
Get Your Man

Amy had a hard time focusing on work. Her eyes kept darting to her watch every now and then, and for some reason the time seemed to be slower than usual. Her anxiousness grew by the second.

Soon it was the close of work, Amy thought about reminding Blake about dinner, but she dismissed that thought out of her mind. She was going to get herself ready and wait for him to show up. If he does then that's fine, but if he doesn't then then she'll what to do too.

Amy decided not to go home, but rather she went to Jade's place to get herself ready. She has been avoiding her mother and her talk about her so called party, which she was expected to attend to acquaint herself with her's friend's children. Amy could tell what her mother was up to, and she wasn't interested.

"Babe you've got to relax everything will be fine" Jade said to Amy for seemed like the twentieth time as she helped Amy with her hair.