
is this the crazy girl are you talking about

Elizabeth POV

how many years it has been since I last saw him.

maybe it's 100 years or 200 years.

I don't know anything anymore, about this world, about me.

it's even uncertain if I can see him again.

should I die? no, he must be waiting for me.

maybe, he can live without me, with another woman, what I even thinking, he is mine and only mine.

at that moment, I can feel that he came.

he reincarnated.

it has been 4 years since then.

I want to find him, I want to spend every moment of his life with him.

But this time is something different, I can't feel him like before.

every time I can tell his location, I can only feel vaguely about where he is. maybe I have to search the whole earth, but that doesn't matter I can do anything to see him again.

also, I can feel another person through him, I don't who is that person and what is the reason but I don't care as long I can see him again.

it's 1991 and I am going to Alaska, then Washington dc.

that's aside it's come to another century's end, it's more than 1500 years to become a vampire.

I still vaguely remember that day.

when Volturi preparing to face off against the Romanian coven. because of that, they try to add newborns as much as possible.

I am one of them, even fought against the Romanian coven.

After that, we emerge victoriously. but that time I was only a disposable soldier.

that changed when I waken my power.

my power, I don't know what to call it, it's weird.

I can charm others, like male females even animals,

it does not matter as long it living.

suddenly all thing went crazy around me, like really crazy.

almost everyday fight broke out for me, in Volturi.

I started to enjoy it.

it's gone for more than 5 years, then it's starting to become boring.

then I decided to leave from there.

And I also find out that it can control people to some extent if they had bad thoughts about me.

that time was one of the craziest in my life.

I go around all over the world.

playing with kings, nobles, even started some war. At that time I don't care about anything. about this world, about me.

I did everything I want, but eventually, it become boring too.

then I try living like a normal person.

that did not work out as well I thought.

then I started to travel again out of boredom.

that's when I met with him, my destin one.

when I first saw him, my first thought was screw this world,

I want him.

He was a merchant.

he just like me, play around to do whatever he wants.

he doesn't care about what anybody thought about him.

he likes a free bird.

every day I want him more and more like wine.

first day of contact with him.

I am a little frightened, confused but most of all I am too excited.

My charm did not work on him.

our first meeting did not go so well.

anyway, that would be for next time.