
Chapter 4: "Strike"

A few days had now passed since Venelope' meeting with the Lights. In her room replaying the meeting over and over in her head, she couldn't even bring herself to listen to some music to distract herself. The relentless thoughts kept barreling back to the forefront of her mind.

"What'd y'all do to my baby" Lauri asked Travis. The two were in the living room with Ray watching TV.

"You keep asking me that, and I told you, we didn't do anything" Travis replied lazily laying on the smaller sofa. Sighing, he covered his face with his hands for a moment. Lauri had her head laid on Ray' lap before she made her way to Venelope' room seconds later. She knocked on the closed door.

"...Yeah" Venelope replied just loud enough to be heard thru the door before her mother walked in and shut it behind herself. "What's up" she smiled to hide her uneasiness, but it was too thick in her voice-- even more so to a mother' ears. Lauri sat beside her and looked at her for a few seconds as Venelope avoided eye contact.

"You tell me" Lauri said bumping Venelope' shoulder with her own as both chuckled. "What happened? What's wrong? You been in here three days straight, and you've barely eaten anything." Venelope was at a loss for words as she shook her head ever so lightly.

"...can I ask you something, mom" Venelope nearly whispered to which Lauri gave a subtle facial gesture of confirmation. "...why'd you start writing-- or, rather, why do you write?" Lauri rubbed her neck as she tried to think up a decent answer.

"That's a tough question to answer as simple as it should be" Lauri chuckled. "I guess... it's because the world is too small, to me... and life's too short" she added. Venelope' face softened as if asking for further elaboration. "Writing is my freedom. My escape. Lots of people write for the same reason, and read books like the ones I write for that same reason." Taking her daughter' left hand, she continued. "Reality can only be so real, ya know? You can only step outside of yourself every once in a blue moon and truly feel different. Different strong. Different happy. Unique. Just anything you know you can't be on a regular. So, that's why I write. I do it because I love being able to live a thousand-- or as many lives as I can in this one I've been given." Venelope smiled as she looked up at her mother who was also smiling.

"Thanks, mom" Venelope said warmly. "That really made me feel good. I completely understand." From her slumped posture, she rose up and hugged her mother.

"I'm glad I could help" Lauri chuckled. "So, what's yours" she asked as they separated from their hug. "What's your 'escape'?" Venelope' eyes skimmed the room before a big smile grew on her face. Shooting to her feet and quickly putting on her shoes and jacket before exiting the room. "Where you going" Lauri asked still sitting. Venelope sped down the hallway, hopped down the stairs and headed to the front door.

"Hey, hey, hey. Where's the emergency" Ray said looking over the back of the couch at her as Lauri now stood at the top of the staircase. Venelope chuckled as she gripped the doorknob.

"I'm goin' for a run" Venelope replied before exiting the house promptly. Clearing the porch steps with a leap, she hit the ground running. Reaching the road, she sped up with her smile shining brightly. Slightly startled, she lost her footing momentarily as she noticed Penelope running beside her.

"Can you keep up" Penelope smiled as she then sped ahead. Smiling even bigger, Venelope entered a full-on sprint. Ray and Lauri now stood on the porch. With his arms draped over her shoulders and across her chest, she laid her head back beside his.

"What'd you say to her" Ray asked.

"I'll let you know when you're older" Lauri replied. Her sarcasm was all in good fun, but the depth of her tone said so much more.

"Fair enough" he smiled before kissing the top of her head.

"That's one issue solved... now, for the other" Lauri said.

"What other issue" Ray asked as he continued pecking her head with kisses.

"Don't play dumb" she replied a bit sternly. "You need to fix things with Danny." Ray sucked his teeth before burying his nose into the top of her head. "Mm-hmm. I'll tell you what--" she said taking his arms off as she made her way into the doorway. "--if you don't fix things by the time he gets back, don't expect dinner tonight." Her sassy expression was playful, but not to be taken for granted.

"Damn, woman. You know how to hit a man where it really hurts" Ray said with his hands on his waist. "Give me my jacket and keys." She took his jacket off the coat-hanger beside the door and picked up his keys from the small table just a few feet away from the coat-hanger.

"Where are you goin'" she asked as she threw him his jacket and keys.

"Where do you think" he replied as he put his jacket on. "I'm goin' to make sure dinner's on the table when I get back" he smiled as he made his way down the porch steps.

"Bring back some soda... and wine." Lauri said as he opened the car door.

"Wine" he questioned with an intrigued smile as she flashed alluring eyes. He knew he'd get more than just dinner if he made things right with Danny now upon his return. "You got it" he said getting into the car. He drove off seconds later as Lauri went back inside.

Venelope, panting, but smiling, raced thru the woods behind Penelope. She was filled with so much joyful energy and warmth that the icy wind nearly went unnoticed. She stopped to catch her breath, leaning against a tree with a single hand. Penelope came to stand in front of her as both looked at each other with eyes full of elation.

"I guess... since your spiritual, or whatever... you don't get tired" Venelope said taking her hand off the tree.

"Well, if you'll let me, I can give you a taste of it" Penelope replied. Venelope' eyes narrowed with an unsure, yet intrigued smirk.

"...how" Venelope asked as Penelope smiled brightly.

"Close your eyes and take a deep breath" Penelope replied. Venelope did as directed as Penelope' body scattered into a mass of glittering lights before entering Venelope' body. "Stay calm... and just relax" Penelope added softly. Venelope exhaled as Penelope' attire was now on her body. "Open your eyes." In awe, Venelope looked at the outfit. It was weightless with a feel to it softer and smoother than silk. Style-wise, the outfit was better suited for Spring or Summer, but its spiritual composition gave Venelope the warmth she always felt when near Penelope; physically and emotionally. She couldn't believe it. The chilling wind was repelled by the angelic aura she now wore.

"Wow" Venelope said as she spun around twice. "These clothes are so light, I honestly feel naked." Both chuckled as Venelope then took another deep breath and exhaled. "This sleeve is black... that's weird" she said holding the left sleeve up. "It's not black when it's on you." Penelope re-appeared, though only her shoulders and all above it were visual. Obviously, giving her clothes to Venelope didn't make a second outfit appear onto herself. She shrugged unknowingly to Venelope' statement about the sleeve with a smile as Venelope then let the sleeve fall. "Oh, well. So... what now?"

"Now, I'll show you how a Light runs" Penelope replied.

The icy ground crunched underfoot atop old, creaky wooden porch steps. Music and people chattering indistinctly filled the area as Ray opened the door to the local bar and walked in. A few people walked passed him and out the door as he looked around for Danny.

"The usual, Ray-Ray" a petite waitress said walking up to Ray. The bar was crowded and balancing the several full glasses atop the tray she held was a bit difficult. Ray took the tray in hand to help her out as he leaned in closer to speak.

"I just came to see if my brother was here" he said into her ear just above the crowded chatter and music.

"Was" the waitress said with raised eyebrows. "He hasn't left" she said pointing across the room at Danny who was sitting at a corner table. "You know we're twenty-four hours. We serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, and have happy-hour on Fridays and Saturdays" she said taking the tray of drinks back in hand from Ray. "As long as they're peaceful and paying, we can't kick'em out" she smiled. "He told me what happened in the blizzard, so I asked the boss to go easy on him, but he has been sleepin' in his car, too" she added as they made their way halfway across the room before they split up so she could deliver her drinks. Ray walked up to Danny' table and knocked on it to get his attention. Danny looked up, glossy eyed with a glass to his lips.

"Can I take a seat" Ray asked as Danny gave a subtle drunken nod. Ray sat down and looked around the room before looking at Danny. "How many have you had" Danny glossed over the question by lightly waving his glass about before taking a sip with his eyes out the window. Two other full glasses sat in the center of the table on a tray. Ray picked one up and gave it a sniff as the ice cubes clattered against the inside of the glass. "Whoo. That's some powerful stuff" he said with a quick shake of his head before setting the drink back down.

"...what're you doin' here, man" Danny asked with his eyes still out the window.

"Well, you haven't been at the house since the blizzard incident--"

"Yeah, and why is that" Danny interrupted with his eyes on Ray now. Ray rubbed his chin and was about to speak when the waitress walked up to the table.

"Leann--" Danny said to her clearing his throat before gulping down the drink he had in hand. He then held it out to her. "--bring me another one of these... please. On the double" he said clearing his throat again. Leann scuffed dropping her shoulders before taking the glass.

"You wanna finish these first, huh" she said with some sass and a quick gesture at the glasses he still had on the table.

"Thank you, Le~ann" Danny said flirtatiously taking one of said glasses in hand and sipping it. Leann shook her head as she and Ray looked at each other.

"You gonna have that drink, Ray-Ray?" Ray looked at Danny, then back at her before taking the last glass on the table in hand and downing it in seconds.

"...yeah. Yeah, I'll have that drink" Ray answered as he held the empty glass out to her.

Now back in her own clothing, Venelope limped thru the woods. She had sprained her ankle during her run. The twigs snapped underfoot as she went from tree-to-tree for support.

"Ow! Damn, this hurts" she said as Penelope sadly loomed behind her. Venelope stopped and looked back at her. "Hey..."

"I'm sorry" Penelope said quietly.

"Hey, don't sweat it" Venelope said with a smile. "It's my fault." Penelope showed a glimpse of a smile before returning to her sadness. "I've been running for years. This was an amateur mistake on my part." She continued smiling to try and get Penelope' spirits back up. Looking back ahead, she was now able to see the road. As she continued forward, she saw a jogger pass by. "Hey-- HEY" she shouted as she sped up her limp as much as she could. She made it to the road and shouted again at the person for help. The jogger was across the street and at least thirty yards away. Scatter-brained, she looked around before grabbing a rock. Throwing it, she beamed the jogger on the back of the head.

"DAMN" the jogger exclaimed before dropping to the ground. Venelope cringed as it wasn't her intention to hit the person' head.

"I'm sorry" she said skip-hopping over. The person took their hoodie and the headphones beneath it off and rubbed their head. Reaching the person, she finds it's T.J. Venelope was shocked. He looked at her with one eye closed and gritted teeth as he continued rubbing his head.

"That was you" he asked with pain in his voice as she smiled nervously unable to reply. He stopped rubbing his head and looked at his hand to see if he was bleeding. Luckily, he wasn't, but he was sure to have a serious bump there later. Good thing the rock wasn't too big.

"I'm so sorry" she blurted out.

"It's cool. I'm good" he smiled. Not wanting to look like a wimp, he hid the rest of the pain.

"I-I was shouting for you-- a-and I panicked-- and I... " she said all jumbled together. He chuckled as she stopped with her eyes closed tightly. She was too embarrassed to look him in the eyes.

"It's all right" he said taking some snow in hand from the side of the road and rubbing it on his head, sucking his teeth from the stinging sensation. "What're you doing way out here?" She sat down slowly as she readied herself to answer. "...you hurt yourself?"

"Yeah" she replied. "I jacked up my ankle during my run. What about you? Why are you way out here?"

"This is my usual route. I run this road all the time" he answered.

"I would've never thought of you as the running type. Is there a pay phone close by? I left my cell at home. Just my luck, huh" she scuffed. "Oh, do you have one?"

"I don't think there is, and I left mine at home, too" he replied. "I don't like to be interrupted during my runs. This and when I'm boarding... it's the only time I can... get away from everything." His words resonated inside her. She instantly felt a new sort of respect for him, and comfort. "Come on. We're only a mile or so from town. I'll carry you" he smiled.

Moments later, Venelope was on his back, making their way down the road. Venelope felt awkward being carried. Her feminine emotions now hand the best of her. She felt like a lady oppose to her usual tom-boyish nature. Like a damsel saved from distress, one might say. Though, she thought it wasn't too bad being rescued.

"I can't help but feel bad about all this, though" she said lightly. "First I crack you upside the head, ruin your run, and now you're carrying me down this God forsaken road." T.J. laughed loudly as Venelope chuckled. "It's not funny" she smiled.

"This is one of those times... I'm glad I was... 'interrupted'" he replied with Venelope blushing.

"So, why do you like running this road in particular?" Her mind was scrambled as she tried to think up anything to ask to keep an awkward silence from inviting itself in.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing" he said. "How'd you end up here?"

"I just started running. I didn't care where I ended up" she answered with a cough. "Excuse me."

"Travis told me that that's what you wanna do with your life. To be a track star."

"Well, I don't know about the 'star' part, but, yeah" she replied. "...I love running."

"Me, too" T.J. said quietly. "Obviously, right" he added. He was also feeling different about her now. Though he still had the hots for her, he remained a gentleman and acted accordingly in contrast to his usual rambunctious nature. "Looks like we have something in common" he thought to himself.

"What were you listening to" she asked touching his headphones. He reached into his pant's pocket and clicked his player on. Venelope instantly recognized the song. "Oh, no way! I love this song. The whole band. You're just full of surprises" she smiled.

"What'chu mean" he asked. "Don't stereotype me" he smiled. Due to his street-wise attitude and way of speaking, she assumed he'd have some hip-hop in his ears. On the contrary, one of her favorite rock bands was what he was listening to. "I like all music. Anything that honestly sounds good to me."

"Okay. I'm sorry" she replied softly. "I respect that. Most guys-- or, people, rather, won't admit when they genuinely like something that most don't. Always so worried about saving face and fitting in."

"...you're cool, Venelope. You're all right" he said with respect.

"Yeah" she chuckled. "You, too" she said patting his chest twice.

"Anytime you need a running partner, just let me know" he said as she nodded and blushed.

"I'll also make sure to have my cell phone" she replied.

"Naw, if I had it my way... I'd carry you everywhere" he thought to himself.

"...umm... that was... sweet of you to say..." she said quietly.

"What? About the running partner" he asked. "Yeah--"

"No, about carrying me everywhere" she said cutting him off. T.J.' eyes sped around his head. He was baffled but kept his composure as best he could.

"...um, I didn't say that..." he replied with a questionable tone, hoping she would just brush aside the matter. Venelope was confused as well. She knew what she heard... or, did she? That unwanted awkward silence finally made its way in as they continued down the road. Penelope appeared beside Venelope a bit later. "Whoa" T.J. exclaimed, stopping in his tracks.

"What's wrong" Venelope asked.

"Did you feel that" he asked looking in Penelope' general area.

"...feel what" she asked playing oblivious. If T.J. could actually see Penelope, he'd know he was spot on in the direction he was currently looking.

"It just got really warm right there. Ri~ght... there" he said unknowingly walking directly up to Penelope who etched away. "You don't feel that" he asked again. Venelope, as subtle as possible, gestured with quick shakes of her head for Penelope to disappear, which the latter then did promptly. "What the-- it's gone. Just vanished..." Venelope sighed on the inside with closed eyes.

"I think we're both trippin'" Venelope said in a common tone. "I'm hearing things, you're feeling things. I think there's a reason this road is so desolate" she chuckled nervously. T.J. kept looking in the direction where Penelope was for a moment before he started walking again.

Just over an hour had passed now. Lauri was in her room putting her coat and shoes on. Making her way into the living, she patted the arm of the couch Travis was still laying on to get his attention. He turned around to face her. He had dozed off. Rubbing his eyes, his view of Lauri finally came into focus seconds later.

"What is it" he yawned.

"Boy, I told you twenty minutes ago that Ray called" she barked with some annoyance.

"I didn't hear nothin'. I was gone" Travis answered, referring to how deep in his sleep he was.

"You must've been, 'cause you answered me when I first told you" she said as she went into the kitchen to grab her keys off the counter. "Get up" she said with a raised tone. Walking over to the stove, she checked on the dinner atop it. After placing it all in the oven, she headed towards the front door.

"What did he call for" Travis asked now sitting up.

"Those stupid fools got drunk and now they need a ride home" she answered. "We're going to the bar to pick them up, and I need you to drive Ray' car back here."

"Ah... alright" Travis said with a sigh as he got to his feet. Lauri gave Travis ten minutes or so to fully wake up before they got on their way. Venelope and T.J. saw her Lauri' car leaving from a ways down the road.

"I wonder where she's going" Venelope said.

"That was your mom' car, right" T.J. asked.

"Yeah... um, I think... I'm good now" she said as T.J. stopped walking to let her down. She held onto his shoulders for a few seconds to make sure she could stand on her own. "Thanks for the lift" she smiled. "I can't thank you enough."

"No problem at all" he replied. "I'll walk you to your door just to make sure." Venelope smiled bashfully. Reaching the house, T.J. stopped a few feet away from the porch steps as she made her way up them. "I'll catch ya later."

"Cool" she replied with a smile and nod. "To be honest, it was really fun. We have a lot in common."

"Well, anytime you wanna hangout, just let me know" he offered. He was tempted to offer his phone number, or to ask for hers, but decided to play it cool and started walking away. Penelope appeared beside Venelope and made her heart jump. She chuckled as Penelope smiled timidly.

"You really have to stop doing that" Venelope smiled.

"You're just too jumpy" Penelope replied. "Are you cold?" Venelope looked back at T.J. who was just turning the corner out of sight.

"...no... not at all" Venelope answered softly. She could still feel the warmth of his back as she closed her eyes. She sat down on the top step as Penelope then sat beside her. They Looked to the right a second later to see Cassidy standing beside the porch. "Hey" Venelope said with a warm smile.

"Looks like you had a nice time" Cassidy said with eyes forward down the drive way. "He's a wuss, though. He should've made a move" she added aiming her sinister smirk at Venelope.

"I DID have fun" Venelope said with a raised tone and proud smile. "A~nd... I'm sick of you two being so rude to each other. The ignoring each other and arguing." Penelope looked at Venelope before nodding lightly.

"Pleassse" Cassidy said obstinately now standing beside the front door behind the two as Venelope turned to face her.

"Well, I'd expect this sort of attitude from you, but not you, Pen" Venelope added as Penelope lowered her eyes. "ALSO, he's not a wuss" Venelope said to Cassidy as she stood. "I'm cold now. Time for a long, hot bath."

Laughter lead the way as Danny and Ray stepped outside the bar. With beers tightly in hand, they stood opposite each other, leaning against the railings that lined the porch.

"Thank you" Danny said with a subtle raise of his beer. "I know I screwed up--"

"Yo! We're dropping it" Ray said with a wave of his hand and a smile. He took a sip and cleared his throat. "I don't know if it's the drinks or whatever... it's probably the drinks" he laughed.

"It's probably the drinks" Danny agreed with a laugh.

"We're good now" Ray said finishing his sentence. Danny closed his eyes with a relieved smile as beaming headlights then blinded them. Lauri and Travis had pulled up. Danny and Ray did their childhood handshake before downing their beers and heading towards the car.

The drunken brothers sang along with the radio to Lauri' disdain. She smiled thru it from simply being glad they were back on good terms. Travis trailed behind them by a few car lengths. The snowfall was picking up again, so they drove fairly slow with their high-beams on. Travis had his playlist blaring as he drummed the steering wheel to the beat and bobbed his head.

"So, bay~bee" Ray sang flirtatiously as he laid his head onto Lauri' shoulder.

"What" she replied sternly trying to hold back her smile. He kissed her shoulder before laying his head back on it.

"Are we gettin' some dinner tonight? Hmm" he said with puppy dog eyes. She chuckled with a shake of her head, unable to hold back her smile in the face of his cuteness. "Hm~mm?"

"Yes! Get off me" she shouted shaking him off as he sat upright. He and Danny high-fived before Lauri, alarmed, exclaimed at a person in the middle of the road ahead. Quickly turning the wheel, the car spun out of control on the icy road. Travis reacted just as quickly, slamming his foot on the break, though he still slid and bumped into the side of Lauri', which pushed it into and thru the small fence lining the road. Travis' car continued skidding several more car lengths before coming to a stop in the middle of the road. Travis was a bit shaken up as he got out of the car and dropped to his knees briefly before trying to make his way over to the others. He then saw the man Lauri did, who was presently standing beside her car. With his hands in the pockets of the long black coat he had on, he eyed Travis with a cold glare.

The man stepped several feet away from the car towards Travis. Travis now had his senses back and was ready to face whatever the situation might bring. The man began pacing as he looked up thru the falling snow, then at the ground, then at Travis, and repeated such once more before stopping to face Travis directly. Travis' eyes widened quickly before narrowing again as he could now see the man' conscience standing beside him.

"A damn Cloud" Travis angrily thought to himself with gritted teeth. His own conscience, Vincent, now stood beside him. The man smirked as if he was supposed to be intimidated. Taking his hands from his pockets, he readied himself as Travis did the same. Lauri' car door opening caught their attention. Danny rolled out of the car onto his back before getting to all four. His vision was blurred and his heart was racing. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head to try and right himself. The man looked back at Travis with intense eyes. To Travis' utter surprise, an unseen force erupted and knocked him high off his feet. His panicked scream faded into the thickening snowfall.

Bubbles towered over steaming bath water as Venelope surfaced with a blissful smile. Wiping her face, she rested her head on a folded towel that laid behind her on the tub' rim. She looked over to see Penelope sitting on the sink counter and smiled.

"You have no idea how good this feels" Venelope chuckled. "Or, do you?"

"If you're asking if I-- I mean, if we, can feel what you feel. No, we can't" Penelope replied.

"That sucks" Venelope said blowing at the bubbles. "Cassidy" she called out just above a common tone. Repeating herself after waiting a bit with no reply from the dark conscience, the wicked one finally responded.

"Oh, God! What do you want" annoyed, Cassidy barked while remaining unseen.

"Nothing, grumpy" Venelope frowned playfully. "I just wanted to know if you were around."

"Now you know. Enjoy your freakin' bath" Cassidy replied with the same annoyed tone. "Not like we can be anywhere else."

"Why are you so mean" Venelope asked with a serious tone. Cassidy' neck creaked and cracked as she appeared and turned to face Venelope.

"I hope that's rhetorical" Cassidy said loudly to which Venelope laughed inaudibly. "Do I look like your pretty, prissy little princess sittin' on the sink?" Venelope laughed loudly as Penelope covered her mouth to smother her chuckling. Cassidy turned away to hide her smile. For the first time, she felt joy without a malicious act being the cause of it. "You two are stupid" she said upon vanishing. Fleeing the scene before the two could see her enjoying herself.

"Don't be like that" Venelope teased. "Come back, grumpy" she added while laughing throughout. She splashed some water on her face as her laughter subsided.

"She's just scared" Penelope said quietly, immediately catching Venelope' attention. Venelope looked on attentively waiting for a reason that would justify the statement. "During the meeting we had with the others. They said that you can only have one conscience, and once you choose which one you want... the other fades away..." Venelope' face sank as she nibbled her thumbnail.

"They don't know everything" Venelope said quietly as Cassidy continued listening in while still unseen. "Who knows for sure, right? They haven't had these powers all that long to know that for sure. Besides, I never said I was choosing you over her, or vice-versa, or Lights or Clouds." Both her counterparts felt some relief from the statement. "I'm not going to, either" Venelope added with somber eyes.

"But--" Penelope said.

"But nothing" Venelope sternly interrupted. "It's not something I wanna be a part of. It's not the life I want, or ever wanted. I'm good knowing I have you two around, and that's that." Penelope and Cassidy smiled as Venelope eyed the bubbles. "Even if I had to choose one of you over the other for some unbelievable reason... I still wouldn't forget the other... no way." She cleared her throat as she reached for her towel hanging on the rack as her cell phone set on the sink counter started ringing. Quickly wrapping herself and drying her hands, she answered it. The caller I.D. showed Travis calling. "Hey, what's up.... what?!" Her face filled with disbelief as Cassidy appeared beside Penelope. They listened in on the conversation thru Venelope.

"A car accident..." Penelope thought. She and Cassidy looked at each other before looking back at Venelope.

"Oh, my God! Are you guys okay" Venelope said with a trembling voice. "I'll be there as soon as I can." Hanging up, she began drying herself off as quickly as possible.

"We were listening" Cassidy said. "But you're not going out in that cold with a body fresh out of the water." Her tone subtle, yet intense.

"She's right, Venelope" Penelope agreed. "You don't have a car, and you'll get sick for sure if you run out into that cold."

"You expect me to wait for anything at a time like this" Venelope replied quickly.

"We can help" Penelope said softly.

"Yes, we can" Cassidy added with strength. Venelope' hurried movements slowed, though she couldn't remove the concerned look from her face. Still, she did feel comforted by the two and accepted their help, and listened to what they had to offer.