
Where Spider Lilies Bloom

"Have you heard of the legend?" A granny starts with her grandchild in her lap Once upon a time in a land enveloped by snow,a land unvisited by the sun where even a fraction of fire could not exist There lived a tyrant A ghost king,who emerged victorious from fighting over thousands and thousands of ghosts in one go And on the day the divine heaven regarded as the one day the sun shines the brightest,what should've been bright and warm,became dark and cold,for it is also that day that the tyrant emerged victorious claiming the title Ghost king,the 5th of the heavenly calamity,the heaven shook for 6 incense time that day "What does the ghost king look like granny?"the grandchild ask innocence burning in his eyes as it sparkled,so his grandmother says They say he is like ice,skin so pale he looked like a dead body pulled from the depth of ocean,hair frosty white that almost came down to hide his eyes,and his eyes......one look at his eyes and you accept you fate,for his eyes screamed death,a sorrowful mourn of the dead,as if his eyes contains death itself Oh!and people says he has holes on his face too "Really granny? that's not true right?" "Who knows?but it's time for you to go to bed now,or else he will come"His granny tickles his toes, giggle bursting out "B-but granny, you've never told me his name" No one knows his name actually,but since his story came and reached the farthest of land,he was known to be called "Graceful white death",for the chilling breeze and the freezing cold announced his presence, And it is said even the sun would freeze in fear of him

Iambread · LGBT+
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15 Chs


"For i, if not for even a long while, want you for myself and myself only"

It was quite effective in the way it shuts Lihui up,he left him thinking and not being able to ask anything about it,so he stayed silent all night

Chanjuan came up once that night to give him his outer clothing to use as blanket saying "you're sensitive to cold" and nothing more,it was not even a question

He slept quite well for someone with loads of questions in his mind

The first thing he see is Chanjuan sitting beside him,his face against him

Lihui rise up,rubbing his eyes and yawning a bit

"Morning" he chirped

Chanjuan returned a nod followed by "can i show you around?"

This time Lihui nods, Chanjuan went out the door and Lihui hurriedly followed

As soon as he got out the door he was met by fields of spider lilies,a crimson ocean of flowers

He noticed that it was in fact not a cave but a small hut that he was taken to,it was too noticable but it was the first time he had ever noticed it being here

Chanjuan might have used magic to keep it hidden

"Is that your house?" He asks running after him

"No,i stayed here for just a bit, maybe i will show you my real house in the future" Chanjuan says

Lihui smiled "i would love that" completely forgetting that he is in the company of a ghost!

"Wait" but then he realised "are you gonna kill me?" Fear came upon him like a storm


Chanjuan smirked!

Lihui kinda wants to hit him

They take a walk through the endless field of flowers, Lihui a step behind Chanjuan

"Is this place yours?" Lihui asks touching one of the flower, appreciating it's beauty

"I planted every one of these" Chanjuan says

Lihui was so caught off guard that he accidentally nips one off its bud,and then the fear returns once more

A flower planted by a ghost stronger than most!and he just nips one!

But to his surprise Chanjuan just stared and walk away

Lihui released a breath he didn't know he was holding "I'm sorry i nipped one accidentally"

"It's fine, don't worry about it" Chanjuan gave off a carefree vibe, completely different from the first time they met

"Why do you plant them anyway?" Lihui asks more

"One for every year since y— he died but then it became this many,it was his favourite flower" Chanjuan says

"It is indeed beautiful!"

The sun was high on the sky,and Lihui and Chanjuan was hiding under the shade of a tree

"By the way,do you know who Mingxu is?he owned a mansion underground not too far from here,no one seems to want to tell me about him" Lihui fanned himself with his hand, stripping his outer robe because it was getting too warm

Exposing his chest out to get some cool breeze

Chanjuan seems to avoid looking at him though, Lihui assumed he was being polite because he was acting kinda improper but in this weather?who wouldn't?heaven forgives him

He noticed how red Chanjuan had gotten but doesn't say anything about it "i-i do know him, I'm surprised you didn't"


Before Chanjuan could answer him, something happened

The sky that was bright is now turning dark

The air is filled with gloomy air of ice

It was warm to the point that he could see the evaporation from the ground before but now he's body is shaking out of cold

Chanjuan abruptly got up, quickly turning toward him, his eyes wide "quick,run, don't let him see you"

Seeing Chanjuan acting like this got Lihui thinking that something serious is about to happen,so he ran as he was told

He was a fine distance away when he looked back and when he did,he could see the silhouette of a white robed man,walking toward Chanjuan

He was too far away to see his face but Lihui is certain that the white robed man was maybe the same age as Chanjuan,just a little smaller in height than Chanjuan, a little!

And when he walked it looked as if death follows him just a few steps behind

He knows exactly who he is,every gods and humans,all that is breathing and even those that doesn't, knew him

Ghost kings are notorious after all

Lihui knows the man in white is the ghost kings known as the 'Graceful white death"!