
When The Tyrant Became Obsess of the Thing Called Love

Hi everyone to those who are interested in my story i hope you like and enjoy it.This story was inspired from my imaginations about romance with magics and swords.May you have a wonderful time immersing in this story and to those who would like to share about their thoughts about it either positive or negative you can comment it on the review page,it can help us author's in growing our skills.Thank you A cruel and cold blooded emperor who uses his sword to survive, conquering the nations to expand his power, he was without a doubt a devil to the people that cause suffering and pain in their lives.Like the dark color of the sky his hair was similar and unlike the blood that he shed his eyes were sparkling like gold in the midst of the battlefield his face was considerable as handsome and his body were pretty muscular. The 12th emperor of the Xaverion empire whose 25 years old,Emperor Lucius Kleon De Xaverion. Astria Faith Felice a princess who grow from a loving family, she has silver gray colored hair with a pair of Blue tortoise eyes ,she was a gifted child from her looks to her brain and to her powers, she was indeed a very Lovable child with a stubborn and two faced personality.Magic was starting to become extinct and yet she was blessed with two elemental magic, her wind and water magic.Aside from her magic she had great contribution to her country, at the age of 18 she was managing the queens duties such as managing the economy of the citizens. She was indeed a fit ruler if she wasn't born as a girl and even though she was 22 years old, she still refuses to marry unless someone was more capable than hers. When Emperor Lucius wage war at her kingdom she tried hard to make sure the war won't happen however unexpectedly the emperor himself came to the kingdom and thus Astria was force to put into a situation where she hated it very much and it was none other than marriage for the reason that the emperor was interested in her. Marrying the Tyrant emperor and become his empress will her world change and will she finds love to her cruel husband? Will the emperor himself realize the meaning of love or will he misunderstood obsession as love? When the tyrant became obsessed with the thing called love is joining webtoon, may you accompany us to the journey of the story till it's end

Gracelline · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Chapter 43:Mana Test

Calia Revis gave a nonchalant smile while Stella Aser was only watching them "ah yes i like your gift lady Revis, goldie is such a sweet bird" ria smiled "did you name him Goldie how cute" lady Stella added "yes his feather were like the colors of gold" she answered "that's a lovely name your highness and oh lady Stella is my husband's niece, i hope that she will be a help to you" the empress dowager said "i see then i hope to get along with you lady Stella" ria smiled and Stella smiled back even though in her thoughts she was fuming with jealousy

"I brought a new tea from the western continent i haven't tried it yet so i want all of you to try it as well, the desserts made by the imperial chef are quite delicious too" she said and ordered the servants to bring out the tea and dessert, and they started chatting while the tea was being served

"Oh my the princess and his majesty is really alike, i remember once that his majesty ran off from his lesson and went outside the palace, the queen's palace was in chaos searching for him and he later returns with a knight behind him, he was caught by his grandfather's knight fufufu" she giggled and the two ladies were quite interested that they were listening very well

'I only shared some memories of my childhood yet why did her majesty compared me to that bastar*' ria thought while sipping her tea

'but listening to her majesty's story might give ma clue after all she's one of the person who knows a lot about the emperor' she thought "I see his majesty is really troublesome" lady Stella "he is indeed even if his old he's still troublesome" lady Calia added 'hmm why do i feel like being a part of his harem and having a tea party with his other wives' ria thought and bite a cookie, a few minutes before she was talking a lot about herself and when the emperor was mentioned she became silent and only eat her cookies

They were having a wonderful tea time although lady Stella wanted to pick a fight on ria she holds back as her aunt was there, then after their long chat, the tea party ended, the three ladies bowed and bid their farewells "i have fun thanks to the three of you I'll be hoping to see you again in my next tea party" the empress dowager said "my first tea party was enjoyable your highness and I'll be glad to join you again" ria replied

"We'll be honored and glad to be invited again into your tea party your majesty" lady calia "i had fun as well at your tea party your Majesty thank you for inviting me"lady Stella

"Well then i hope you three will arrive safely at you place" she said and a voice spoke from behind "did your tea party ended?" Ask by Lucius whose wearing a black golden suite "ah your majesty" they greeted and bowed "yes it has ended what brings you here" she ask then gasp "oh did you came to pick up princess Astria?" She ask like teasing but Lucius didn't bother to entertain her tease and stared at ria "yes i had some plans with her" he said but ria was surprised

'what plans' her eyes stared at him "oh my that's really lovable" she said with a smile "your majesty aren't you going to visit the guild" lady stella ask like she was hoping for it "hmm didn't i put you in charge so i won't have the need to visit that place unless it's a serious matter you handle it" he said "umm but we're having difficulty dealing with trades from different countries, it expand and became hard to deal" she complains "hah lady stella don't ask for his Majesty to deal with your problems" lady Calia replied

"I'll send some people to help" he replied with a sigh then ria realized that even a tyrant can be soft sometimes, she just stared at Lucius "tsk why are you just staring at me let's leave already" he said Like was annoyed by her stare "ah of course your majesty let's leave" she replied, Lucius walks away while ria bowed and said goodbyes, she runs when Lucius was a bit far "your majesty wait for me" she shouts, lady stella was happy when ria was having trouble catching up with him but her eyes almost pop out when Lucius stops and offered her a hand "ackk" she acted like she would faint "your such a dramatic lady my niece" the empress dowager said

"She is very dramatic your majesty" lady Calia agreed and watched as the two walks away while holding each other's hand

Meanwhile Astria was astonished as the emperor was being considerate towards her 'was it because he likes kissing me' she thought 'hmm he's really a pervert' she added

"Stop staring like a creep princess" Lucius spoke, ria was sitting at the other side of the carriage and kept staring at Lucius eager to know where they were headed "well your majesty i just realized that your a warm person, you should have married one of the lady from your harem than me" she said while Lucius raised his eyebrow "tsk stop spouting nonsense and be quiet" he said abd gave a cold glare 'oh i thought he would blush but he's cold as ice isn't he' she thought and smiled back "yes your majesty" she replied and look at the window "the capital is lively" ria mumbled not knowingly that Lucius was staring at her

'how amusing' he thought and look at his hands remembering how he held those small and delicate hands " delicate yet had been tainted by blood" "did you say something your majesty" ria ask "hmm" Lucius didn't answer so ria gave a glare that shows curiosity "what's did he say" she mumbled. The carriage stop, ria went out first and looks around "why are we here, this is a sweet shop right?"she ask and look back at Lucius "let's get inside" he said so ria followers ' seriously this bastar* doesn't even bother answering my questions tsk' she thought

"Greetings your majesty, princess" when they entered an employee greeted them and the owner had guided them to a secret hidden door at the back of the shop "where are we going" she mumbled "you'll know it when we'll arrive" Lucius answered 'hah he answered a question with a riddle i guess' she sigh and only followed them, doors were secretly placed and was connected to other buildings it was quite fascinating for ria, when thw owner bowed, he left so ria was curious "his majesty is the key to opening the last door so the owner is only allowed until this door" sir Gerald explains "i see" she replied while Lucius draws a magic circle along, it shined and a portal had open so they went in

"Why did we went through doors when we were supposed to enter a portal?" She ask "the doors are a disguise to confuse the enemy and barriers are been installed in those places" this time Lucius answered "i guess that's effective way to lure the enemy" she replied and as they enter a room inside that place, Lucius ordered the knights to guard the door so ria and Lucius were left alone inside "um your majesty why did you bring me here" she ask while Lucius removed his gloves since he was wearing one "Royalties had different powers that reside within them i know that you are aware of this fact, the Xaverion imperial families had golden mana since the beginning of the empire and thus it's strong and powerful even if you'll inherit half of it so i am curious as how you were able to sense those mana that even I can't track" he explained as he look directly into her eyes so ria was sweating

"So you brought me here to be experimented?" "Pfffttt" a soft laughter came out from his mouth it was unexpected and ria was taken a back as well 'w-why is he suddenly laughing' she thought and gave a serious look of wanting to know why. Lucius didn't expect that word to came out from her mouth ' experimented that's too cruel of me though she deserves it for hurting me before' he thought ' i didn't have a good laugh for a decade' he added "haa princess your ways of thinking is really unpredictable" he said and grin "it's a shame though i like to do that kind of thing, I can't because your a precious gem that must be taken well" he replied

"Ah hahaha so why are we here your majesty" she ask nervously "to see if your mana is one of those gifted mana that the goddess had give, there were quite a few rare manas before but it became extinct, having a mana test will surely help us in identifying your manas origin" he explained and ria was dumbfounded ' oh so he just need to test my mana ha hahaha this is troublesome and a bad thing!!!!!!' she thought and only stared blankly at the emperor with a smile that seems so plain....