
Chapter 1 : Past&Present

*Throwback *

It's really nice to be here again. It brings back memories... Memories of the past... it's been a long time since I visited this place. The trees, the gentle breeze of the wind that touches my skin reminds me of my childhood days. I was 10 years old back then. I was crying on this very place because my Grandmother died. She's the one who raised me, let's say my only family since I didn't get to see my parents even once. Yes you read it right! I was raised by my Grandma alone and the only friend I had was Ally. She's my best friend and my neighbor. We went to the same school during my elementary years and bruh! we're on the same age, but fate is different for me. It's like a bullet against a stone. Come to think of it, a 10 year old girl going through such pain with no shoulders to cry on? After all God is Good, Ally's parents understood my situation and offers me a place to live until I reach my legal age. It's an advantage for me since I've known them for years and bruh! they're the kindest people in this planet trust me. They even shouldered all my expenses from food to school and of course allowances. I really wanted to say No at that time but my situation leaves me no choice. I've got nothing left for me. I didn't know why did I exist in the first place. No parents, nothin... well this is not the time to let myself down! I'm already 19 now and I've been through a lot of hell. In fact, I'm stronger than ever before! *while smiling like a fool*

Moving forward... I forgot to introduce my self *Blink blink* I am Sarah, 19 years of age, 5'3 height and 48kgs. Do you have an idea on how can I increase my height at least 4-5 inches? *grinning* kidding aside, I can proudly say I've got my own job now. I work as a waitress in a local diner near my apartment. Yes dear! a waitress! *sigh* I don't know why but i got rejected from all of my previous job applications. *fake sobbings and sniffings* Ahh... where's my compact mirror that little thing always wander on its own! *evil laugh*. Oh here it is! *opens up a compact mirror* I'm not even ugly! but really? I got rejected. I'm definitely a Good-for-nothing girl. Being a waitress is better than nothing, specially when you have to pay your bills every month and not to mention my daily ekspensissss.... *haha*

To be continued...