
Chapter 2: "Blizzard Bargain"

Later that night, Venelope lied wide awake in the living room on the sofa. It was already passed midnight. All the lights were off, but she had the fireplace lit. She loved that crackling sound and got up every so often to toss some more logs into it. As calming as it was, she just couldn't drift off to sleep. Having already been lying there since ten o' clock, or so, her restlessness was frustrating. She tossed a few more blocks of wood into the fire before going to the fridge and grabbing a can of soda from it before plopping back on the couch. Bored stiff, she skimmed through her cell' messages. Several friends from Laguna had messaged her. Having so much fun with her family earlier on, she hadn't looked at her phone all day. It made her smile to know they were thinking of her. It was too late to message any of them now even though she wanted to. She just wanted someone to talk to. Hoping in the back of her mind someone out there was as restless as herself. A selfish desire. As she sat her phone down, a subtle voice from the fireplace' direction sent a chill up her spine.

"Why so restless" it asked. Trying to fight off the frost gripping her spine, Venelope couldn't find the words to reply. The sound of footsteps-- more accurately, heavy boots, stopped halfway between her and the fireplace.

"...is that you..." Venelope whispered. As spooked as she was, she remained vigilant as to not be caught talking to... 'herself'. The voice, more or less, answered with a chuckle, only now it was coming from the kitchen behind Venelope. Turning around quickly, her hands gripping the top of the couch, her eyes speedily skimmed over the entire kitchen. The dense footsteps sounded again. Thump... thump. Coming from the kitchen and around the far side of the sofa into the living room, the heaviness of the steps had a dark feel to them that was fear inducing all their own. Venelope could vaguely-- very vaguely see the boots now. Their visibility came and went in the flickers of the fire. Faded black, steel-toed, worn-in with thick mud caked along the sides. The chills had now made their way to Venelope' lips.

"You're not scared... enough... yet" the voice said in the same subtle tone it had been using the entire time. Now realizing which voice she was speaking to, a tough, slow gulp dropped to the bottom of Venelope' throat. Even though she hadn't officially met this particular voice, there was no doubt about it now as to who owned it. The windows creaked, tree branches clawed the roof and walls before silence took over the room-- instantly. Venelope' fingers etched towards her pillow and blanket. A kitchen cupboard slowly squeaked open as the voice' echoing chuckle ran around the room before the cupboard closed with a light thud. Venelope looked back at the floor to see the boots were gone. Her heart pounded nearly drowning out the fire' crackle. "You're gettin' there" the voice chuckled as all the sounds that were previously silenced returned. Venelope was petrified now. Only her uncontrollable trembling gave motion to her stone-like posture. Her wide, fear-filled unblinking eyes lit by the flames. Her quivering lips barely parted. "HEY" the voice screamed directly in her face causing her to jolt back into the couch. Now looking the voice eye to eye, a sinister grin grew upon it. Though identical to her own, the wickedly sharp features of her doppelganger distinguished them. Venelope' entire mind and body had been arrested by pure fear. Snickering as it eased closer, the wicked alternate gently grabbed Venelope' chin. "Now, you're scared--"

"Enough" the kinder alternate Venelope had met earlier in the car said strongly. Standing in front of the fireplace, glowing as beautifully as the last time she had shown herself, Venelope and the wicked one turned to face her. Being in her angelic presence again, Venelope' fear started to melt away.

"...you..." the wicked one said annoyed. With a sigh, she stepped away from Venelope and went over to the other couch. Venelope' eyes raced back and forth between the two. "You had your time with her already and I didn't interrupt you" the wicked one added as she made herself comfortable-- her entire body being visible now. She wore tattered dark brown and black clothing with numerous chains around her neck and bracelets on her wrists. Her pale skin contrasted against the darkness of the room so much that it lit itself, so to speak. A pierced nose with wild shoulder-length black hair made her look as ghastly as the aura that accompanied her. "Can you leave now" she said much more annoyed with a crooked neck to the angelic one as she tugged on the black diamond earring in her left ear.

"I'm not leaving" her twin replied calmly. "I'm not leaving her alone, and especially not alone with you" she added before turning her eyes to Venelope. Unlike the wicked one, the angelic one' clothes were clean and new, though she was barefoot. Her complexion matched Venelope', but her hairdo was how Venelope used to be years ago; shoulder-length and curly in contrast to Venelope' current look, which was much shorter and straighter. She wore a sea shell necklace, small earrings, but no bracelets or other piercings. Placed a hand on Venelope' lap, her touch freed Venelope from the last of the lingering fear and warmed her body from the inside out. Butterflies tickled her all over as she sat mesmerized. Venelope looked over to see the wicked one had vanished before just as quickly returning her gaze to the angelic one who had taken a seat beside her. Venelope smiled nervously as she was unsure of what to say, though the obvious question quickly came to mind.

"...what's your name" Venelope asked, receiving a smile in return.

"What would you like to call me" she answered. Her voice alone resonated with a warmth that continued to strengthen Venelope.

"I feel... awkward giving you a name" Venelope shrugged bashfully.

"Try" the angelic one said with her eyes on her own lap. It seemed like Venelope' shyness was contagious as she noticed the change in her counterpart' demeanor. Looking around the room, she tried to come up with a suitable name. Then-- it clicked. It showed on her face as a tender smile.

"Penelope. I know it isn't too different from mine--"

"I like it" the angelic one-- or, Penelope, as she were now, said as they smiled.

"It was the name of my mom' aunt. They were really close."

"...I know" Penelope replied, making Venelope' head shoot up slightly. "I have the same memories as you... because I AM you." Venelope' eyes softened as she took in the sincerity of Penelope' voice, so much so that her tears began to well-up. Venelope chuckled as Penelope started to cry, too. "Well, technically, to be specific, I am your conscience-- both of us" Penelope said referring to herself and her wicked twin.

"Ah... I get it" Venelope nodded. "I'm guessin' she doesn't have a name..." she added to which Penelope nodded. "I'll come up with a name for her later" Venelope smiled as they then chuckled.

The smell and popping of bacon filled the room. Morning had come. Danny, Travis and Ray were sitting at the bar section of the kitchen digging in.

"Does she always 'die' when she sleeps" Travis said referring to Venelope who was sprawled out over the couch with a strip of bacon gripped in his teeth and another skewed and ready on his fork. "Like, full coma."

"If it weren't for food, track and the beach, she'd hibernate all year round" Danny added with a mouthful.

"Hey" Lauri barked aiming her spatula at Danny. "Leave my baby 'lone. You bums don't do nothin' but eat my cookin'."

"Mm... had to be good at somethin'" Ray mumbled. Lauri stared him down as he obviously avoided eye contact. She had a glare that would make a rattlesnake run away.

"We still boardin' today" Travis asked. "It's almost eleven. She sleeps any longer, she might as well go for the Dracula record."

"That goes for you, too" Lauri said as Travis chuckled.

"Sleeps like her mother" Ray mumbled again. Lauri sat her spatula down before walking over to loom over him. Pressing her bust into his arm, he cleared his throat with a hidden smile. "As in, she sleeps as peaceful and as beautifully as Snow White" Lauri sneered playfully as she pecked a single kiss on his lips before heading back to the stove. Seconds later, like a reanimated corpse, Venelope rose up. Taking a deep breath, she stretched and exhaled.

"MM-MMM... Do I smell BACON" she said with one eye still half shut.

"Told ya" Danny said with a mouthful and without taking his eyes from his food.

"Didn't even beat the Dracula record" Travis said shaking his head. Venelope wiped her eyes with a yawn as she made her way over to them.

"Mor~ning" she sang to which the guys replied with grunts. Walking over to Lauri, both gave each other a hug and kiss. "Morning, mommy."

"Mornin', baby" Lauri replied as Venelope snagged a fresh piece of bacon straight off the spatula. The taste of momma' cooking rushed through her as she hummed out her elation. She kissed her mom' cheek again, pressing into her so much that they nearly lost their balance.

"Alright. Alright. Alright! Cool it, crazy" Lauri smiled to her daughter' laughter. "You know how I do" she added proudly.

"Hey, I'm supposed to get the first kiss of the day" Danny whined dropping his fork onto his plate. He picked up his glass of orange juice as Venelope kissed his cheek. "I didn't mean a kiss from you" he sneered before Ray smacked him on the back of the head. She then gave Travis a hug before giving her dad a hug and kiss.

"Oh" Ray exclaimed. "You're your mother' daughter all right. That's some serious morning breath, right there" he smiled as Venelope drummed his back with her fists.

"You really don't want another meal, do you" Lauri said stone-faceted to Ray who avoided eye contact just like before.

"Get'im, ma" Venelope grinned. "I'd expect that from unc, but not you" she added.

"Runs in your mother' family" Ray replied as he instantly got his defenses for a possible attack from Lauri. As Ray had his hands up to defend a strike to the face, Lauri walked over and snatched his plate. He dropped his chin onto the counter for a moment with puppy dog eyes before Lauri slid it back to him and almost hitting his chin; intentionally, of course. He loved her sassy looks and attitude, and she could only half heartedly deny his goofiness before such would turn her scowling into a smile. Danny laughed at the two just before the doorbell rang.

"Get the door, M.B. Make yourself useful" Danny said to Venelope.

"...'M.B.'-- oh! 'Morning breath'" Venelope quoted with her fingers. "Yeah, that's clever, unc. But don't show us the extent of your intelligence in one sentence" Venelope fired back as she made her way to the door with Lauri laughing in her favor. Venelope stopped in front of a decorative mirror to quickly fix herself up a bit.

"Oh, God! Are you serious" Travis blurted.

"Shut up" Venelope shouted back.

"Just get the door" he added with a flail of his hand.

"You're goin' to the door with that mornin' breath? You're bold" Danny chuckled and grinned as he stuffed some eggs into his mouth.

"Forget all three of you" she said just before opening the door to find Evette standing there with a bright smile. They hugged each other and squealed happily.

"Really? You just saw each other yesterday. Like, the day before today" Travis playfully frowned.

"Ignore him" Venelope said to Evette.

"Trust me. I was doin' that waaay before you came back" Evette replied as they made their way into the living room.

"Burned! Got'im. Got'im" Danny laughed obnoxiously as he shook Travis strongly. "Go outside, get some snow and cool off that third-degree" he added as the others laughed. Travis brushed off the taunting and went back to his plate.

"Morning, everybody" Evette said with a wave.

"Good morning" Lauri smiled. "You want a plate? I live with these two--" she said gesturing at Travis and Ray. "--so, you know I gotta keep the fridge full. There's plenty to eat."

"No, I'm good" Evette chuckled. "Thank you, though."

"I'm gonna hop in the shower" Venelope said to Evette.

"Ok" Evette replied upon taking a seat on the smaller sofa.

"I left the toothpaste on the sink counter for you. Right in the open" Danny enunciated at Venelope.

"Forget yo~u" Venelope sang as the others laughed.

"She's gonna need a mop bucket for that breath" Travis added making Danny choke on his food with laughter. "Ha-ha! Got'im" Travis mocked while Danny wheezed and pounded his chest to get the cough in check as the others laughed loudly at his expense.

A bit later, all were outside loading their snowboards and gear into the vehicles. Venelope stepped outside and down the steps as she eyed her cellphone with disbelieving eyes.

"What's that look about" Evette asked with a comical expression mixed with some slight concern as she walked up to Venelope from her car. Venelope looked up at her with her jaw hanging as she tried to form the words to speak. "What is it" Evette laughed which made Venelope do so, too.

"Have you been online recently" Venelope asked cautiously.

"You talking about that pic your friend Rosey posted of you at the restaurant" Evette answered. She couldn't help but laugh at the same time the question ran out of her mouth.

"Ahh! Freakin' Rosey! I can't believe her" Venelope stomped. "This is embarrassing! I can't believe she posted this!" Evette continued chuckling, trying to get it together so she wouldn't be adding to her friend' frustration. "She waited 'til after I left town to post it. Freakin' snake! She's gonna get hers" she frowned.

"Sounds kind of stalker-ish, taking into account the time she chose to upload it, I mean. Maybe she watched you leave town. Maybe she 'watches' you" Evette played with a creepy demeanor. Venelope pushed her away as they laughed.

"Forget that! As my mom would say: there ain't that much 'sugar' in me" Venelope added as both continued laughing. Danny ran out of the house and exclaimed happily suited in his winter gear.

"Ready for this, V, and, uh... V's friend" he asked with a big smile.

"You know her name" Venelope shouted. Ray, Lauri and Travis were standing around the vehicles with everything packed and ready.

"Y'all ready" Ray shouted as everyone then made their ways into the vehicles. "Hey, where you goin'" he said to Lauri who was walking over to Evette' car.

"Obviously, I'm gonna ride with the girls" she replied with her usual playful sass. She and the girls high-fived as Danny walked up behind them.

"Do I see some three versus three action trying to happen here" Danny asked boastfully gesturing towards the ladies then at himself, Travis and Ray.

"For your own good, don't even think about it" Travis said pompously with a New Yorker' accent sitting in the backseat of Ray' car with his legs outside the open door. "We tol' you... we own the mountain."

"Yo, tell'em one more time" Ray added from the front seat with the same accent as he started the engine.

"Full of themselves, aren't they" Evette frowned.

"O-oh, whaaat? Don't even try to act like YOU don't know" Travis said to her. "You know how I do when I'm doin' what I'm doin'." Danny exclaimed happily from Travis' words.

"Save it for the mountain" Lauri said as Danny then placed his arms around she and Venelope' shoulders.

"I gotta side with my guys" Danny said smugly with eyes closed, trying to come off as sympathetic to the ladies' adversity. "Especially, since they have me on their roster again. Yeah-ha" he laughed as he high-five'd Travis before getting to his seat. The doors shut all at once as if choreographed. Everyone was ready to go.

"It's on" Venelope said from Evette' passenger seat with a cocky smirk. Lauri let her inner child take over and happily took the backseat. The tunes blared as they hit the road. Turning to face her mother, she sees Penelope sitting beside her. She was startled, but only for a moment as she remembered Penelope said she could only be seen by her. Smoothly playing it off, she turned back around and grooved to the music, smiling even bigger on the inside. She and Evette rocked along to the song, and though this type of music wasn't Lauri' cup of tea, she let herself take it in to let the good times roll. "Come on, momma" Venelope shouted happily over the music.

"Don't get me started" Lauri shouted back as the girls laughed. Evette turned the volume down a bit after a few turns down the road.

"When'd you get your license" Venelope asked Evette.

"'bout two years ago, or so" Evette replied. "Your mom helped me out a lot."

"Huh? Why? I mean, why didn't you ask your mom or dad" Venelope asked.

"They're always claiming they're too busy" Evette said slightly saddened. "I did ask them. More than a couple times, too. But, I was, like, forget it, then. All was good thanks to your mom, though" She smiled at Lauri via her rear-view mirror as the latter then gave her a couple pats on the shoulder.

"That's 'cause my mom's the business" Venelope said proudly.

"She's been your friend and coming around the house for years, so I didn't mind helpin' her out, at all" Lauri said.

"Any new books in the making" Venelope asked Lauri. She was a great writer and already had three books published that sold quite well.

"Yeah, I've kept myself busy" Lauri replied. "When Evette asked me to help her out, I was goin' through a writer' block. So, I needed to get away and clear my head" she smiled. "I helped Travis, too. He was hangin' around doin' nothin' outside of work. I said he might as well get it out of the way."

"She didn't even give him a choice" Evette chuckled. "She basically threw him in the car." They all laughed as Venelope saw Penelope was also laughing.

A bit later, they arrived at the ski resort.

"We have plenty of time to have some fun, but keep in mind, the weather report said there's a strong chance of a blizzard coming through" Ray said to everyone after they had all exited their vehicles. "Stay together, and keep your cells on, please."

Locals filled the area, chatting happily. Venelope stopped to look around and take in the nostalgia. Facing the mountain, she took a deep breath and smiled before following behind the others. Up the ski lift and reaching their starting point a little later, Danny whoo'd anxiously to get things rolling. He was without a doubt the cocky type, in a fun way, though. But he was the real deal. He had carved down many mountains before. He would even go as far as calling himself a veteran of the sport, whether it was true or not.

"You were shaking like a leaf from the cold before we left" Evette said to Venelope. "Now, you're standing there looking warmer than me" she added as they laughed.

"I don't know what to tell you" Venelope replied with a shrug. "I guess the adrenaline's pumping. I'm really amped up to do this again. Been too long, Evee" she said with eyes down the mountain. She clapped and exhaled happily to shake off the lingering jitters. "Hope I'm not too rusty."

"I got'chu... on camera, that is. Just in case you bust your ass" Evette laughed as Venelope jumped on her playfully.

"Some friend! Really! Just another Rosey" Venelope said shaking Evette by the shoulders. "Like you can actually board and record at the same time, anyway. I doubt you're half that good, even as long as I've been gone" she added before-- ZAP!

"OW! Damn" Evette exclaimed from the static shock she just got from Venelope.

"Sorry... but you deserved it, though" Venelope said smiling nervously.

"How the hell do you static shock somebody with that thick-ass jacket on" Evette said cautiously touching Venelope to see if it would happen again. "Ow. Geez. That really stung. Had some zing to it."

"Well, quit touchin' me before it happens again, you masochist" Venelope said pushing her away.

Travis was checking his board when a young man his age jumped on him.

"What it is, Vice-Grip" the young man said happily as he and Travis then shook hands.

"T.J." Danny said with an unsure smile at the young man.

"Oh, snaps! No way! The legend's-- the legend's back" T.J. said as he excitedly shook hands an hugged Danny. "No way, man. Look at'chu" he said taking a step back.

"Look at me? Look at you. You really shot up" Danny replied as two more guys Travis and T.J.' age walked up.

"Oh! These are my boys, Marvin and Nigel" T.J. said as the two greeted Danny. Travis knew the two and hung out with them and T.J. regularly. "So, how long you in town" T.J. asked Danny, but he was so excited he kept talking before the latter could reply. "Travis told me you were down for Thanksgiving, but I was out of town myself for the same thing. Gettin' my grub on at grandma' house" he laughed.

"I hear that" Danny replied. "Well... I'm gonna be here a couple days... like, 'til Christmas."

"a couple days" T.J. questioned with a chuckle at the obvious joke. December had barely started, so obviously Danny was going to be in town for weeks. "That's business. Me and Vice-Grip held the mountain down in your absence" he said bowing lightly with prayer hands.

"Vice-Grip" Danny asked giving a questionable smirked at Travis.

"It just means-- ahem. That when my board grabs the mountain, my moves are so tight, it can't get away from me" Travis replied confidently before he and T.J. screamed playfully as they then shook hands again.

"I like that. Vice-Grip" Danny smiled. "You got it like that now, huh" he asked Travis who simply gestured with a smug smile. Essentially saying Danny would soon see for himself. "I'ma grab a coffee and catch you guys in a few, alright" he said shaking their hands before walking off.

"Alright, legend" T.J. shouted. "Now--" he said clearing his throat as he leaned closer to Travis. "--for the real reason I came over here-- the second... first, actually. Whatever" he said making Travis chuckle. "Who is that cute mulatto cookie over there with Evette?" They looked over at Venelope who was about twenty yards away.

"You don't recognize her with the shorter hair" Travis asked in response. "Hasn't been THAT long since you last saw her, has it? As a matter of fact, you weren't feelin' her back then" Travis added as T.J. clearly had his thinking cap on, but came up empty. He was utterly puzzled. A wet match in the dark. As he took a real good look at Venelope, Travis counted down like a game show host. "3... 2... 1... and your time's up, sir." T.J. waited eagerly for Travis to tell him who she was. His quirky smile made Travis laugh who was drawing out the moment at his friend' expense. "That's my cousin. Venelope, fool" he said pushing T.J.' shoulder.

"...word...? No way" T.J. whispered in disbelief. "She, uh... man. She grew up."

"Like I said, you weren't feelin' her back then" Travis said walking towards Venelope as T.J. quickly jogged up beside him.

"Give ya boy a break, man" T.J. playful pleaded. "I mean, Evette ain't bad. She's bomb, actually. But, standing next to her... she just seems... irrelevant" he added with his eyes never leaving the sight of Venelope. "...she, uh... with anybody" he asked scratching his head

"I'd set her up on a blind date with a rattlesnake before I gave you the go ahead to get with her" Travis replied. Though said jokingly, his expression was quite serious.

"Man, that's colder than the ice we're walkin' on" T.J. said with a playfully depressed tone.

"Hey, V" Travis said to his cousin as they reached the girls. "You remember Thomas?" Venelope looked at T.J. awkwardly before it sank in.

"Yeah, I do" she replied as she reached out to shake T.J.' hand. "Nice seeing you again."

"You, too. And it's T.J. now, please" he said with a confident smirk upon shaking her hand.

"Okay" Venelope nodded.

"Sup, Evee" T.J. said to Evette with less enthusiasm who simply gestured 'what's up' with a raise of her chin. "You back for good this time" he asked as he looked back at Venelope.

"Nope. Maybe. I don't know" she replied as Danny, Ray and Lauri walked up to them before they made their way to the starting point a bit later. Danny took off down the mountain like a mad man as Travis and T.J. followed behind him. "I thought you were in on this, too, mom" Venelope asked Lauri who was standing without a board in hand beside Ray.

"I ski, girl" Lauri replied. "I need four sticks. After Ray gets his time in with y'all, he's gonna cruise with me." Venelope awed in disappointment. "I ain't gonna race down this big-ass rock with you maniacs" she added as Ray hopped into his run.

"Watch the snow melt behind me" Ray smiled as he picked up speed. Venelope cheered for her dad as the anticipation gave her butterflies.

"Ready, girl" Evette said brightly to Venelope who nodded as her friend then sped down the mountain. Looking at her mother once more, Venelope then hopped into her run. A bit shaky, but she quickly regained her knack for the sport in the moments to come. Travis and T.J. tailed Danny who pulled a big-air trick off one of the snow ramps.

"LE~GEND" T.J. screamed as he and Travis then flew off the same ramp. They caught up to Danny seconds later. All three of them wearing big smiles.

"Thomas 'T.J.' Jenkins and the Vice-Grip" Danny shouted happily as the boys laughed.

The entire day flew by on the slopes. Dusk was now near.

"We wanna get one last run in" Travis said to Ray and Lauri. Lauri looked at Ray to handle the decision who shooed them off with a sigh.

"Come on, Evee" Venelope said trailing behind Danny, Travis and T.J.

"Mm-mmm. I'm done" Evette replied bashfully with some fatigue in her tone. "I'll see you when you get back."

"Fine" Venelope answered with some partial disappointment, but she smiled understandingly before she turned away to catch up with the guys.

"The wind's picking up already" Ray shouted. "Tell that surf-bum uncle of yours to put a rush on it"

"Ok~ay" Venelope shouted back with her voice slightly drowned out by the wind.

Minutes later, Evette took a seat in the resort' café with a steamy latte, stirring in some marshmallows before taking a sip.

"I ain't never seen nobody put marshmallows in a latte" Lauri smiled sitting opposite Evette. Evette couldn't help but chuckle, postponing her initial sip just that much longer. Lauri looked at Ray who was sitting beside her next to the window. His solemn eyes peered into the darkness beyond the window. He saw the storm building and began regretting the permission he granted. Lauri placed a hand on his cheek as he then faced her. She pecked him on the cheek before giving a faint, yet reassuring smile. He lowered his gaze for a moment before looking back through the window.

Just over half an hour had passed now. The blizzard had arrived. Ray was pacing before the café' door. He was obviously worried, but there was definitely a strong anger there as well. Though he, Lauri and Evette had tried to contact them via cell, reception in such a storm, let alone them even being able to hear or feel their phones ringing, was a stretch, and plain old wishful thinking wasn't much of a reliever at present.

BOOM! The café door flew open and smacked into the wall from a strong wind as Danny and T.J. entered the café with several others behind them. It took three men to shut the door. Ray' eyes widened upon seeing his daughter and Travis were not among the group. As Danny tried to get to his feet on the slippery floor, Ray hauled him up. Slamming Danny up against the door, Ray' eyes were filled with a terrifying rage.

"WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER" Ray blared nose-to-nose at Danny. His grip was inhumanly strong as a man gains a certain kind of strength in such situations. "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?!" Lauri tried to get Ray to unhinge his steel-trap grip before some of the other men were able to pry Ray away, but not before he knocked Danny back to the ground with a punch to the face.

"Baby, calm down" Lauri said strongly to Ray with her hands pushing on his chest. He couldn't keep himself still as he continued pacing back and forth. Lauri was able to turn away to face Danny after the other men made a wall between the brothers. "What happened" she asked. T.J. wasn't shaken speechless by the incident, more so he was too afraid, even ashamed to answer. Danny got to his feet, etching up against the door seconds later. "Danny, dammit! Say something" she yelled with her voice cracking slightly as she held back her tears as best she could.

The wind roared through the trees. Venelope' snowboard laid on the ground nearly completely covered in snow. It had been snapped in two from being blown against a tree, or something of the like. But, where was she? The sound of something being dragged-- a body, came to ear. The lifeless heels bumped over the snow-caped earth and stone. Hot breath screamed as it met the freezing air from blue lips. A raven-haired girl was dragging the unconscious Venelope towards a cave to escape the storm. Reaching it, the girl sat up against the inside wall trying to catch her breath. Her body shivered feverishly as she tried to warm her hands. She looked at Venelope for a moment before dragging her further away from the cave' entrance and laying her over her lap.

"Why are you ignoring me" Penelope asked the girl. She asked the girl? "I just want to help." The girl could see and hear Penelope? She looked up at Penelope with a sharp glare as her own conscience appeared beside her. Just like Venelope' counterparts, her conscience was identical to her. The mouth of the cave became halfway closed by the snowfall as time went by. The storm could barely be heard now, but the feel of its intensity could be felt clear as day.

A couple hours had gone by now with those at the café being forced to stay the night. They slept on the floor and seats. Some were fortunate enough to be given blankets from the workers, while others just bundled together. Evette and T.J. cuddled up to stay warm. Ray and Lauri held each other tight as they stood with worry ridden eyes aimed out the windows. Danny sat at the opposite end of the café just as worried, but remained out of sight as best he could from Ray and Lauri. He blamed himself for his recklessness, beating himself up on the inside. It was safe to say he had already punched himself well over a hundred times. Comparing that pain to Ray' strike, the latter was sorely insignificant. He wanted to run out into the storm and find Venelope and Travis at all costs.

Venelope coughed hoarsely as she came to. Her hands were like stone. She couldn't even make a fist. She looked up to see the raven-haired girl was asleep. She tried to get up, but her body was just too cold. She rolled off the girl' lap onto the floor to her back. She looked up to see her wicked conscience had returned. Looming over her with a grin that fed off her agony. Penelope appeared and a glint sparked in Venelope' eyes. She felt safe for a moment before she took in Penelope' dire expression.

"Hurry up already" Penelope said forcefully to the wicked one.

"What's the rush? Not like she's gonna freeze to death-- oh, yeah. She could, huh" the wicked one replied with a vile smirk.

"ENOUGH OF YOUR NONSENSE" Penelope screamed. "Save her! Both of them!"

"...I will... I will" casually replied her twin. "But I have a condition that needs to be met first." Penelope' eyes narrowed as the wicked one turned her gaze back on Venelope. Venelope looked on in fear. Her blood went colder as she looked into the wicked one' eyes - her black, lifeless eyes. "I want a name, too" she smiled. She could've almost passed for being innocent in that moment. "I recall you saying you'd give me one later." She sucked her teeth with a shake of her head. "Ya know, that really hurt my feelings. You've never once given me a smile, either."

"Stop torturing her like this" Penelope said stepping towards her. "Just give yourself a name and be done with this... please!" Penelope' heartache filled her eyes as tears brimmed. Venelope' stammering caught their attention. They faced her as she tried as hard as she could to speak.

"Ca--Ca--ss--ss--" Venelope coughed as she continued trying to speak throughout.

"Take it slow" Penelope said kneeling down beside Venelope.

"Spit it out already. My, God" the wicked one said rolling her eyes apathetically. Venelope took a moment to right herself and managed to stop her shivering for just long enough.

"...Ca--Cassi-dy... C-assidy..." Venelope said to the wicked. After a hard swallow, she repeated-- "Cassidy! Your name's... Cassidy!" The wicked one grinned ear-to-ear.