
Where I am ?

A bewildered being wakes up in a room that he himself does not know. Where I am? What was he doing before? That he should...? *Ding* "Welcome soul N°57212, in a coincidence of destiny you have been selected by my goddess to be a worthy candidate for our experiment. Now become the most Outstanding being of this reality. Welcome to the Ikemen System"

Nashi103 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
132 Chs

Chapter 53: Otori Family part 2

Kaede's Dad: "Darling, you've already eaten 3 whole packs by yourself. Besides the 15 you ate on the plane, at this rate, our reserves will run out in just 3 days. I'm worried about your health; you have to understand," said a middle-aged man, his hair was black and short, and his eyes were emerald green just like his daughter's. He held the box of sweets up high, preventing his wife from getting them.

Kaede's mom tried to cling to her husband and climb on him to get her treats, but it went wrong, and they both fell to the ground.

That's when all the sweets spilled onto the floor.

Seeing this, Kaede's mom made a sad face and started to cry.

Her husband tried to console her but couldn't.

When they both saw us approaching, they looked at us for a moment, then Kaede's mom ran to her daughter and clung to her while crying, pointing accusingly at her husband and said.

Kaede's Mom: "Baby, defend your mommy, your father is intimidating me. He doesn't want to let me eat the sweets he promised me, and now he even made them fall on the floor. Do you know how hard mommy had to work to get them? Your father is so mean to mommy. Baby, you love mommy, right? Defend me..." said the woman in a desolate tone.

Kaede and her father shared a look.

Then they both sighed.

Kaede reached out her hand to me and said.

Kaede: "give me another one..."

I was lost for a moment, but then I understood and gave her another apple slice.

Taking it, she put it in her mother's mouth and said in a comforting tone.

Kaede: "Mom, I understand that you're sad about your lost treats, and to ease the bitterness in your heart, I'll share with you this sweet apple slice that Hitohito-Kun prepared for me. Now, please stop crying and listen to what I have to say, okay?"

Kaede's mom wiped her tears and nodded.

Then she sat on the floor and ate the apple slice like a squirrel.

Kaede's Dad: "*Sigh* It's good to see you again in our house, Nene. How are you?" said the man as he looked at Nene.

Nene: "Excuse the intrusion, Mr. Otori."

Kaede's Dad: "Oh? And who are you?" he asked as he observed me.

Tadano: "I'm Tadano Hitohito... it's a pleasure to meet you."

Kaede's Dad: "Oh! If it isn't the brave hero who protected my adorable daughter from that group of scum. It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Otori Claus, but you can just call me Claus. And the adorable little animal eating on the floor is my wife. Her name is Otori Yume. I apologize for her behavior; she tends to have complicated moments due to her personality, but please don't hate her; she's a very kind woman," he said as he lovingly looked at his wife, who was eating the apple slice.

Tadano: "It's no problem. I'm delighted to meet you, Mr. Otori and Mrs. Otori," I said as I performed a perfect 90° bow.

As the apple slice finished, Mrs. Otori stood up and approached me with a curious look.

Yume: "Uhm... You're Tadano-Kun?" said Mrs. Otori as she looked at me curiously.

Yume: "You're as handsome as my daughter described. I deeply appreciate you protecting her from those bad people. My daughter still doesn't quite master our family ability, so she often ends up in random places. Please take good care of her," she said in a gentle tone.

When I glanced sideways, I could see Kaede with her usual expression, but I could feel embarrassment and some anger from her.

 I could swear I saw the words "Look who's talking" written on her face.

 When both parents took their seats, Mr. Otori asked. 

Claus: "Well... what brings you to our humble abode, Tadano-Kun? If you need our help, I'll gladly provide it. The savior of my daughter deserves the greatest assistance my family can offer," said the man in a friendly tone. 

Tadano: "Well, you see... I wanted..." I hesitated a bit at first, but when I gathered the courage and was about to ask for their approval, Kaede cut in. 

Kaede: "We're here so I can introduce him to you... This is Tadano Hitohito, and from now on, he's my fiancé and future husband. Please treat him properly." She said without any worry in the world. 

Claus and Yume: "!!!" 

Claus: "Baby, are you sure about this? Isn't this a very important decision that you should discuss with us and..." 

Kaede: "No! I chose him, and only him. He will be my future husband. That's what I decided, and I don't plan to back down," Kaede said with a determined look on her face. 

Kaede's mother hesitated for a moment, but seeing her daughter's resolute gaze, she shrugged and said. 

Yume: "If my daughter wants it... then so be it. Welcome to our family, Tadano Hitohito-Kun," she said with a kind smile. Seeing his wife's acceptance, Mr. Otori sighed resignedly and accepted as well. 

Claus: "I guess I have no other choice. Although I don't think your grandmother will be very happy with your choice. However, if you're so determined and your mother supports you, I'll respect your decision. And I'll bless this engagement," Mr. Otori said as he looked at his daughter. 

Kaede smiled at her parents' positive response and clung to my arm while smiling happily. 

I ruffled her hair affectionately with a smile on my face, seeing her so cheerful. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Mr. Otori's grim expression; a vein had formed on his forehead. After letting out an uncomfortable cough, he continued. 

Claus: "I entrust my daughter to you from now on, Tadano Hitohito-Kun. Make her happy for me and protect her with your life. If I find out that you've hurt her... you won't be able to hide from me even at the ends of the earth, understand?" he spoke in a tone full of the authority and seriousness befitting a man in a position of power. 

Tadano: "I understand, Mr. Otori. I'll protect Kaede with everything I have," I said firmly. 

Mr. Otori nodded satisfactorily at my response. When he wanted to say something else, Kaede dropped another bomb. 

Kaede: "Oh! And Nene-Chan will be his second wife."

Mr. Otori's eyes rolled back, and he fainted on the spot.

On the other hand, Mrs. Otori placed her hand on her cheek and said. Yume: "My, youth is so energetic these days. Well, as long as my Baby is happy, Mommy has no problem with the decisions you make. You've always been a smart girl, so Mommy trusts that you know the consequences of your actions. However, Mommy advises you to prepare a good argument for the Christmas family gathering. Your grandmother won't be very pleased that your future husband has more than one wife." advised Kaede's mother in a maternal tone. Kaede nodded. 

Kaede: "Thank you, Mom, I'll keep that in mind." 

Yume: "That said... could you give Mommy another piece of apple?" said the woman as she put one of her fingers in her mouth in a cute gesture. 

When I was about to get another piece, my hand was taken by Kaede. Kaede: "No! They're mine. I was already very kind to Mama by sharing one. Besides, Mama didn't share any of the new sweets you brought, so we're even," the girl said firmly. 

*Insert Aqua Meme*

Yume: "WAAAAHHH... My baby is rebelling. My baby doesn't love Mommy anymore. Mommy is very sad..." The woman had started crying, but Kaede remained undisturbed. 

Kaede: "That only works with Papa, you know I won't share my sweets," she said casually. 

Kaede's mother calmed down and stopped crying. 

And after clicking her tongue with annoyance, she headed towards her fainted husband. Stealthily looking around, she rummaged in his pockets. 

Although she wasn't very stealthy because both the girls and I, and even Dante and some servants, could see her perfectly. 

When Kaede's mother found what she was looking for, she let out an excited cry and raised a small key in the air. She then ran to the kitchen, completely ignoring her still-fainted husband. 

Kaede saw all this but didn't pay much attention. 

Kaede: "Call some servants to clean up the place and take my father to his room, please. Oh, and tell him that Mama took his key and will surely finish the remaining sweets in a day. If you can, schedule a doctor's appointment. Most likely, Mama will eat until her stomach hurts," Kaede said as she gave orders. 

Dante: "As you command, Kaede-Sama," said the butler, and after a bow, he started to move. 

Tadano: "..." 

Nene: "..." 

Kaede looked at us confused. 

Kaede: "What's with those faces?" 

Tadano: "Does this kind of situation happen so often that you don't take it seriously?" 

Kaede put her index finger on her lips and with a pensive expression on her face, she began to think carefully about my question. 

After a few moments of contemplation, she replied.

Kaede: "Yes... Mama is like that. Although she's sometimes immature, she's generally a good person. And well, about Papa..." she paused for a moment as she watched them carry her still-fainted father.

Kaede: "Papa is very kind and patient... he loves Mama very much and makes sure she stays out of trouble. He usually takes care of complicated things while Mama plays," she said casually. 

Nene: "I must admit, your normal personality is similar to your mother's... although lately, I think it's not the case anymore..." added Nene, somewhat thoughtfully. 

Kaede: "Haha, you're right, my grandmother always said I resemble my mother a lot. And about my changes... I don't think they're really changes. I'm just in love," she said with a cute smile and flushed cheeks as she clung to my arm. 

Tadano: "Well, now that we've done what we came to do. What are we going to do now?" I asked. 

Kaede: "Hmm, how about you stay, and we all have dinner together, then I can tell Dante-San to take you home, What do you think?" 

I saw no problem with that, so I agreed. 

Nene did the same, and we spent a pleasant time together.

Author's note: "Hello everyone, well here is the last chapter I edited. I really feel like shit so I don't know if I'll bring another one tomorrow. I'll see, maybe I'll play Cult of The Lamb for a while and relax a little, whatever, don't worry about me. With that said, remember to drink a lot of water and remember that I love you very much, sincerely, a very depressed depressive author.

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