
Which one? You or you?

Love is hard for everyone, but why is it complicated? Grace is stuck in a love triange! She's heartbroken, confused, and definitely in love.

Aizenzz · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Call the police! (CHP.2)

The girl named Lilith grabbed my hand and we ran for what seemed forever.

Lilith: "They're lucky we didn't bring our weapons or else they'll be dead meat!"

Lyc: "Lilith, that is probably the only one thing I agree with you."

Lilith: "Ugh Lyc shut up!"

"I don't think this is a good time to be bickering!"

Lyc: "Yeah Lilith! I don't think you should be yelling at me for no reason!"

"Both of you should be quiet!"

Lilith: "Fine!"

??? group: "There, they don't have their weapons! We can hold them for ransom. I bet the Ardith family will "share" most of their money with us!"

Jeez, why was I caught in this...?

I think I tripped on a rock or something because I crashed landed on the grass. I didn't land very softly it felt like I cracked a few minor bones. I tried to get up.

Lyc: "Uhhh are you okay!?"

"No, as you can see! Now help me up..."

Lilian: "I think we lost them for now,"

Heavy panting and shadows came rushing over at us circling us.


--New Quest Opening (F1-Q1): Defeat the assassins (15-40)

+5% DMG, +5 points per person attended

----Rewards Drop List----

--Magical Sword: Seems like a 𝙚𝙥𝙞𝙘 mysterious light sword with a gem embedded into it (10%)

--Steel of heart: A 𝙇𝙚𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙮 magical protection that mysteriously goes around your heart invisibly (5%)

--Potion of healing X10: A common wizard brewed a strong 𝙧𝙖𝙧𝙚 healing potion, get's rid of minor internal pain


--Sirens Voice: A one time use 𝙪𝙣𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙤𝙣 potion that lets you breathe underwater for 10 minutes, control one single mind for 30 seconds (55%)

--New User (VIP 1) Detected--

--Rarity List--









Each quest will give you buffs, points, and rewards. Based on the difficulty the better rewards and higher chances for high rarity items. Points will indicate relationship statuses. 0- Strangers, 30- Friends, 60- Followers, 70- Closest friends, 100-???.

The difficulty is measured next to the quest name in (). For example, this quest is (15-40). That means it's easy-medium depending on who you are with and what you have.

0-14: Super Easy; 15-39:Easy; 40-55:Medium; 56-70: Hard; 71-85: Insanity; 86-100 Impossible.

You could see what number floor and quest you are on next to --New Quest Opening such as (F1-Q1).


--Good Luck--

"What the actual-"