
where the hell i am

fuck!! fuck!! I am freaking out, I don't know this, is this exciting or what.

I am in the twilight, yea which is the fucking romance book, I think if not everyone at least 70% of people are only watching its movie, I am one of them. ok, that of the hook I should start my story. I used to be an ordinary lad just like all of you, who read novels wasting my time and eating junk food. I don't want to write that I died and end up twilight, that's kinda creepy, so I sleep and end up here. here means is fucking

unknown house big as a mansion or scrap that its big as a palace.

Then you would be thinking how would I know its twilight because

I had a system, also forgot to mention that I reincarnated not transmigrated, and I am fucking 4 years old. Let's create a random story,

how about this, I already mention that I lived in a big ass palace, so my parents were rich and died, leaving me with a huge amount of money, no scrap that, it's too classy, it all isekai protagonist basic setting. so let's go with that, when I was born, my biological mother died so my father hate me, it's kinda like every other novel you read but let us go with this. So where I was, that I have a system, ok it called "nonhuman role-playing system". So you can understand by its name, it can inherit all nonhuman characters in fiction. (i don't know about you but my first thought about nonhuman characters are rimuru tempest and Ainz Ooal Gown comment your thought). It gives me a newbie gift pack like all fanfic I read. you guys won't believe, what is in this newbie gift pack. Ok ok first, talk about myself,

my name is Tyrrell Elvin Jephson, and my father is Patrice Elvin Jephson.

(from now on I call myself no sorry sorry I mean the protagonist "Elvin"

and my shithead father Mr. Patrice). You already may know that he is super-rich but he used to be, now he poor as hell, so this big palace does not belong to me, ok it would soon be mine. COF.... ok not if I like greedy for this house ok I am a bit. this place belongs to my grandmom, my dad doesn't want to see my face, I almost forgot how he looks as if I care anyway. when I was almost 2 years old, he throws me into an orphanage, without a reason. If there is I don't know of any. I lived there for about 5 months, then one day I was picked up by my grandmother. MY grandmom

also hates my father, I don't know the reason, and I don't care. I live here like a little prince, and she doesn't have anyone besides me, so I don't think I need to worry about money. My first thought is lying fat, what I do does not matter anyway, my grandmom loves me Enough to leave me everything, I am confident about this. ow I forgot to mention her name is

Margarida Nuka Pereira.

Malinalli: young master lunch is ready.

Elvin; coming.

she is one of a maid in our house, Malinalli Nita.

I mention one because there are too many, I only know some there names. then you ask why you know her name, it has a very special reason. one of them is I like her hug very much because they are very soft and quasi, ok if you still don't understand then you should stop reading this, you are still a child this is not for you.

Granny; how was your day.

Elvin; just like always boring, hey granny why don't you allow me to play outside.

Granny; did not I tell you when you become 10 years old then you can play outside.

Elvin; but why did Elina tell me that I can play outside when I become 4.

Granny; she is stupid you don't need to listen to her word. now eat and go to your room and get your sleep.

Elvin; ok..

you guys already see that she is overly protective of me, what can I do.

I can open a newbie gift pack. system open newbie gift pack.

opening a newbie gift pack.

you get,

Character: {Rimuru Tempest},{Dae-Whi},{Mzaka}.

fuck. I am fucking invincible. ok cool your head, Elvin, in every novel I read, you have become strong step by step, how can I reach the sky in one step, there must be something missing. I don't feel much different from before, let's check this out first. system show me my character.

Rimuru Tempest {S}

Dae-Whi {A}

Mzaka {C}

[Rimuru Tempest]

title- king of Tempest, the demon king

Matching rate-100% (not inherit )


species- slime normal

skill- everything that Rimuru can do (expand)

side effect- you become genderless slime


title- jade emperor

Matching rate-100% ( not inherit )


species- god

skill- four basic forces of the universe

gravity, electromagnetic, strong force, the weak force

side effect- none


title-werewolf lord

Matching rate-100% ( not inherit )


species- werewolf

skill- werewolf transformation

side effect- none

system why is not inherited.

host, you have to conform.

do you conform?

system what about side effects about rimuru

host, rimuru is the strongest template, so lower template will be consumed by it, so you will become genderless slime with 2nd and 3rd template power.

do you conform?

hell no.

what about, if I consume a man, can I become a man

no, you can not

son of a ....

what should I do, ok I won't go down without losing my virginity a second time.

system can inherit only one template, and leave them for later.

it's up to you, host.

ok, can you tell me about class things

host, class-D (Deadpool low)(Captain America mid)(scot high) (expand)

class-C (iron fist low) (Mzaka mid) (ban high)(expand)

class-B (normal Madara low) (escanor mid) (naruto high)(expand)

class-A (sung jin woo low) (Ichigo Kurosaki mid) ( Dae-Whi high)(expand)

class-s ( cath low ) ( rimuru mid ) (king author high)(expand)

class-ss (locked)

class-sss (locked)