
My birthday

I was deeply at sleep in bed, waiting for my first sun rise as a teenager . Finally the sun rosed and I could see it from my window upstairs the bright light shine in My eyes and I woke up with joy in my heart and then I started singing: Today is my first day as a teenager, today is my first day as a teenager I went on and on with it until finally I got the sounds from the neighborhood then I walk closer to my window and I started looking outside there were childrens playing games and parents making food and there was a great smell in neighborhood. I love my neighborhood because we spread love ,kindness and respect to each other .I was staring at the neighborhood with smile on my face when I heard my mom and dad coming to the room and singing my happy birthday song .At that moment I felt so special . After the song my dad said how was your night princess? It was not too good dad. why? He asked and my mom looked at me waiting to know what is bothering me so she can act like a mom . Then I said. I kept thinking about the changes that are about to happen in my life.my dad was about to speak and my mom said I know you very well Elezabeth you are a very strong kid there is nothing you can't hendle, just pray to the almighty God when ever you have problems that you think you can't hendle and he will show you the way. wow nice speech Elezabeth now let's go outside so you can see your surprise. When we walk down the stairs I saw almost the whole neighborhood and my mom and dad family. My two grandmothers were sitting together in the coush it was grandma Annie who is a black and tall lady ,she was my mom,mom and there is my favorite granny Alice she wasa brown skin woman she is a professor and she was sitting down dressed in blue dress . My aunties and uncles were also there too it was aunt may ,aunt rose , uncle Shem and uncle Tito the moment we reached in the living room they all shouted : Happy birthday princess and I was standing there looking speechless feeling so loved and my granny Alice said come here little girl I haven't touch that hair in a long time then I said but I was just at your house on the weekend and you even wash my hair then everybody started to laughing. I just miss you that's all baby girl said granny and I said ok big mama as I was going to her. we spent sometimes talking about the school so finally I had some alone time on my birthday so I went outside to my friends:George and Musu .They are my besties .oh there you are how you guys doing then they said softly we are fine I just smiled. I sat down beside them and we play games and share jokes and had fun.George was making Musu and I to laugh very loud and my mom ask me if I have something to say to the community and the family.It took few seconds before I woke up looking nervous and I went to the front stage and I said: good afternoon everyone, it gladden by heart to see that my neighborhood and my family out her for me today but it is not surprising to me because that is what we do for each other. I love you all and have a wonderful day and there were tons of hand clap and whistles and my dad said that's my girl and I walked to my chair smiling .