
Ch 11- Nova tribe

Since the dream started Casey hadn't had a chance to see himself but if he had he would probably be surprised again. This time Casey appeared still as an appoirition but he was less see through and more solid than the previous couple of times. Up to this point he hasn't realized that he could also feel and sense things more keenly then the previous times.

"Such a rare opportunity. Best make use of it". The next second the man in the coat hurled his whip towards Casey and ended up smacking him squarely on his forehead. Casey who received the hit screeched and collapsed on the ground and held his head with his claws.

"So scary. I want to wake up". Casey kept chanting these words, hoping he would wake up.

Tears were already falling off Casey's face and turning into beautiful crystals as they fell.The man looked even more excited seeing Casey's reaction, he slowly walked towards Casey and knelt down. He pulled Casey by his neck and looked closely at him. Casey just kept crying out of fear and tried to shrink himself into a ball.

Morrison watched this exchange and started to get mad, he tried his best to move his tail to attack the man. Noticing Morrisons movement, wings sprouted from his back and he flew into the air with Casey and looked at Morrison in a condensensing matter.

"It's a shame I can't keep him long, so I can only log a few tests while we have him. I'm in a bit of a rush so I'll come and visit you after our guest leaves Morrison". Leaving those words the man flew out of the room with Casey in his hands. As he flew off to another room the dragon in his hand vanished, he looked down in frustration yet his eyes were still full of excitement as continued on his way.

Meanwhile Casey opened his eyes and saw Mac's face right infront of him. He threw himself in Mac's arms explained through soft sobs what he experienced in his dream. Mac was truly surprised hearing such serious and dark matters coming from his silly, innocent and young dragon. He felt very worried listening to Casey's story, however he focused on soothing his tense nerves.

Mac kept lightly stroking Caseys smooth scales and whispering softly to him. Since the moment he opened his eyes Casey's head had been aching and listening to Mac's voice he quickly drifted back off to sleep. Affirming Casey was asleep, Mac relaxed and fell sleep next to him.

Casey slept a deep and long sleep but his whole body felt uncomfortable. When Mac woke up the next morning he instinctively looked towards Casey and saw him curled up, his whole body was flushed pink and he was sweating profusely.

"Casey!" Mac felt that he was burning again and rushed to the doctor. The doctor looked at Casey puzzedly and vaguely said " I think something is wrong with his spiritual power. But I don't have the right tools to find out, he may not wake up for a while if it's spiritual damage". The doctor looked very worried, "it's best to gather up all the nutrients in the village so we can provide for him while he's asleep, because I think he may be like this for a while".

Mac felt distraught hearing her words and held Casey and went to his grandfathers house. Mac explained everything that happened last night and what the doctor said before handing Casey over to his grandfather. "I'm going to go see the Nova tribe, they're the most familiar with spiritual power on this planet so maybe they can give a more formal diagnosis and help Casey recover".

"Please take good care of him, I'll be back soon".

Leaving those words Mac ran out of the house towards the trading market. He ran around until he saw the stall of the Nova race. "I need help". Mac came close to the stall owners and whispered the situation only leaving out the part that the patient is a dragon.

"Do you have a way to check his spiritual realm and help him recover? We can't do anything but assume and wait for him to wake up".

The two young Nova's looked at each other and the older of the two spoke. "We cannot help you but there are a few in the tribe who can. However what do you have to offer for us to make the trip and treat them?".

"Take me to your tribe and I'll discuss it with your elders". The Nova looked at each and nodded.

"It's a bit of a long walk, it'll take roughly a day to reach the tribe". Mac felt exasperated but he had no other choice but to follow. When Mac arrived they took him straight to the tribe elders. Mac sat in the leaders house, it was him and three elders of the Nova race. As Mac started to explain the situation the chief raised a hand to stop him.

"Do you mind if I just look through your memories? I'll be able to grasp everything and make a better judgement that way". Mac hesitated but slowly nodded his head, the chief put his hand on Mac's forehead and moved his spiritual power to show Mac's recent memories to the group seated around the table.

The elders couldn't help but exclaim when they saw a silver dragon. Then they became worried as they saw his situation. After the memory of the past two days finished the chief elder pondered for a moment before speaking. "You didn't mention it was a dragon you wanted to treat. So we won't ask compensation from you but rather the dragon once it's healed". Mac's face sank hearing those words.

"He's only a cub and doesn't have anything he can offer your tribe". The elder smiled before saying "that's not something you can decide, if you don't agree then we won't help him". Mac gritted his teeth as he nodded to their request.

Then Mac and two Elders of the Nova tribe set off back to the Shera tribe, the pace was much slower since he was walking with an older generation. Two days later the group arrived at Tala's house, Mac rushed in and asked how Casey was holding up.

Tala simply shook his head saying he hadn't even shifted since arriving. Mac then hurriedly brought the Nova to Casey. One of them gently injected in his spiritual power to check Casey's condition and was a bit surprised before pulling out.

"This child has sustained a soul wound on his body, his spiritual power is working to repair it which is why he's in a coma". The nova looked at Casey's head which was totally fine and thought for a moment before turning to Mac. "Do you recall the dream the dragon told you about the night he fell ill?". Mac nodded and the Nova continued to elaborate.

"He has abundant spiritual power, the most I've ever seen infact. In the dream didn't he say a man whipped his head?". Mac raised his head and thought for a moment before nodding again.

"Infact what the child experienced shouldn't be a dream. I don't know exactly how things happened but he should have traveled to another place in spirit and was attacked, causing the damage to his soul". Everyone in the room listened and their expressions turned grave.

"How much does he normally practice or use his spiritual power? This is a dangerous phenomenon if he can't control it". Mac's face sank and he began to explained how the training went and how their tribe thought Casey's didn't have spiritual power.

The more the Nova listened the more mad he became. "You all are fools, how could a young dragon of all things not have spiritual power? Because of your ignorance his soul is damaged, you should leave him in our tribe where he can properly learn to use his strong spiritual power". Mac lowered his head and after a moment spoke. "We won't hand him over, and there's no way he would want to go to another tribe".

"But it would be better for him than staying here". Mac look tangled; he didn't refute the Novas words but he couldn't send Casey to them.

"Can you please just help him recover? If it's possible for someone in your tribe to come here to teach him we would warmly welcome and provide for them. But I promise you Casey will refuse to leave our tribe".

The two elders sighed, "let's wait to discuss this until the young dragon wakes up. We will stay in your tribe until then and help build his spirit with our own".

Mac finally heaved a sigh of relief at their words and went to clean up the guest room in Tala's house. Over the next two weeks the Nova elders took turns guiding Casey's spiritual power to speed up the healing process. On the seventeenth day of his coma Casey finally opened his eyes. He looked around and saw two people he didn't recognize and panicked.

"Mac! Mac!". Casey flew off the bed and frantically called Mac's name.

Hearing the commotion Mac rushed out, the second Casey saw him he flew towards him and crashed into his chest. The momentum was too strong and Mac and Casey fell together onto the floor.

"Ha ha ha" Mac started laughing and hugged Casey tight; water gathering in his eyes.

"You finally woke up" Mac's voice choked a bit as he held Casey. Hearing such a voice Casey raised his head and was stunned when he saw Mac's face. He looked haggard and a bit guant, Casey gently touched his face with his tail.

"How long was I asleep?".

"Two and a half weeks, you really scared us".

Casey was shocked. "To me it just feels like I had a very deep sleep. I'm sorry for worrying you and the tribe. What happened?".

Mac started to recount everything that happened and what they discovered in these two weeks. He also mentioned that he needed someone from the Nova tribe to stay by his side to train him. The more Casey listened the more amazed he was.

"So I actually have spiritual power". Mac showed a wry smile hearing Casey's excited voice.

"Not just have, you have an absurd amount that you have no control over. It's dangerous Casey, you need to focus on gaining control over it otherwise this could happen again". As Mac spoke with a grave tone his face turned increasingly dull.

The two Nova elders had been standing aside watching the two talk and felt it was now a good time to step forward. "Hello dragon, we have been treating you these past weeks". As they spoke they sent their spiritual power over to lightly touch Casey.

Every person's spiritual is different and when Casey felt the touch he found them both familiar and wasn't as cautious when he turned to them.

"Your spirit is fully healed and has no problems. Dragon, would you come to our village? We can teach you how to harness your vast spiritual power, being in this tribe won't be helpful to your growth". Casey who had just lowered his guard to his two healers drew his guard back up upon hearing their words.

"I won't leave. This is my home". Caey replied without a moments hesitation. The two Nova sighed, it wasn't convenient for their old bodies to stay here long term.

"Then all we can do if find a suitable teacher and send them to you. You shouldn't refuse this right? This is potentially a matter of not just your health but others as well. You could accidentally hurt those around you if your power goes out of control".

Casey's face changed when he heard those words, and looked at the Nova in a kind manner. "I'll listen to whatever Mac and the chief decide". Mac's heart felt warmed by Casey's dependent and trusting words.

Mac looked over and stated "we will discuss this matter privately later. For now lets let Casey get washed and prepare a meal". Everyone had no disagreements and got busy making succulent meal.