
Chapter 2. Ace.

Five years ago

Ace was fighting the Cretaraians on Earth, it's very long and complicated.

The Cretaraians are very evil people, they don't have a side they just attack everyone, Sonia and Ace's Planets have been fighting for years, but the Cretearaiams the ones who started it just kill everyone.

Ace snuck onto one of their ships and it took him to Olympa where he met Sonia.

About 5 years ago when Ace and Sonia met. Sonia was about 17 and Ace about 19.

One day Sonia was training Bruce when out of nowhere one of the Cretaraian ships wrecked in front of her, she ran out to the ship to see if their were any survivers, and she sees Ace a human, wounded, she pulls him out of the ship and tries to see if he was breathing when suddenly he wakes up and sees her beauty and says "Am I dreaming?" He passes out again, she picks him up and Bruce and flys off back home.

Puts him on her bed, she notices a knife wound and takes off his shirt, shocked she sees how ripped he is and says "Holy" she snaps out of it and cleans up his wounds,

He wakes up and grabs his wounds and says "Who are you? Where am I?" He looks around and sees her big bedroom, bright colors and beautiful designs everywhere, and looks back at her beauty, stares in amazement,

She says "I'm Sonia, this is Bruce" she points at her dog, them says "You wrecked in a Cretaraian ship. You're human, how are you still alive?"

He replies "I'm starting to remember now. So-Sonia, I'm Ace."

She replies "Alright you need to rest, you'll stay here for now. I'll take care of you don't worry" she smiles

Present time

Sonia grabs Aces hand, walks out onto her porch and flys off with him, she puts him on the ground

He says "Where are we? Sonia, you're not stocking that guy again are you?"

She replies "No! And I wasn't stocking him, he oh nvm just shut it"

He grins and says "Mhm, what was his name again? Was it Dallas? Yeah that's right, Dallas"

She says "Are you done?"

He says "No, not until you tell me where you're taking me"

She says "Fine. We're at Damian's old hid out, it's basically his old apartment"

He says "Thank you"

a tear slowly rolls down her face and he sees, and he grabs her arm and says "We'll find him"

They walk for a few minutes and then finally find it, hidden like she said, green and mossy blending in. They walk in and they see a small living room, with a couch, and a TV, in the kitchen they see a table and chairs and a fridge, he walks over to the fridge and says "Yess" he opens it. She rolls her eyes, and goes into one of the bedrooms she sees one of Damian's shirts and picks it up and smells it, holds it close to her face, and a few tears fall.

He walks in as he's eating again, and says "He left some beer!" He stops, puts his food down, and hugs her and says "I promise I will find him myself, and make them pay for what they did."

She stops and wipes her tears, puts the shirt down, he let's go.

She says "Alright now, this is where you'll be sleeping."

He jumps on his bed laughs and says "So when will I actually get to meet your parents?"

She says "Never!"

Ace replies "What? Never? I've been in your bedroom for 5 years Sonia! 5! Years!"

She says "I know, I know, but it's just." She sighs "You're right, you'll meet them, tomorrow maybe."

He says "Yes!".

She says "What if I moved here too? With you?"

He says "That'd be amazing, Soni"

She smiles and says "Then I'm doing it! Tomorrow, but I'll stay here tonight with you" he nods. He makes himself at home, and she looks around, finds another bedroom,

She says to herself "This will do"

Ace walks in and mumbles "Awe she's talking to herself again"

She says "I heard that'

Ace says "Man"

She giggles. She says "Alright stay here, I'll be right back with a few of my things, and Bruce. Should I tell them now?"

He says "Yes"

She nods, and walks out the door, and flys off.

When she arrives home, she says to her parents "Mom, Dad, I'm moving out tomorrow! I found a perfect little place and it's little rent"

Her father says "Hm, and is your boyfriend moving in with you?"

Shocked she says "Um Dad I don't have a boyfriend"

He laughs "I was joking. Don't forget Bruce"

Her Mom says "Finally. After 21 years she finally moves out"

She rolls her eyes "Well anyways I'm staying with a friends tonight so I'm gonna pack. Bye"

She runs upstairs, and packs her things, looks at a picture of her and Damian and a tear falls, while saying "Ace is right, we'll make them pay for this!"

She finishes packing, grabs a box of pizza and Bruce and flys off,

She arrives back at Damian's, walks in and says "I'm back Ace" , she puts everything down, goes into her new room, makes her bed and gets settled. Doesn't see or hear Ace and starts to worry, she looks around and goes into his room, sees him asleep on his bed with a bag of chips, and coke. She smiles and moves the chips and coke and covers him up. Goes into the living room and watches some TV, she starts to doze off, and falls asleep. Ace wakes up, sees that's it's 9pm and slowly gets up, and looks for Sonia, sees her asleep with the TV on, he gently picks her light body up and puts her in her bed, covers her up and lays om top of the covers beside her on the bed. Bruce jumps on the bed too. They sleep for about 1 hr and she wakes up. Looks at the time, sees him in her bed with her and smiles, and falls back to sleep.

The next morning, Ace wakes up and fixes breakfast, she slowly wakes up, sees him up and smells breakfast, gets dressed. Walks into the kitchen and says "Mm something smells good" he replies "Well good morning sleeping beauty" as he smiles, putting her eggs and bacon on the table for her she says "Awe, did you make this for me?" He nods and says "Now shut up and eat" they both eat, and she says after she's done "Can I ask you something Ace?" He replies "Sure, what is it?" She says "Do you remember when we met?" He says "Yes, well most of it, why?" She says "That was the first day, he, they, the day he died" he grabs her hand "Look at me" she looks at him, with tears in her eyes, "I know you miss Jack and Damian, but we have to move on, we have to numb it or at least ignore it, until we find them, and make the Cretaraians pay" she nods "Thank you Ace" she dries her tears, and says "Do you remember when Damian walked in and saw us asleep together" she giggles, and he says "Yes, terrifying day" she says "Yeah only because he was like 'omg, he's dead that little punk, thinks he can sleep with my sister' and then I was like 'chill we didn't do anything nasty'" they laugh. He says "Then he threatens me anyways" she says "No he did not" he says "Yes he did, when you were downstairs, he was like 'touch, her or hurt her or do anything to her and I will kill you, got it!' and I said "y-yes Sir" she giggles and says "You called him Sir, dang he was protective sheesh" they laugh, he says "You know how when we met you ripped off my shirt, to get to the wounds?" She says "Yeah, what about it" he says "You said 'holy' and stared for like 20 minutes straight" he smiles "it was cute" she says as she smiles, and blushes "Oh, hehe, I thought you were still out cold" he says "I faked it" he continues "When I woke up, the first time, and saw your beautiful face, I was in awe, you were and are so beautiful I thought I was dreaming" she blushes more she says, "Oh. Tha-thank. You weren't-aren't bad yourself" Bruce jumps on Ace and licks his face, they laugh, she says "Awe Bruce likes you too" they smile he says "I think it's time to meet your parents" she says "Yes it is, but mm just one more kiss" they kiss one more time then she hears Ace saying "Wake up Soni" and she wakes up and realizes she was dreaming.

Ace says "Um weird dream?"

She says "Ye-yeah. How'd you know?"

He says "You were laughing and then you started to kiss your pillow" he laughs.

She looks shocked and says "Oh crap" she laughs "it was so real. But still so weird. Someone kissed me"

He laughs really loud "Oh Soni you and your obsession with Dallas, it's adorable"

She says "it wasn't Dallas!!!"

He says "Mhm. We both know who it was" he winks

She mocks him "MhM"

He says "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning"

Shehe mocks him again "sOmEoNe WOkE Up oN ThE WrONg SiDe oF tHE BeD tHIs MoRnIng, shush it you"

he laughs, she crosses her arms.

Sonia says "You ready to meet my parents?"

He says "Yes!"

They walk out the door.

When they arrive

Sonia says to Ace before walking in as she elbows him "Behave"

He laughs "Fine"

She says, when she walks inside, "Dad, Mom, this is Ace."H

Her Dad says "I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend"

She says "He isn't my boyfriend Dad sheesh"

Ace says "it's kinda complicated, but I'm here to meet you both, Sir, Ma'am, I have been in your daughters room for 5 years, she didn't want to tell you, to worry you. We thought you'd kill me. I know how this sounds but"

Her Dad Interrupts him "Sonia is this true?"

She nods and says "As he was saying Dad, I found him 5 years ago, in a wrecked Cretaraian ship, he was barely breathing, I helped him, and took him to my room, when I realized he was a human, I knew you guys wouldn't want him here, and would want him feed to Otus"

Her mom says "We probably would of"

Her Dad says "No, hunny we wouldn't have, if you had told us, we would have accepted him as our own"

She says "I couldn't risk it Dad"

Ace says "Sir all do respect, you did feed Sam to Otus, and our people have been fighting for 10 years"

He nods "You're correct. It's Ace right?"

Ace says "Yes Sir"

He says "it's good to meet you, now are you dating my daughter or not?"

Ace says "No Sir, we're"

Her Dad interrupts him "it's about time she found someone new, better then that Dallas fella"

She says "I didn't like Dallas and Ace isn't my boyfriend" they laugh.

Ace says "Of course you didn't" he winks.

they pack her things, and take them to their new place.

They get everything settled

She says "That was embarrassing" with a grin.

He smiles and says "Which part?"

She says "Exactly."

They giggle

He says "Your Dad really wants you to get a guy doesn't he?"

She rolls her eyes and sighs "Yesss it's so annoying, all he's doing is scarring them off, not helpful"

He laughs and says "No wonder you're still Single"

She sticks her tongue out at him "You're more single then I am. At least I've actually had a crush before"

He says "Who said I've never had a crush?"

She says "Well you've never talked about anyone"

He says "Soooo your point isss"

She says "Well I guess that doesn't mean anything then."

He nods and says "About that dream. Who kissed you?"

She says "Well um, I, um..you kinda did"

He looks at her in shock and starts to laugh "Wow, some dream huh?"

She says "Not really it was so weird. It was like out of nowhere I mean, you told me you thought I was beautiful when we meet, and I said you were hot it was more awkward then anything."

He says "Wow. Honestly that's creepy. Did I say, anything like I thought I was dreaming? Or about you staring at me"

She says "Yes. How'd you know?"

He says "I've had the same dream" they both are shocked. He says "Everything I said in that dream was true. Idk why you wanted me to kiss you. Haha. It was weird."

She says "Oh wow. Well I mean everything I said was true too. But idk why I wanted you to kiss me"

They laugh

He says "Well that's a little creepy" they laugh.

They both think "This is awkward"

About 3, hours of unpacking

Sonia says, "Alright, there's a troup of Cretaraians in Danas, let's go take them down, but leave one for me, so we can figure out where they took Damian, I don't want another dead brother"

He nods.

They get ready for battle, they grab their swords, Sonia levels up.

He walks up to her and says "Let's do this" grabs her hand and she flys off with him.

They arrive at Danas and she puts him down, they find the troup, and they stab them one by one, as she gets inragged the more blood she sees, she cuts off ones arm, and another she stabs in the leg, and Ace finishes the others, he breaks one's arms and cuts his off his finger, stabs another until it was the last one, which tried to run away but she cought him, grabbed him by the shirt and lifts him and says "Where's Damian!! Tell me!" The soldier says ".. Ma'am...he's..."

She says "Tell me!"

The soldier "he's..he's with Hera, Hera is making us Cretaraians her slaves and soon you will be too, the others won't stand up to her...not even Zeus"

She continues "Why? Why is she doing this?"

He says "She wants you"

Ace says "Alright my turn" he grabs him, breaks on of his fingers, he screams "Now why does Hera want Sonia?"

He says " AH! I DON'T KNOW! All I know..is-is she hates her, and wants her to suffer"

Ace says "Where are they"

He says "..in Athens, my ship should show you! Please just let me go."

He let's go, he breaks his arm and he screams in pain "That's in case you were lying, if this isn't true I will come back for you and kill you myself, got it?" He nods in fear and pain.

They get in the ship. In the ship, it starts up when Ace touches it

Sonia says "Wait, let me. You're human, it might not let you"

He nods, she makes it take them to Hera.

When they arrive, they get out of the ship and see, soldiers everywhere, they look at each other and nod, they walk out and Ace sneaks up behind a soldier and hits him in the head knocking him out , Sonia gets behind another and grabs his nose and mouth knocking him out also, Ace covers ones mouth and stabs him, they sneak inside together. Sonia levels up and her eyes glow black flames, her hair turns black and her eyes turn red, Ace looks at her in shock but thinks she's still attractive, he covers his face with a black mask, and she does the same. They walk into the temple where Hera was keeping Damian, they continue to knock out all the soldiers as they sneak into the room that Damian was in, Sonia sees him and smiles, tears of joy fall down her face. She hugs him, and then she realizes how badly wounded he is, and that he's chained up on the wall, she breaks the chains with her bare hands as Ace is keeping watch. She lifts him up and Ace says "Let me" he takes Damian from Sonia and Sonia hugs Ace and Damian and they vanish, she teleports to the ship they fly off.

In the ship, Sonia is trying to wake Damian

Ace says "Can't you heal him?"

She says "Yes but, it takes a while. But I can try" she begins to heal him, she heals him enough that he wakes up, and looks at her and says "Soni?" He sees Ace with her and says "Why is he here?"

She hugs him again and tears fall, she says "Damian, I missed you so much, I thought you were dead."

He says as he hugs back "Easy, Soni, I'm still sore." She let's go and wipes her tears. They arrive at their place. They both help him walk inside.

Damian says "Is this my old place?"

Soni says "Yes, we kinda are living here now too. We moved in yesterday"

He says "Keep it. I have others." They put him on the bed, and let him rest.

Ace and Sonia, sit on the couch watching TV.

Soni says "I'm glad he's alright. Do you think he'll stay that way?"

Ace says "He'll heal, surely. Hopefully he doesn't kill me"

She laughs "He won't. I'll make sure of it."

He says "You better" he smirks.

She smiles.

Damian walks in the room and says "Mhm, what do we have here?" They both look at him like 'crap' they relax

Sonia says "Damian relax, He hasn't hurt me in anyway."

Ace says "And I never will hurt her. I swear on my life"

Damian laughs, "Relax guys. Just protecting my little Sis. Good Ace you didn't forget what I said, keep it that way "

Ace nods "I-I will Sir"

Damian says "Call me Damian."

He nods.

Sonia stands up and walks over to Damian

She says "Hera wants me"

He says "Well she can't have you! I won't let her! That piece of cr"

She Interrupts "Damian, it's okay. I hate her just as much as you do but, this is the only way. The only way to keep everyone else safe."

He lowers his head, and says "Soni. You shouldn't of saved me. I should be the one to die, the slave. Not you"

She replies "Damian, I saved you because I love you, I'd do it again if I had to. You know how much it hurt Mom and Dad when Jack died, Mom isn't even Mom anymore."

He says "I know, I know. Just be careful. Ace do me a favor would you?"

She nods.

Ace says "What is it?"

He says "Keep her safe, if she dies it'll be on your hands"

He gulps and nods "I will".

They stay up a few hrs more and Sonia falls asleep on the couch with Ace, and Ace falls asleep too. Damian, picks them both up and puts them in their bed. He picks up his phone and calls someone and says "I'm here. They're falling for it. She's asleep. I'll be there in 20. Notify her." the voice on the phone says "Good job. You will be rewarded" call ends. He puts his phone in his pocket and sighs, goes in the bedroom and watches Sonia sleep. Walks out. Puts on a black sweat shirt, black gloves, black pants and boots, and a black mask, he levels up and his eyes glow red. He grabs his swords and sneaks out.

He walks outside and gets in the ship and takes off. Sonia slowly wakes up from the noise. Gets up and tries to find where the noise came from, sees Damian is gone and so is the ship. Runs into the bedroom and yells "He's gone!! He's gone! Wake up! Ace! Wake up!"

Ace wakes up "What Soni?"

She says in a panicked voice "He's gone!"

He gets up quickly, and says "He took the ship?"

She says "Yes."

He says "Now you have to carry me again ugh" with a smirk, she smiles.

Damian arrives and he walks out, in the dark, he sees a cloaked woman wearing black and wearing a mask, her eyes glowing purple, they meet and she hugs him and says "I'm so glad you're here." He pushes her off gently and removed both their masks, and kisses her. He grabs her hand and runs with her, taking her into the ship she says "Where are we going?" He says "Away from here" they get in and fly off.

Meanwhile Sonia and Ace, put on black pants, gloves ,masks, and a shirt, they grab their swords and knives. Sonia grabs his hand and runs out the door and flys off with him.

Damian looks at the woman, and says "I left them their. Do you want to meet her?" She nods "of course" he replies "you can take off your mask, it's just us." She takes off her mask and he takes off his. He says "My beautiful Echo" with a smile. She smiles.

Sonia finds the ship and floats in front of it with Ace, Damian looks shocked, then thinks "crap and let's them in.

Sonia says, as she bursts inside. "What the crap Damian? Where'd you go? Who is this?

Damian says "Soni calm down. I know I probably should have told you, and shouldn't of left like that. I know I scared you. But I'm here now and I'll explain when we're home, promise."

She says "fine".

They arrive at the city Danas.

Ace says "Why are we here?"

Damian replies "Hera wants my sister, she's going to have to go through me first" he vanishes.

Ace says "I hate it when he does that"

Echo giggles.

Sonia asks "Who are you? Are you his girlfriend? Or something?"

She answers "Well, yes and no. It's complicated. I'm Echo, we meet when he was taken, I used to work for Hera, but little did I know she was using me to get to Damian. She wants to destroy Earth, and Olympa."

Ace says "Why? What does she have against her own people?"

She replies "She wants to win the war. She thinks the only way to win is to destroy Earth but if she does that we'd go up too"

Damian teleports in front of Hera, and puts his blade to her throat and says "if you want my Sister you'll have to kill me first" one of her centaur soldiers comes behind him and stabs him in the back, and he drops. Hera smirks as his life leaves his body.

Sonia feels him in pain, and says "We have to save him! He's hurt!" She vanishes and teleports to Damian, sees him laying there, breathing his last breath. She starts to cry and says "No, no, no. Please Damian. Not you, I can't lose you" she holds him as she cries. Hera watches with a smile on her face as if she was taking pleasure seeing them in pain. Sonia's eyes turn black, and start to glow red flames, her hair turns black with a hint of red and she slowly stands up letting him go, looking at Hera's smug face. She bursts with energy and her powers go extreme. Smoke steams off her. It scares Hera enough that she starts to back up and says "GUARDS! GUARDS! Protect your Queen!" They do as she says, Sonia runs really fast killing them all at the same time with one blow.

Hera says in fear "Stop! Stop! Please! I'll do anything! I'm sorry!"

She replies "Sorry isn't good enough!" She walks closer and continues "You took Jack away from me, and now Damian, and on top of that, you want to destroy two world's because of your selfish interests, you're a selfish lil piece of crap!" Hera backs up into the wall with her back, and Sonia puts her blade against her throat and says "This is for my brothers!"

She prepares to kill her and Ace stops the blade and says "Soni, this isn't you. Remember what you taught me, Is this what Damian, and Jack would of wanted you to do?"

She slowly lowers her blade and her eyes and hair go back to normal, she drops to her knees, drops her sword and cries "I'm sorry I-"

He holds her "shh, I know.".

Five days later.

Sonia, Ace, Echo, and Bruce all are outside training together, and talking about battle plans.

Sonia says to Echo "How long were you guys together"

She replies "1 year"

Sonia's phone then goes off, beeping, she picks it up and looks at it, and says "another Cretaraian spotted. Training over. Battle is about to begin, suit up." They nod, and get ready. Ace puts on his black leather jacket, and pants, his black boots and his mask and grabs his swords. Sonia puts on her Green and Blue, with a lil bit of Yellow armor on, she grabs her swords. Echo puts on her purple and black armor and grabs her swords. They get in the ship and head to the next spot.

Ramanas. They arrive.

They get out and Echo sees Damian or at least she thinks she does and says "Guys look! Damian is alive" and this moment only Echo can see him,

Soni says "Echo that's not funny"

She replies "I'm not joking. Can't you see him? He's right-" she suddenly can't see him anymore,

Ace says "I think you're seeing things Echo, you okay? Do you need some water?"

She says "Ugh just stop, I'm fine. I really saw him. Just forget about it"

They keep going, and Ace starts to see his Mother and says "Mom? What are you doing here? What's going on?"

Soni says "Ace snap out of it, nothings there!" She shakes him

He snaps out of it "She was there. But she's gone what the crap is going on here?"

She replies "There must just be gas in the air that makes you see things. Just ignore it and remember its not real" they nod and keep going. Suddenly one of the Cretearaian ships picks them up and teleports them on board. Jack is there, in all black, he says "You're welcome Sis"