
When the Darkness Meets Light

Arjun, the embodiment of ultimate darkness, someone who is so cruel and ruthless that there isn't a single strand of humanity left inside him after what he has suffered. His heart is made out of stone and almost non existent, all he cares about his revenge and wreaking havoc in the lives of people who took away his most precious person from him. Radhika is a girl born into a wrong place who is surrounded by people who are completely opposite of what she is but nothing changes her inherent sweet and compassionate nature. What happens when Arjun, the darkness meets Radhika, the light?! Will he suck her inside his hell hole and pull her into abyss or will Radhika turn the tables on him?! Will she be able to stay strong through all the trials and tribulations Arjun will put her through or will she give up?!

Aashna_0091 · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1

Few years Later.

Arjun was doing push ups in his exercise room while mark was counting sitting on the chair while sipping his tea.

Mark was grinning wide seeing Arjun drenched in his own sweat huffing and puffing yet not stopping or falling to the ground. He had done above 500 yet Mark seemed to be not satisfied with it. He purposely mislead the counts to make him do all over again. Finally he spoke defiantly,"Halt."

Arjun got up and threaded towards the water bottle But Mark refrained him from taking it and snatched it away," You haven't satisfied me yet, you didn't stopped But you showed signs of weakness today and your punishment is you don't get water or food for next 12 hours."

He left the room leaving behind a exhausted and dead tired Arjun who collapsed on the hard floor but didn't plead with Mark to show him any mercy Because the last time he did he got whipped by a leather belt for nearly one hour. He knew how much mark hated begging and pleading. And the 16 year old boy knew his mentor too well so he chose to bear the punishment.

This was his life which was void of colours of emotions. Mark kept him in darkness to ensure that no light ever touched him. He took care that the boy never got attached to anyone. If he did than mark made him kill that person. His first kill was when he was 9 year old. Mark taught him everything except loving someone. Mark was his father's loyal right hand who took over the reign of mafia world when his father was murdered.

He was preparing Arjun to take over after he turned 18. He got rid of everything that Arjun loved like any other kid. He burned his favourite things in front of him and made him watch those burn to flames. He wanted Arjun's eyes to witness that to strengthen his inner self to bear any extent of pain in future. He was shaping his mind in such a way that would run wild only to give pain to people who wronged him. He wanted to makes Arjun immune to every emotion that a human heart could long for.

Arjun was ahead of his age. He could handle short guns, rifles, pistols, machine guns and nuclear and radiological weapons. He was exceptionally trained in sword fighting and no one could defeat him except Mark. He hated it when anyone judged his strength by his age. He would nab the person and bang his skull on the ground after breaking his bones.

He feared no one and he understood no language of love..

7 years later

A man walked heavy steps to the window and peeped outside. He shifted his gaze to the girl who was sleeping on his bed, naked covered by only a mattress. He drew out his revolver from his trousers and placed his one foot on the bed and fired the bullet in the air. The girl got up with a jerk hearing the sound of gunshot and shivered in fright," Soooo you knew it that I was a spy."

Arjun laughed evilly throwing his head back," Darling I knew it from the very start But then I love to play with my prey and you were a good lay too. If only you had not been a spy I would have ravished you for some more time." He continued," What a pity indeed! Such a beautiful and fuckable body but no use of it to me now."

The girl begged folding her hands," Arjun please give me a chance, I love you please don't kill me, I know I came here to leak your secrets to my boss But then I fell in love with you. Please spare my life."

Arjun caught her by her neck and pulled her closer," You know what I hate it when anyone begs in front of me and I hate it more when someone pronounces the word love in front of me. " He paused for a second and continued in a cold voice," But Since you served me well for last night then I can give you a chance. Give me one good reason to let you live and you have 30 seconds to think."

He stood crossing his arms to his chest and pinned her down with his coal black eyes.

She stuttered terrified to die," Ar...Arjun, I can help you reach the neck of my boss."

Arjun,"Time up! Your reason is not good enough to let you live, if you can backstab your boss so you can even stab the dagger in my chest some day."

He fired the bullets in between her eyebrows and smirked," I don't need anyone's help to get rid of my enemies. I am better alone than surrounded by weak kittens like you."

He grabbed his jacket and puts it on and left the room and ordered the man standing at the door," Dispose her off."

This was Arjun, the king of darkness who was feared more than death. He could make anyone pee in his pants just by looking in his eyes. He loved torturing to death than just giving a less painful death. He was a billionaire businessman in the eyes of the world But no one knew the other dark side of him. He trusted no one but himself. He loved winning and the means to win he undertook whether fair or unfair never concerned him. He had no inner conscience to rebuke him or make him feel guilty.

He had not loved anyone after his mother who died a very dreadful death and unluckily for her killers, Arjun had memorized each one of them in his mind. He wanted nothing but revenge and he was ready to destroy anyone who crossed his path.

He had no weaknesses like the other mob bosses who had their own families to look after. He only had one aim and that was to hunt down the murderers of his mother and give them the most painful death ever. He felt no remorse while killing someone. He didn't give any second chances easily and if he did Then there was sure to be something of his own benefit.