
When the Flower fails to bloom

Being married to rich powerful woman whom you have chased for many years might be as sweet as it sounds... this story is about Mo Ye

Zedstorm · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


Mo Ye was an unconventional husband, he was a house husband, meanwhile his wife was the CEO of Glamour, one of the leading entertainment brand in China, they have been married for almost 3 years now, however his wife, Hai Yuqi wasn't exactly a loving wife, heck! This marriage wasn't even a marriage out of love, Mo Ye has chased Hai Yuqi for almost 10 years now from his high school days, to his college days and even to this day, when they have been married for a quite a while now, but she only married him due to pressure from her parents, he was okay with that, a praise from her could make him smile for days, that's how much he loved her, even to a point where he based his degrees on what she wants, when he found out that she wanted to make an entertainment company he took business as his main degree and worked hard for her, and once the company was afloat he resigned due to him wanting to take care of her more they had maids in the household, but he insists that he wants to do everything for her, he didn't have many friends due to most males finding him unmanly due to his quirks, but he didn't mind, as long as he can make his wife's life comfortable he was willing to do anything, but that came to an end when Hai Yuqi came home, handing him a paper that is about to change his life.