
Where Evil Rebounds

Money and power are inextricably linked. Then there's the old adage about money being the source of all evil. The Caliwells are at the pinnacle of society's privileged ladder, with their predecessors making significant contributions to the establishment of their state, Efla. Thailah Rivera meets Benjamin Caliwell, the current heir to the Caliwell fortune, following the death of his wife, Lilith. They both married after considerable pushback in their commoner-to-elite romance. Moving into the Caliwell house completely changed her life. Secrets begin to emerge, and their previous evil is revealed like an open book in front of her. However, without proof and merely guidance from a ghost, it is simply insane.  How does she convince Benjamin that his family is the reason he is frustrated? Furthermore, she is the lone commoner among them and the least credible. Also, Benjamin might be a part of the larger plot, feigning his own pain. Blood, after all, is thicker than water. Will Thailah ever expose the Caliwells and uncover the mysteries behind her father's disappearance and Lilith's death?

DaoistcgkFXg · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 1

Even though the atmosphere was a little windy from the previous night's rain, it was a very bright day, with rainbows for decorations.

From the great 360-degree view at the top of the Caliwell penthouse, you could see the birds chipping and flying in unison—everything was perfect.

Benjamin Caliwell had only just awoken for the day. When he reached out on the sheets to grab his wife, Lilith, he noticed she had gotten out of bed. Knowing exactly where she was, he pushed himself out of bed in his pajamas and walked to the penthouse on the top floor.

As he drew open the door, he noticed the back of her curly chestnut brown hair from where she stood in front of the six-foot-tall window—her hair swirled in time with the wind flowing into the room.

He hugged her as he approached from behind. She then turned around to get a better look at his face.

"It's lovely, isn't it?" She inquired quietly.

"Mmmh," he murmured as he kissed her on the lips.

They stood watching the beautiful gifts of Mother Nature while he held her through the fabric of her pink-colored satin nightgown.

Lilith attempted to count and identify the birds that flew by. She adored birds, but Benjamin wouldn't let her keep anything other than Oddey, their parrot.

In fact, she adored animals so much that if she could, she would have at least one of each type.

"We should go outside," Lilith suggested as the sun came out.

Benjamin was a little hesitant when she said this, for reasons he didn't quite understand. His spirit simply refused to go out on the terrace; he felt safer in the room.

"We're better off here," he said to her, letting go of her waist and clutching the window pane.

"Come on, Ben, the rainbow will be gone soon." "I need to get a better look," she said as she turned back to face him.

"If you don't come, I'll go by myself," she said, slipping out of the tiny space between his hands on the window pane and the floor.

"Fine, but only for a few minutes," Benjamin said to her when he felt compelled to accompany her to the terrace.

Lilith returned to the window and grabbed her husband's left hand. Then she led him to the terrace, close to the glass balustrade that protected it.

"You see, there's nothing to be afraid of," she smiled.

He decided to trust her after looking into her perfectly shaped almond and hazel eyes that glittered with love.

Nothing could possibly go wrong with Lilith by his side, he reasoned. Then he relaxed a little and moved closer to the glass balustrade to get a better view of the cloud and the sun breaking through.

"We should do this more often," Lilith said as she joined him on the terrace's edge.

The sun had finally come out, and the couples relished the early morning vitamins it bestowed upon them. They both agreed that it was a great way to start the day.

A sun shower began shortly after the sun came out.

"Hmm... so much for a nice, sunny day," Benjamin muttered.

He noticed Lilith's gaze was fixed on the sky. He often wondered how someone could be so enthralled by the sky. It was as if she were watching an invisible show on a television in the sky.

"Do you think we should get started right away? The sky appears to be enraged "He said to her as the clouds began to darken.

He returned to the door leading to the terrace and turned around to see Lilith hadn't moved an inch.

"Lilith!" He exclaimed, slightly raising his tone.

But she didn't return his calls. As a result, he had to go back to get her.

He was aware of her obstinacy, but it wasn't something he couldn't handle.He always let her do whatever she wanted, except when it was harmful to her.

The sky had darkened, and the strength of the wind indicated that a storm was on its way.

"Come on Lilith, we've got to get going," he said, taking her right arm from behind.

"Why do we need to go?" She inquired without looking at him.

"We can't be here because of the impending storm, Lily. Tomorrow, or later in the afternoon, you can observe the sky "He spoke to her.

Then he grabbed her left arm and gently drew her towards him.

"Let go of me, Benjamin," she said angrily.

Ben, who was perplexed, was still determined to keep his wife from falling off the terrace during the storm. He realized he was losing himself and letting his temper get the best of him as he looked down at his clenched fists. He was about to back down when they felt a rush of wind through the fields—a wind so powerful that it yanked open the door to the penthouse.

"Lilith, please put an end to this madness!" Benjamin ordered, grabbing her shoulders.

This caused her to turn around and face him.

When her eyes met his, he noticed that her hazel eyes had turned black and a black fluid had flowed out. When he saw this, adrenaline kicked in, and he jumped back in terror.

He tripped and fell on his back, having forgotten they were on a raised platform.

When he tried to stand up, he felt paralyzed—he couldn't move any part of his body.

Then Lilith started to get closer to him as more of the dark liquid was draining from her eyes. It flowed faster and down from the elevated part of the terrace this time.

During this time, he heard a loud thunderclap, and the storm began. It began to rain, and the storm was filled with the same fluid Lilith's eyes produced.

The terrace was quickly flooded with the black fluid, and Lilith appeared in front of him.

"Please make it stop," she begged.

"Please, Benjamin," she said once more.

Benjamin, who was drowning in the fluid, was at a loss for what to do. His entire body was paralyzed, and he was about to drown in an unknown substance. For a while, he noticed his ability to speak had also vanished.

"Ben, please...I don't want to die...pl..."

She was about to finish, when he noticed the heavy glass door of the penthouse fly above him. Then it smacked Lilith across the face and threw her off the balcony.