
Where you belong

SHIRO INU LEGACY) The fight for the shikon was over,the life was quiet and everything was back to normal.Kagome has come a few months ago after finishing her studies and the well was working again. I think everyone expected for me and Kagome to get married after human custom and start a family ,but the truth is my feelings changed a long time ago,and so is her..... I am loving her as a sister or a good friend but i cant accept to be with a person that still sees me as her personal dog slave...plus i smell others on her....not outside but inside......she was unfaithful and this is unacceptable for me .....little did i know that destiny prepared something else for me... i do not own Inuyasha this is a fanfiction..the story from this point is my imagination this will be a BL story so you are warned...and this will be mxm ... Contains erotic scenes between two boys/ men. If you dont like this genre please dont judge. And i will NOT mark in the chapter when i will have a sex scene.

Avalon0moon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Escaping with your clothes

Inuyasha pov

I wake up after a night of mating  and passion for the idiot bum. All by body hurts ,even in places that it should not hurt . As i try to convince my body to wake up ,i feel another body next to me purring and keeping me warm and just like that the memories of last night comes back . I am shocked to realise all that happened were just last night and next to me is my brother, my mate and someone i consider my enemy.

I try to move slowly from his arms and keep my breath and i make myself smaller like a little mouse. As i detached from the warm fur i feel his manhood leaving my ass and a warm liquid leaking from there. I need to leave before he wakes up. I dont remember all that i did while i was under the influence of the mating season but i know i am dead meat when Sesshomaru wakes up and his demon part will bask in the afterglow of a mating showing who he mated. I know that even if i am strong, i still can't defeat him and plus with my demon part accepting Sesshomaru as his soul mate i was dead meat from the start.

I look around for my clothes but i see just pieces scattered around us most of the material is melted and in some areas i see pieces of the fire rat. Great, now i have nothing to get dress. At the entrance of the cave i see a white kimono and a long obi. I have no other choice but to use it to cover my body and not running butt naked in the forest. I manage to pick the clothes from the ground and i exit the cave without looking behind ,taking my sword with me. When i pluck my sword i expect to be pounced from behind but i am lucky because Sesshomaru didn't stir and i star to run.

Run ,run ,run. Its all i did since i wake up but need to stop . As i stop at the edge of a spring to get dress and to drink water, i am surprised and scared by a big fluffy pelt that just attach to my shoulder and even if i pull it, it just doesn't move. The clothes that i took from the cave are like a half kimono with a long sash that it takes wrapping the darn thing three times and is still long in the front. I dont wait to see if Sesshomaru will jump on me ,i just start running. It has passed a day since i run from my mate and i am close to the village now. I need to see Shippo ,i need my baby in my arms. I pass in the shadow and i am sneaking to Miroku and Sango's hut and after i check the wind for unusual smells, i enter.

- Inuyasha?!

-A little early ....so this means your mate is not of age?

- No hell....he is of age....im in deep shit Miroku .

- What?..... So where is your mate ? Because i know a dominant partner will not have let his mate out of his sight until he is pupped.

For a second it was hard for me to understand his words but,in that second i realise this is why Sesshomaru was sleeping so deeply....because i carry a pup already. My hand is on my flat belly and the knowledge  that i have a life with me is amazing . And just like that the howling of a might demon sounds across land and even the ground is shaking.

-That didnt sound to good.

-Someone is mighty angry, does he is after you Inuyasha?

-He is...

- Who is he?

I am hesitating to say to Miroku the truth but i cant lie my friends. With tears in my eyes and a growing fear i tell my friends the his identity.

- He...he is my brother. From the damn world my demon self chosen to submit to my brother. And i am scared that when he will realise who his mate is, he will hurt me....and now i dont think i am alone 8....a pup

- ohhhh. That will be a problem. Not even Naraku had a chance in front of him.

- I dont know where to hide...

- Was it that bad?

-You damn houshi..... your mind is only thinking of sex?

- Yes i do....thats why i have so many children.

- Inuyasha....you could hide in Kagome's world. I dont think he will manage to pass through the well.

- But what about Shippo?

-We will take care of him but i must warn you . At a moment in the pregnancy ,you will need Sesshomaru .

- What?

- For the pup to be healthy you will need Sesshomaru' demon aura. If not you will miscarry or the pup will be so weak and he will feed from you , killing you too in the process.

- How much time do i have?... until i need ....him?

- A few months.... 3months the most

- Sssso soon?

- Inuyasha i must convince you....you leaving is a mistake. Stay and chose to manage your life with him. I know is tough to confront your fear but it is the best choice.

- I can't right now Miroku. Take care of my Shippo.

I start again to run for what i think is my salvation. As i pass through the trees on my way to the well i feel a strong pressure coming in my direction. Sesshomaru is using his full power to come to my way and he is not taking any detour, its like he knows exactly where i am.

The well is just at 200 meters away from me and i feel happy knowing i can escape . I am very close to the well now and i prepare to jump.

I jump in the well that will take me to modern world, i see the blue swirls that shows me the magic is strong and........

I am almost in the other side when a powerful surge of power thugs on my clothes and for a few seconds all i see is black. After that i am flying in the air and instead of hitting the bottom of the Bones eating Well, i hit the ground with a tremendous force and a heavy hot body is on me .As i try to breath i hear his voice.....

- Am i that bad of a mate that you tried to kill yourself..... Am I, the great Sesshomaru not good enough for you MATE?

As i try to breath with him on me and to try to disperse the dizziness that took me ,he flips me and i stare at my brother with eyes full of fear and him... lets just say he was surprised....

I bet  you all thought he will escape didn't you?..