
When The Tyrant Became Obsess of the Thing Called Love

Hi everyone to those who are interested in my story i hope you like and enjoy it.This story was inspired from my imaginations about romance with magics and swords.May you have a wonderful time immersing in this story and to those who would like to share about their thoughts about it either positive or negative you can comment it on the review page,it can help us author's in growing our skills.Thank you A cruel and cold blooded emperor who uses his sword to survive, conquering the nations to expand his power, he was without a doubt a devil to the people that cause suffering and pain in their lives.Like the dark color of the sky his hair was similar and unlike the blood that he shed his eyes were sparkling like gold in the midst of the battlefield his face was considerable as handsome and his body were pretty muscular. The 12th emperor of the Xaverion empire whose 25 years old,Emperor Lucius Kleon De Xaverion. Astria Faith Felice a princess who grow from a loving family, she has silver gray colored hair with a pair of Blue tortoise eyes ,she was a gifted child from her looks to her brain and to her powers, she was indeed a very Lovable child with a stubborn and two faced personality.Magic was starting to become extinct and yet she was blessed with two elemental magic, her wind and water magic.Aside from her magic she had great contribution to her country, at the age of 18 she was managing the queens duties such as managing the economy of the citizens. She was indeed a fit ruler if she wasn't born as a girl and even though she was 22 years old, she still refuses to marry unless someone was more capable than hers. When Emperor Lucius wage war at her kingdom she tried hard to make sure the war won't happen however unexpectedly the emperor himself came to the kingdom and thus Astria was force to put into a situation where she hated it very much and it was none other than marriage for the reason that the emperor was interested in her. Marrying the Tyrant emperor and become his empress will her world change and will she finds love to her cruel husband? Will the emperor himself realize the meaning of love or will he misunderstood obsession as love? When the tyrant became obsessed with the thing called love is joining webtoon, may you accompany us to the journey of the story till it's end

Gracelline · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Chapter 29:Her Fate

It's been a week since ria started living in the palace,and it's been a hectic day for her a fews days ago Evan had conveyed the message that she might marry the emperor and the news had reached the capital.The nobles are trying their best to locate where Astria is staying so that they could win her favor however the emperor never once allowed the nobles to enter the palace where she was staying.

Ria seems to be troubled,she knew that she can't defy the emperor and she might really became his wife if there's no intervention of the other nobles. "Hah" she sigh as she was walking at the garden where the maids had shown her so she could relax "marriage,it feels like my freedom is being taken away once again" 'when i was child my body was a bit weak so i don't usually play outside,i was like a bird in a cage after i received the powers i became more healthier however reality ruin my happiness

I was just a princess and without a power I'll be sold off to marry a man with high status, though i know that my family will respect my wishes there was no guarantee that the nobles will agree and let me be.So i tried hard by doing my mother's duties as the queen and i made sure that the kingdom is protected and will gain more wealth,I sacrifice my youth for the benefit of my kingdom and yet again here i am being send off to the empire and now is being considered as the candidate for being his wife

"What a cruel world" she flip her fingers and the wind rushed towards her and it flew the petals of the flowers, the wind was blowing softer and Ria closed her eyes to listen to the others. "She'll be titled as a queen it suits her don't you think so duke" one of the elders of the empire and a vassal of duke Florence, they were near the palace since they visited the emperor and now they were heading back

"Hmm yes she is a princess of a foreign kingdom but looking at her history she's a good candidate for the empress seat"duke Florence "oh i understand,then do you plan to make her the empress milord" he ask again ",i have to meet her first, the emperor is hiding her very well that i could not know where she is" he replied 'im very close than you think duke' ria thought but just kept listening, aside from Lucius protection astria also casted a barrier in her place so no one will be able to see her directly unless she permits it

"Why don't you ask the emperor your grace maybe he'll let you meet the princess" she heard a young man's voice "his Majesty has denied my plead to meet her grand duke he replied with a sigh "why don't i accompany you I'm also curious how she looks and maybe he'll grant us permission" it was grand duke Ezekiel "ahh that would be great your highness" the duke was delighted and ria stops listening to their conversation

"Really this is such madness" ria sigh again wondering if Lucius will let them see her but she felt the presence of men hiding behind the trees so she look around 'sir Gerald and Sir Paul didn't follow me as i wanted to be alone but I'm sure they can sense these intruders, it's the 5th times already how on earth did they manage to enter the palace' ria thought but she already guessed how,there might be some spies inside and told them a location where she usually visit and these intruders are mercanies with a few mages so she knew she can handle them

"Swoosh" ria didn't wait for them to start attacking as she flick her hand,the intruders float in the air and was startled "ahh" they were surprised when the wind suddenly capture and made made them float "1,2,3 15?" "That's little compared to the last ones" she said as watching them scream "ughh kill her" a man screamed and tried to throw a dagger at her but ria sigh "can't you tell that the wind is on my side why are you being foolish?" Ria ask with sarcasm and the dagger didn't reach her and it float back to the man and pierced it's heart "ackk" well then off you go" ria suffocated them with her wind and threw them to the deepest part of the forest in the capital where she mostly send the dead bodies that she and her knights killed

"Your majesty" Sir Paul and Sir Gerald bowed and stared at her "i throw them already" she said and walks slowly towards them "we could tell" sir Gerald was sweating "princess the maids had told us that the emperor has summon you" sir Paul it's the first time that she was summoned since Lucius brought her back from her trip last time,she wasn't allowed to leave the palace and Lucius would only visits once or twice a day

"So he agreed, alright it's nice that i could visit the sol palace again" she smiled and walks away "let's leave" she said and they followed her.. Meanwhile at the guest room of the sol palace, duke Florence and grand duke Ezekiel along with Lucius was waiting for the arrival of Astria, he didn't agree to let them meet her however his brother really knows how to make his way and so Lucius had given up and allowed them for a couple of minutes to see her.

"She's been staying here for almost a week so why is she been imprisoned in room" Ezekiel ask,he was like a sly fox with an innocent yet sharp look that's how people describe him though he didn't became the emperor he also had an Aura like the emperor "she's not been imprisoned and she prefers staying in her palace than showing herself" Lucius and took a glass of wine "it's morning why are you drinking wine your majesty it's bad for your health" duke Florence nag him

"Hmm I'm healthy though" he replied and stared at the door as he felt her presence "your majesty princess Astria has arrived" the knight outside informed them and so Sir El who was guarding the door inside Open it and Astria entered "Greetings to the sun of the empire your majesty the emperor"she bowed The duke and Grand duke was quite surprised as they saw a young woman wearing a blue green colored light dress with a pair of white heels,and when she bowed,her long silver gray colored hair waved down and as she stand straight her Tortoise eyes glimmered with confidence and elegance,she was a beauty that cannot be compared to others.

"Ah" they both gasped "Princess meet my grandfather,duke Florence and my brother Grand duke Ezekiel" Lucius pointed the two men so Ria greeted them as well "greetings duke Florence and your highness" she said "ahh it's alright you don't need to be so formal, I'm so glad to meet you princess" the duke stand and went towards her "you can call me grandpa" he said and Ria smiled awkwardly "i can't possibly call you by that your grace" ria "it's fine sooner or later you'll have to call me by that title princess" he said and placed his hands on her shoulder like he was excited

"Please take your hands off her, she's feeling burdened by your sudden proposal grandfather" Lucius stand and went near her so the duke took his hands from her shoulder and Lucius pulled her over and made her sat besides him, Ezekiel and duke Florence was now in daze,'did he just take her away from the duke' Ezekiel thought and the duke also went back to his seat "forgive me princess i was just so happy that his majesty can now have a wife" he said and so Ria felt a throb in her heart she wasn't happy about this marriage

"It's fine your grace"she smiled "i didn't know that his majesty had hidden a beautiful lady,how are you feeling this past days princess" Ezekiel ask "i feel bored staying at the main palace your highness though I was brought here to serve the emperor and the magic tower i never expected that i would be wed instead though i feel honored to be his majesty's wife" she smiled but Ezekiel could tell that she was not glad about it. "Princess would you like to tour the capital" he ask "your highness you can't,she must visit my dukedom first so i could give her the presents I prepared" he said but Lucius sigh

"She's not going anywhere" he said "why not"Ezekiel ask "it's too dangerous for a lady to wander around" "she's a mage your majesty" duke Florence ask with disbelief in his eyes "she's a woman but she's strong enough to protect her self and how can the capital be dangerous,your majesty aren't you being overprotective to the princess that you took as your mage"Ezekiel was questioning him whether he likes the princess or was denying the fact

"Umm" Ria couldn't even utter a sentence as she listens to their conversation "tsk she still can't leave the palace unless she'll debut in the society" Lucius meant that ria can't be seen by other nobles not until she'll be announced by Lucius as a citizen of the empire "Then should we prepare for her debut and sooner we have to arrange your wedding as well,you must get married within this year you majesty" duke Florence was very determined and ria felt like she had no choice but to accept the fate that was given to her