
Where the heart is

Helena Smith was a lady who seemed to have it all. Smart, beautiful and sexy as hell. But she had one major flaw - as what others seemed to think of it - she is an orphan. Ashton Kempt. Edison Hunt. Known to others as the 'golden boys'. Why? They are perfect. Rich, smart, confident and handsome. One is gentle and refined. The other one is gruff and manly. One is from the present while the other is from her past. Will she be drawn back to the man from her past? A past that she has been running away from. Or will she take the leap and go into the waiting arms of the one from her present. Will she be able to start dreaming of a future with him? Just when life was starting to go well for her, people from her past started turning up. What would she do now that someone wants to hurt her and her family? Would she run away again just like before or would she stay and face her demons? A heartwarming story about a woman who deals with every curve ball that life throws at her. Watch how Helena overcomes her doubts, distrust and traumas with the help of those around her. Be with her as she tries to find out who she really is and come out triumphant.

Bliss_Cale · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
204 Chs

Chapter 4: Yes, I need your help!

The smile on the receptionist face was frozen and she looked at me from head to toe and smirked.

"I'm sorry but we do not accept job application for cleaners nor staff for the pantry. I you wish to apply, please go to Cleaners for You. Their office is located at the next block. You won't miss it." she said in a cold voice which matched her cold expression.

What a b****! I mentally screamed. Why am I so unfortunate today? Why would she mistake me as an applicant for a cleaning position!

"I have a scheduled job interview today." I said in a civil voice.

"I understand. But as I have said before, you can submit your resume to Cleaners for You. They will definitely help you out." she said.

"What is your name please?" I asked her.

"If you are trying to get my name to log a complain, please do not do so. It would be a terrible hassle on both our ends. I have accommodated you and assisted you to the best of my ability." she haughtily said.

I don't honestly get it. Why is she so ticked at me. I just met her but she is being a mighty b****.

I put on my most insincere smile and said in a slightly loud voice, "I know that you are just trying to do your job but as I have said before I am here for a scheduled interview. I never said that I was applying for a cleaner's post. I am here to apply as one of your translators."

People walking around us suddenly slowed down and was trying their best to eavesdrop without being noticed. I won't allow her to treat me like a trash. First, we do not know each other. Second, I always believed in the quote that my attitude towards you depend on how you are to me.

"You? A translator?" she laughed and looked at me from head to toe again. I am starting to get irritated but also insecure of how she is treating me. "I'm sorry miss, but our company and its hiring process is no joke. Take my advice, I have seen my fair share of translator applicants and you do not look like one."

I can feel my face heating up again. If this keeps on, I might stutter and I do not want that to happen. I won't be able to do well in the interview if I start stuttering now.

"Will you just please take a look at those applicants who are scheduled for today? I am Helena Smith." I implored at her. I was running late because of the misfortunes but now I am really late because of her.

She rolled her eyes and scanned her computer for the list of applicants. I can see her eyes growing larger and I figured that she did find my name in the roster. She immediately looked around us and noticed that a lot of people seems to be interested with where our conversation is heading. So she looked down again and said "I'm really sorry Ms Smith, but I do not have you on today's list of interviewees."

"What?" That got me really mad. How can she lie about it. Just because a lot of people will know that she made a mistake especially on how she belittled me, so in order to save herself she would rather have me not attend the interview at all. Unbelievable. How can people like her exist?

I noticed that the atmosphere suddenly became tensed as if someone important is in the vicinity. Even the receptionist before me changed miraculously from a major b**** to country's sweetheart. I was about to turn around when I heard that heavenly baritone saying...

"What is happening here, Sheila?" he asked when he noticed people watching us. He then turned to me and asked "Do you need any help?"

Before I can say anything, Sheila the venomous receptionist said in a sugar coated voice, "Mr Kempt, this lady here is insisting that she is scheduled for an interview but she is not on the list."

That made him to turn to look at me with a raised eyebrow. I can feel myself blushing under his unwavering stare.

"There must be some mistake. I received a message from your HR department asking me to be here today at 10am." I said. When I noticed that he was about to point something out, I hurriedly added, "I know it is past 10 but if the lady here did not insist that I came to the wrong building and actually tried to verify my appointment, I would have made it on time." I said with a minor pout.

"Is what she said true, Sheila?" he asked the receptionist in a voice that was flat and a little bit cold.

"Well, Mr Kempt, I ..." Sheila started stammering.

That made him realize who was at fault. He then asked Sheila, "Is her name not really on the list?"

"I made a mistake, Mr Kempt. She has a schedule today." Sheila muttered under her breath in a very low voice so that no one could hear her.

I noticed that Ashton's eyes suddenly turned cold. He then turned at me and said, "You are already late for the interview. Knowing Jessica, she will no longer allow you to join. Do you need my help?"

He asked the same question four times already in under 30 minutes.

"Yes, I need your help. If it is not a bother." I quietly said.