
When The Tyrant Became Obsess of the Thing Called Love

Hi everyone to those who are interested in my story i hope you like and enjoy it.This story was inspired from my imaginations about romance with magics and swords.May you have a wonderful time immersing in this story and to those who would like to share about their thoughts about it either positive or negative you can comment it on the review page,it can help us author's in growing our skills.Thank you A cruel and cold blooded emperor who uses his sword to survive, conquering the nations to expand his power, he was without a doubt a devil to the people that cause suffering and pain in their lives.Like the dark color of the sky his hair was similar and unlike the blood that he shed his eyes were sparkling like gold in the midst of the battlefield his face was considerable as handsome and his body were pretty muscular. The 12th emperor of the Xaverion empire whose 25 years old,Emperor Lucius Kleon De Xaverion. Astria Faith Felice a princess who grow from a loving family, she has silver gray colored hair with a pair of Blue tortoise eyes ,she was a gifted child from her looks to her brain and to her powers, she was indeed a very Lovable child with a stubborn and two faced personality.Magic was starting to become extinct and yet she was blessed with two elemental magic, her wind and water magic.Aside from her magic she had great contribution to her country, at the age of 18 she was managing the queens duties such as managing the economy of the citizens. She was indeed a fit ruler if she wasn't born as a girl and even though she was 22 years old, she still refuses to marry unless someone was more capable than hers. When Emperor Lucius wage war at her kingdom she tried hard to make sure the war won't happen however unexpectedly the emperor himself came to the kingdom and thus Astria was force to put into a situation where she hated it very much and it was none other than marriage for the reason that the emperor was interested in her. Marrying the Tyrant emperor and become his empress will her world change and will she finds love to her cruel husband? Will the emperor himself realize the meaning of love or will he misunderstood obsession as love? When the tyrant became obsessed with the thing called love is joining webtoon, may you accompany us to the journey of the story till it's end

Gracelline · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Chapter 24:The Main Palace

Evan gazed at Astria with disbelief eyes,he was surprised to witness how ria uses her magic but what's more surprising was how she teleport using wind magic,it was one of a kind magic that only a magician with great vast of mana can do

"the imperial palace?" ria ask with eyes filled with amazement the palace was very wide and large,the plants and trees that surrounds the pathway was huge and beautiful,the space was thrice of their palace 'surely it will take days to tour the palace' she thought and looks around,she saw some servants trimming the trees while others were sweeping the whole front yard of the palace and they stop and hurriedly gather around to welcome their emperor

As the servants were walking towards them the knights all gave their gazes at ria, Lucius who was aware of her powers just stare with his poker face "ehhh" the knights suddenly shout with disbelief their reaction was quite late,ria was surprised and turn back to look at them "h-how"Gerald who was expert at using teleportation magic using magic circles was curious "are you an archmage princess" owen ask, archmages were consider as the rarest and most powerful among the magicians

"you're so cool princess" others were complimenting her "b-but but how" evan ask but Lucius came near and holds Ria's shoulder "that's enough she's our guest and she's tired from carrying a useless pieces of knights" he said and then the servants had finally reach their master and bowed "welcome back your majesty the sun of the Xaverion Empire" they said and Lucius glance at them "no one shall speak about what happened today i assume the servants would understand what i meant" he said and stared with his scary eyes the servants who was still bowing trembled from his words

"yes your majesty" they answered "hmm you may return to your work and some of you escort the princess to the palace and let her stay at the guest room in the main palace,Sir Paul,Sir Gerald stay at her side as for the rest of the knights let's head back to my palace" Lucius ordered and so the servants bowed and went back to their work while two maids were left, Ria stared at Lucius as he was giving a cold aura while watching the palace "stay at the palace for a while and we'll settle your contract later princess" he said so ria was startled when he suddenly spoke ",ah yes of course your majesty I'll follow your order' she said

Lucius walks away without looking back at ria then he called Evan "let's leave" he said so the knights bowed while evan who was still in dazed was been pulled by sir Owen "have a good rest princess" they said "we'll be going then princess" owen said and pulled evan "but i haven't" he said but Owen stopped him and followed Lucius who was a bit far already

"let's take our leave as well princess since you need to rest" sir Gerald spoke while the servants took the luggages that the knights left since it was Ria's stuff "ah right" ria "let's head this way princess" one of the maid said,as they were entering the doors of the palace,ria was exploring her surroundings "this is the main palace princess and the hallways are also connected to the Sol palace of the emperor" Sir Paul spoke as his calm and cool face was watching her

"ah so you still know the structure of the palace sir Paul though i heard from the other knights that you were the black knight i was surprised that you memory is also sharp"sir Gerald 'was that a compliment' ria ask in her thought cause it felt like an insult like he meant that sir Paul also has a brain and not just skills but looking at his face ria was sure that it was a compliment "i work for more than 20 years in this palace i may have left but i can still remember some places" sir paul replied 'hmm sir Paul said that he started working when he was 18 and retired when he was 38 and now he's back again after 15 years

"I do heard a lot of stories of the black knight when i was young but i never thought that i could see you in this lifetime,i thought you won't come back here anymore" sir Gerald,we walked and turn around at hallways and it's really wide "I also thought I won't return here anymore"sir paul replied " i guess it's my fault" she said "it's the emperor's fault princess" sir paul was blatant and the maids gasped just hearing his answer "sir Paul watch your mouth it's blasphemy" ria was serious but aur Paul didn't mind " im old princess do you think i care" he ask the old man smiled and sir Gerald interfered

"i heard that before the black knight retired he was given a privilege to be pardoned from any crimes he'll commit just once even if it's treason" Gerald smiled and ria was surprised "eh sir paul" she stared with eyes full of curiosity "that's a lie kid" he said and gazed at Gerald "really" he ask back, ria was only listening and seems happy as she learn many things about her knight "but princess may ask how you use teleportation without using magic circles" he changed his topic and stared at ria

"well i just focus my mana and thought about using my wind to lead me to the place i want to go and then i was able to reach my destination" "did someone taught you" "no i figure it on my own to be precise my imagination led me to using some tricks with my magic" she explained sir Gerald was eager to learn more "like what tricks princess" he ask "for instance i can make something or someone float or teleport and i can also control the breath of a living thing" she said and Gerald was shock "you you can kill someone in an instant?" he ask so ria just nods, Gerald was in daze just hearing more about her powers was terrifying and incredible

"this is your room princess" the maids suddenly stop and opened the door which was colored blue,they entered and so ria stop talking and followed them inside, there was a large queen size bed in the middle of the room,two doors and some furniture such as sofa and some table,the maids went inside to one of the doors and excuse their selves "please call us if you ever need us your highness" they said and bowed "hmm" ria just smiled at them

"we'll be taking our leave as well princess,sir Gerald will show me my room, do you need a knight to guard the door outside"sir paul ask "no need i want to be left alone i can handle myself and you should rest as well old man" ria teased him "alright then have a good rest as well princess Astria" he bowed "i would like to hear more about yourself and your magic princess but it would be rude of me,have a good rest princess" he bowed "next time I'll tell you more sir Gerald,ria smiled and the two went out and closed the door

Astria who was left alone went to the bed and took a sit as she sigh "it was a bit exhausting i never tried using teleportation with more than the number of 10,I was so lucky to succeed" she said and sigh again "i wonder what that dam* emperor is doing,why did he put me here at the main palace when i am supposed to be staying at the magic tower tsk my mana is drained,i need to rest" she said and laid her head at the bed and closed her eyes and slept for a while