
59 Not normal

My ass is hot and tender as Jackson cradles me in his arms, whispering words of love and praise. A part of me is upset with him, not believing I deserved to be punished. Another part is pleased that he's being so caring and giving me words of praise. This part is nice.

I hiss when his hand touches my ass, milking this affection he's giving me. It does ache, but I could handle this, this was nothing really. 

He pauses and moves his hand away from my ass, "Does it still hurt that much?" Jackson's brows are pinched and guilt laces his voice. 

"Yes." Is all I say as I lay my head in the crook of his neck. A part of me just wanted to have sex earlier anyways and was not in the mood to play, let alone be punished for making a mistake in our relationship. If he makes a mistake does that mean I get to punish him?


"Yes, my Lita?" He places a kiss on my forehead.

"Do I get to punish you if you make a mistake?" 

He's silent for a moment, making me raise my head to see his face. He looks amused.

"Do you want to punish me for something?" He raises a brow in question as I blush at his devilish grin he has directed at me.

I clear my throat, "Not at this moment. I just wanted to know if that was something that went both ways."

He chuckles, "I'll let you punish me, anytime you want, Lita." He puckers his lips out and I place a soft kiss on them.

"Good to know." I wink at him before laying my head back on his shoulder. After a moment, I let him know what's on my mind. "You know, earlier...?" 

He hums letting me know he's listening.

"I really wasn't in the mood for play... I really just ...." I hide my face in his neck, not wanting to say that I just wanted to feel close to him with sex... That didn't describe the feeling, but making love seemed too serious to define it.

"Just what? Wanted normal sex?" I feel Jacksons body start to move to lay on his side and face me, so I move to make it easier, even though I wanted to still hide my face.

I start to shake my head no, but then nod in response to his question.

He chuckles as he watches me flush and bury my face in the corner of the pillow.

"So you didn't want normal sex, but you did?" 

I groan in exasperation, needing to divulge what I am feeling when I'm not sure what to call it.

"Not normal sex... I wanted to have passionate sex..." I bite my bottom lip, willing myself not to cry as I felt vulnerable exposing myself at this moment, "not painful sex. Not after everything. All the emotions the past two days... I just wanted to feel reassured..." I pause to breathe and regain my composure.

Jackson is staring at me, eyes wide in surprise, mouth slightly open, ready to say something but he just closes his eyes and lays on his back. I think that reaction hurt more than exposing myself. I watch as his jaw tenses and know, now he's upset with me. I blink and let the two tears fall that had threatened to escape earlier. 

I can't help the sniffle that escapes me that has Jacksons eyes pop open and roll back over to me, pulling me close. 

"My Lita..." He croons to me, "I'm sorry. I ... I .. don't know what to say. I didn't know." He leans back to look down in to my face. "I didn't think you'd want me to ... make..." He seems to struggle with how to label it, just like I did.

"You remember the night by the fire or when I surprised you with the restraints? I wanted something more like that." I try to help him out. "Or even.. our first time together." This one is the one that makes me flush from head to toe. I remember vividly how he had touched me, licked me, kissed me, and made me feel like I was his heaven on Earth. 

"Our first night..." He mumbles, turning red as he recalls those times I was speaking of. He tries to suppress his smug grin but he can't fully keep it hidden. "I really enjoyed those nights too."

"I really enjoy those kind of nights. I mean the kinky stuff is great.... but Jackson I need some passion too otherwise it just feels.... empty to me." I try to express my thoughts on it.

Something Ethan had said runs through my head. 'Isn't it degrading and borderline abuse?' That's what it felt like earlier and I feel my stomach tighten. 

Jackson caresses my arm gently. "I do not see that being a problem." He leans over and lays a gentle kiss on my shoulder. "In fact it would be my pleasure." He places his lips on my neck, tracing with his tongue up to my jawline. He presses his body against mine and I could feel his arousal press against my stomach.

"Again?" I gasp in surprise.

"Touch me, Melita." Jackson pleads breathless between the kisses he's placing on my neck. "You want more passion, I have plenty of it for you."

I chuckle as he nips at my earlobe, "Do you now?" I ask demurely.

He pulls back to stares down at me with his gorgeous brown eyes that are softened by his long lashes, "Melita, there's one thing that I have no doubt of in my life and that's what I feel for you." 

My mind freezes as my body melts. If I had been standing just now, I would have fainted. I don't know how to respond. How does this man leave me gasping like a fish out of water? 

"How are you always so good at leaving me utterly speechless?" I ask him.

"Does it make you feel better that you take my breath away? That you have turned me into a lovesick fool that absolutely adores you?" 

I swallow hard, "You're not a fool."

Really?! That's all I can come up with to say back to him?!

He chuckles leaning closer to my lips, whispering across them, "Thank you." His lips smash into mine, his tongue parting my lips and consuming me through this kiss. I moan against his kiss, the way it steals all my sense and logic is intoxicating.

Now I'm panting trying to regain my breath, "I take your breath away?" I ask him, curious because the reverse seems to be true.

Jackson runs his fingers through my hair as he informs me, "Yes, you do. Every time I see you smile at me. Every time you laugh. Every single moment I get to bask in your presence, I feel breathless and I feel like my heart could beat right out of my chest."

He takes my hand and places it on his chest. I feel his heart, thump-thump, under my palm. I notice how his chest rises and falls with each breath, like he needed more oxygen. I raise my eyes back to his and his smile.

"Jackson..." I murmur his name as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down. We're kissing soft and slowly, my hands running along the muscles on his back, letting one run down his side and begin to stroke his erection.

He hisses, pulling his mouth back from mine. He really is swollen rock hard. I swipe my thumb over the bead of precum at his tip smearing it around the head before bringing my thumb up to suck on. Jacksons eyes darken with desire before he grips my knee and spreads my legs apart. He moves between them, keeping our eyes locked together as he lowers his mouth to lick at my clit. 

Just the lust in his eyes had my legs shaking as the flat of his tongue slid over my pussy, pausing on my clit to tease it. I gasp when he sucks hard, my hands darting to grip his hair. He hums as he licks and sucks, making my eyes want to roll back in my head. Once I'm gasping, panting, whimpering in need, he comes back up to kiss me. I wrap my legs around his and flip us over to straddle his waist. 

He grins up at me, running his hands up my sides to fondle my breasts. I rock my hips, letting my slick run over his length. 

"Fuck you're beautiful." Jackson pants taking in the sight of me teasing his cock. "You're so damn wet too."

I let out a light laugh before sliding him inside of me, making us both cry out.

I take my time rolling my hips on top of him, leaning back and playing with his hands on my tits, showing him how I want him to touch me right now.

The pinch of my nipples and pleasure from his cock inside me enslave me to their sensations. His pace matches mine with the delirious rock of our hips meeting at each thrust. Each jolt of pleasure that brings us higher, brings our bodies closer together. This is what I've wanted, this is what I've needed.

Our connection as we stare into each other's eyes, focusing on the euphoria that we feel. Our breathes intertwined as we grow closer to the edge.

"Lita..." Jackson's voice comes out weak and strained like he's holding back, "I'm ...."

I place my lips over his, tongue diving deep into his mouth as his body tenses and I feel him full me up with his hot cum. That feeling alone shot me over the edge for my own orgasm that I release with a loud cry.

"Yes!" I shudder and cling to him as his own cries are freed. He grips my hips grinding me against his body, as my walls grip and cling to his cock.

"Fucking hell." Jackson chuckles between our gasps for air as we come down from our high.

I'm still sick but getting better. Mainly just a nasty cough now. Sorry for lack of chapters. I do try! Thanks for sticking with me anyways!

Mara_Hellercreators' thoughts