwelling on the past wasn't my forte.

 Only way you could get an overall idea of where we were was if you got your hands on a map of our plot of land, Toblitche and If you got that fair you'd probably hear this story:

 "At the extreme northwest of the North American continent, laid a city one could only describe as "unknown". A quiet city, a city in which a murder hadn't occurred in 100 years and crime had plummeted to an all time 1%. A city fully encompassed only by the best of the best officers and workers alike, patriotic men and women, people that'd die for the city and the island of Toblitche. Here everyone had opportunity, everyone had aspirations and everyone cherished their almighty king. Solomon E. Grimmer."

 A load of bullshit. Classic trap, always seemed to work. As if a city like that existed. Every year we'd see a boom in a accidental victims that found themselves here only to realize that they could never leave.

 I'd like to believe I would be one of the few that wouldn't fall into that trap if situations were reversed but who am I kidding I probably would. This city had a way of making you do things you wouldn't do anywhere else. I was no exception. But when faced against Solomon, who was?

 Not a soul I knew had ever seen that man; some even say he doesn't even exist. They called him a formless voice. A voice I might add was absolutely something to behold. Each announcements introducing himself with stentorian statement followed by an array of orders given to all us each month. Everybody was sent their own individual voice message which made me lean towards being Solomon being just a figure head. Having to wrap my head around each and every person getting their own individual greeting wasn't an idea I really bothered to entertain. I mean after the six time sending one i feel like I'd go crazy with the sheer repetition of it all. Can't imagine a functioning human being doing that.

 As I stopped at a crossing I waited for a crowd of people to pass by. I envied them, I really did. I wish I could back to those times of blissful ignorance and live life by just walking. Walking without a care in the world.

 I wonder if they saw me now what they would think of me. A monster probably is what they pictured. A ghoulish woman with fangs strong enough to rip them apart or a boogeyman that swoops them up in the middle night and the next never to be seen again. It's what I would think, if i saw this suit on someone else. It's what I thought of myself.

 Everyday a reminder that the people in my car are the very ones who commit every atrocity in the city. That image, it hurts, to think that someone from that crowd could be a victim of my own cowardice... I wish I had an escape. I wish I had an out.

 No, I can't let something like that affect me. I had a job to do and that was it. Nothing more and nothing less.