
Chapter 22 Contact with the Blood of Candle Master

Currently, it is still version 1.0, and "Phantom Demon·Candle Celestial Marshal" has yet to descend and be defeated. The level cap for the Path of Devotion is only 50. The highest-level individual is the Eternal Pope of the Eternal Theocracy.

Aiwass conservatively estimated that Bishop Mathers must be at least level 39.

In Avalon, that would be top-tier level within the Arbitration Hall. One more level up and he would be akin to the current version's top-level powerhouses—if one were to make a bolder estimate, it's likely that Bishop Mathers has already reached beyond level 40 and touched the strength of the fifth energy level.

Even the Cardinal Archbishops of the Eternal Theocracy could only aspire to so much.

But thinking about what his foster father said to him before he left, Aiwass was able to let it go.

Bishop Mathers is the highest-ranking bishop at the Cathedral of Candle Master. In other words, he is the highest authority of the Nine Pillars Divine Church within Avalon.

Such a powerhouse, if he did not directly suffer and perish in the impending chaos of Avalon...

Then the likelihood is that he later changed his name and identity.

Because Aiwass really has no recollection of such a person as Mathers.

The Eternal Theocracy is an Elf-governed nation, and hence the pace of life is very slow. Not all humans can adapt to life there.

Two-thirds of the higher echelons of the Nine Pillars Divine Church are women, and over ninety percent are Elves. The Pope who rules the Holy Nation rotates every three hundred years. A retiring Pope automatically becomes a Saint and continues to traverse the earthly nations as an agent of the Holy Nation, dispensing blessings and mediating disputes until they are too old and frail to walk before returning to the Holy Nation. Thus, only an Elf can aspire to become Pope.

Mathers, not only being male but also human, belongs to a rare minority among the Holy Nation's high-ranking officials. Aiwass was certain that there should be no one by that name among the church's hierarchy.

Because there was another rather peculiar aspect of the Nine Pillars Divine Church.

It was about face.

One doesn't necessarily need to possess startling beauty, but at the very least, one must not be ugly.

Because the healing from the Path of Devotion requires physical contact with others, if the recipient resists the treatment, the efficiency of the healing would drop significantly. Moreover, the "Rite of Fire" has an obvious beautifying and age-defying effect on the body, so it's certain that the high-ranking officials of the church won't be ugly.

But Bishop Mathers...

Was it because he was too old?

The expression on Aiwass's face turned somewhat subtle.

"Don't look at me, Aiwass. Look at the candle."

Noticing that Aiwass had suddenly turned to look at him, Bishop Mathers, whose appearance was akin to that of a stern and strict headteacher, naturally issued a voice full of a stereotypical sternness: "There's no light and fire on my face, looking at me is useless."


Aiwass came to his senses and obediently responded.

——Pay with experience.

He affirmed in his mind.

Seeing Aiwass coming back to reality, Bishop Mathers relaxed his tone and continued to instruct:

"You must imagine that the pain, curses, and deficiencies within your body are not 'things that your body naturally lost' but rather 'something negative that has been added to a balanced and healthy state of your body'. Consider it a flowing, pitch-black liquid and use your willpower to move it to the position of your left hand's middle finger.

"It is like fuel, similar to smoke. When it comes into contact with a flame, it will hiss and disappear..."

As he spoke, Bishop Mathers used his left hand's middle finger to touch the flame.

Suddenly, the ordinary flame brightened up.

A faint flame extended from his fingertip over his entire body, enveloping him with a layer of flame-like membrane, casting a luminous glow.

The old bishop's pain and aging seemed to vanish as if time had reversed—

The wrinkles on his face smoothed out, the unnaturally pale hair regained its deep brown sheen and elasticity, returning to its naturally curly state. His murky, coagulated-blood-like deep eyes brightened as well, resembling a slightly darker shade of amber.

His spine straightened, skin turned fair, clean, and elastic.

His entire being visibly rejuvenated at an observable pace, stopping at around the appearance of a thirty-year-old—

It was not a mere eradication of diseases, nor a dissolution of pain. Instead, he fully restored his body to an "ideal state". Much like completely refurbished electronics—aside from the inevitable depletion of battery life, there would be no trace of usage.

And such a Mathers could hardly be referred to as an "old bishop" anymore.

He pushed up his hexagonal black-framed glasses and revealed a self-satisfied smile. Even his voice had turned younger:

"...Just like this, Aiwass. This is Lord Candle Master's gratitude and blessing to us who are willing to walk the Path of Devotion.

"Minus the natural wear and tear of life, one shall be free from illnesses for life. The body forever stays at its peak condition; hence, the lifespan is much longer than that of ordinary people — because when they die of old age, it's not due to the complete natural exhaustion of lifespan, but because of premature aging due to fatigue and wear, and irreversible illnesses that come when the body weakens.

"But we won't encounter this situation. Once the Fire Rite Skill is mastered, one can achieve healthy longevity — Lord Candle Master has said, 'Those who live for others need not suffer.' And health is the most important thing, something sought after by those walking other paths but not obtainable. We cannot share this blessing with them.

"I am already forty-six years old, yet after using 'Rite of the Sacred Fire' to nurture my body, I can even appear younger than thirty. My bones, muscles, nerves, and organs can all be restored to that extent.

"If a person exercises sufficiently and takes good care of his body and spirit, then when he reaches my age, it is theoretically possible for him to be as young. This is the 'positive' change that 'Rite of the Sacred Fire' can bring about — of course, a regular priest still cannot reach this step. They can only turn the negative into zero, but not zero into positive."

Seeing Samuel Mathers' adept use of the Fire Rite Skill which had an effect akin to turning back the years,

Even Oswald displayed a look of astonishment and admiration.

Bishop Mathers, having regained his youth, showed a self-satisfied smile upon seeing this.

Bishop Mathers had a good impression of Aiwass and held high hopes for his future.

Therefore, he very much hoped that Aiwass would steadfastly walk on the Path of Devotion.

Previously, he had deliberately consumed his own lifespan, making himself look unusually aged — and that was to perform just such a demonstration at this moment. Only when his appearance was aged and weakened could such a "return to youth" leave an unforgettable and profound impression.

"Of course," not wanting to dent Aiwass's confidence, Bishop Mathers quickly added, "you don't need to rush. A priest who has just encountered 'Rite of the Sacred Fire' would do well just to fill the gaps in their health. You have just been sacrificed by a demon, so your vitality will definitely be depleted; that's why I prioritized teaching you 'Rite of the Sacred Fire.' This way, you can gradually replenish the vitality, blood, and lifespan lost to the sacrifice.

"The mastery of Sacred Arts is simple but not immediate. Generally speaking, mastering 'Rite of the Sacred Fire' within five days is normal, but I feel you should be able to get a preliminary grasp in two days. Illumination Art is much simpler, you can master it immediately, so we'll talk about it last. Blessing, however, is the hardest and generally takes about a week to learn.

"So, this time I'm only teaching you how to practice, and when you go home..."

Bishop Mathers was in the middle of speaking when his words suddenly stuck.

Because he saw Aiwass's pupils becoming suddenly empty.

Deep blue like the sea, his pupils abruptly showed hints of a sunset-like deep red. Like the sea at dusk, the deeper it was towards the top, the deeper blue it seemed, while closer to the bottom, it resembled the half-submerged sunset on the sea horizon, shining with a nearly golden red halo.

Aiwass opened his left hand towards the candle flame and touched it with his middle finger.

The flame ignited instantly and flowed into his bloodstream through his fingertip.

Aiwass suddenly felt a relaxing warmth.

It was like after exhaustion, soaking in a fragrance and petal-infused warm spring while listening to gentle music. He felt the heat soothing his entire body, a strong sense of drowsiness and satisfaction overwhelming him.

In the pure white world of illumination he envisioned, leisurely walked a deer.

The deer was transparent, with a purity and brilliance of red similar to the finest rubies. At the moment of Its arrival, Aiwass's gaze was irresistibly drawn to it.

—That was none other than Candle Master! The supreme being of the Path of Devotion, the God of Devotion!

Unlike the immense pressure from the Silver-Crowned Dragon of the Path of Authority that Aiwass felt, gazing upon Candle Master did not cause Aiwass to experience illusions or pressure. For It had bound Its own divinity, allowing Itself to interact with mortals—

Its body was bound with black thorns. Those thorns pierced Its skin and caused It to bleed red. As It walked, Its blood continually dripped to the ground, causing groups of eternal, undying red flames in the form of footprints to rise.

And Its massive crystalline red antlers were like a candelabra thrusting in all directions, with dozens of clusters of pure white flames burning on them.

The deer slowly approached the motionless Aiwass, who was like a statue, and gently licked his outstretched left hand.

Afterward, It raised Its head and softly pressed a wound beneath Its neck, pierced by the black thorns, against Aiwass's palm.

A drop of blood fell into Aiwass's hand, transforming into a tear-like ruby.

In Aiwass's heart, three lines of text appeared.

These were the three choices that one received upon advancing in their path—

[Affinity with Flames LV1 (Blue): You crush the Blood of Candle Master and grasp a hint of the essence of flames.]

[Everlasting Health (White): You are cleansed by the Blood of Candle Master and can better resist diseases.]

[Flame Container LV1 (Blue): You ingest the Blood of Candle Master, and your soul is expanded.]