
When Love Lasts (Xiao x Aether)(Genshin Impact)

Xiao, a police officer, gets a message from an unknown phone number. What will happen between Xiao and this mysterious person?

FalconKiro1927 · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 6 - Love Unlasted (TW; talk of abusive situations)

Aether had gone over to Xiao's place again, a couple weeks after they had last been at Xiao's place together. Only this time, during one of their deep talks, Xiao had opened up about his exes, Alexis and West.

"Xiao! Please! Will you go out with me?!" A woman yelled, asking the other to go out with her. She has light brown hair that was on the verge of being a dirty blonde color. Her bright blue eyes were wide with excitement and nervousness.

Xiao stood there, stunned. He didn't know what to say or do. He didn't like this woman in that way, so he wanted to turn her down, however, a couple dozen other people were watching the whole thing and he felt pressured to say yes, even if he didn't want to.

Despite wanting to say no, he said yes to her. Later on during that day, he pulled her aside and told her about how he only said yes because he felt pressured to say yes and how he didn't like her like that. She convinced him to try to have a relationship with her and if he didn't like it later on, then he could just leave.

A month later, they went on several dates between then and now, and Xiao started to grow fond of the girl, Alexis. However, she had started becoming pushy about them having sex. Xiao begins to think that something is wrong with him since he doesn't want to have sex with his lover. She would often say things like: "What kind of man doesn't want to fuck his girlfriend?"

Xiao began to feel ashamed of himself for not wanting to have sex with Alexis. And when Xiao continued to refuse sex, she then started making comments like: "If you don't do it, then we're done."

So, days later, Xiao gave in. They began having sex and, for Xiao, it was not satisfying. She would only do the bare minimum and then would stop, not wanting to continue. Which was weird since she was the one who initiated it.

Though, when Xiao wanted to go into the police academy instead of to college, she was excited for him and proposed that they move into a small apartment together, which they did. Life was great, they were very compatible living together, so the first two weeks were great.

After the first two weeks, however, she became over the top with even the smallest things. Xiao showering in the morning bothered her since it would sometimes wake her up. How he cleaned the dishes bothered her.

So, to try and accommodate her, he began showering before bed and started cleaning the dishes how she wanted them cleaned. He began fixing how he did things to suit how she wanted things done. However, it still wasn't enough for her. She just found more and more things to complain about. She got so fed up with Xiao not doing things her way that she eventually slapped him in the face and apologized immediately after. Like how he thought a good boyfriend should, he forgave her.

About two months of living together, she got really fed up with how Xiao didn't cook something how she wanted it and she grabbed a plate and slammed it onto the floor. She often took it upon herself to make comments about how she wouldn't be yelling at him if he had just done it properly.

Around three months of living together, Alexis began suspecting that Xiao was cheating on her even if she had no evidence to prove it. This would bring about more and more fights. Eventually, Xiao decided to fight back, which she did not like. She slapped him again and yelled at him to get out of their apartment. She told him to "think about what he did". At that point, he understood that the relationship was over and thought he failed as a boyfriend since he couldn't meet the other's standards.

He decides to go to his cousin's place where he recites the whole story to him. The next day, Venti goes over to Alexis' place and grabs Xiao's things since, in her words, "didn't want a traitor in her place".

Xiao looked up at Aether to try and see his reaction to what he had just told him. Aether looked like he was about to break down in tears. Which confused Xiao to say the least. He didn't understand why he had tears welling in his eyes. He didn't think the situation was that bad.

"I am so sorry you had to go through that, Xiao. That's just awful." Aether said in a voice that was just above a whisper, his voice slightly shaky. This confused Xiao even more.

"Why are you sorry? It wasn't that bad." Xiao stated, confused as hell.

Aether grabbed Xiao by his shoulders, grip tight. Then he spoke, "Xiao… She essentially sexually harassed you and gaslit you. That's terrible."

Xiao's eyes widened in realization. He had never thought that that was what happened. He had always thought she was just… over the top.

"Well, there's more. Not with her but with my other ex." Xiao stated nervously as he began to recount things and events to Aether.

Xiao and West met at the police academy in their second to last year, however, in the last year, they began dating. Though, they weren't allowed to tell anyone because of the high chance they could get kicked out due to rules and regulations there.

At first, Xiao liked the other because West was everything he wanted to be, but he later figured out that he was attracted to the other man in a romantic way.

When they had first started talking, Xiao didn't understand why a guy like him would talk to a guy like Xiao and this majorly confused Xiao. At first, Xiao told himself to not fall in love with the other, however, he did.

Not long after they begin a relationship, West starts to become pushy with sex just as Alexis was. West did not understand anal sex and he never used lube nor did he ever stretch Xiao out, so the experiences were never pleasant for Xiao. However, Xiao continued to stay with West since West was very loving the rest of the time.

As time went on though, West stopped being so loving. He would make comments about how Xiao was lucky West even wanted to date him since Xiao wasn't doing well mentally. Or how Xiao should be grateful that he doesn't hit him like how Alexis hit him.

Eventually, they stop seeing each other as much, maybe once a week. And everytime they see each other, it's like Xiao has to pay the tax of sex or else West will leave him. They broke up just before graduation because West can't do long distance relationships.

During Xiao reciting everything to Aether, he began crying at some point. Aether couldn't help but embrace Xiao in his arms. The blonde just held him as he began to break down.

Xiao didn't understand why he was crying. It was over. In the past. It didn't matter anymore. So why was he crying? Sure, he shed a lot of tears during those two relationships, but why was he shedding tears now? He didn't understand.

Aether continued to hold Xiao in his arms, rubbing circles on his upper back with one of his hands to try and help him to relax. However, this action, the support he was giving Xiao, only made him cry harder. He had never been held like this, not by his parents, his past lovers or any friends he's had. He had never realized how unsafe he felt with himself until now, but being held by Aether made him feel so safe, so secure. He didn't understand why it was Aether. Why him of all people?

This only confused Xiao more, making him cry even harder. But still, the blonde continued to hold him. Xiao had never felt so loved, so cared for.