
The start

New life,new city everything feels so new around you.And you just..don't know...how to cope with everything. I recently moved to london from my home

"Rye".I came here to complete in graduation in the Royal college of art.It felled so awesome when i heard the news that i am going to my dream college but it's not that easy to leave your loved ones behind.So lets move on ...

I just reached home,umm new home where i am staying with my friend "Jessi".We came together here.Oh btw I am Stella. Stella Harvey.I am 22 years old.And now i am gonna start my life here in london.

My room it's perfect like how i wanted it to be a perfect balcony where breeze comes with soothing flower fragrances. It's a small room but i don't mind.

So today we are going to go to the university for visiting fullfill the formalities and get to know with everyone like i know i can't but still i'll try.yeah.

Jessi:umm what u wanna eat?

Me:Nothing we should leave now u wanna eat something?

Jessi:No i am not that hungry let's just get something to eat coming home later.

Me: yeah sure let's go then

we started to walk for the college as it's not that far from our home which is great thing .cuz i hate....travelling for longer .

And we reached. Jessi and me just stayed quiet starring at the college from the outside like c'mon it is it .My dream is gonna come true finally.I have reached.We took a breath heavily and entered with a smile.We were just trying to find principal's room but...something unexpected thing happend which i just can't believe...