

Amaya Luz, a talented and driven businesswoman, has always prioritized her career over her personal life. She proposes a marriage of convenience to Adam Brooks to expand her business empire. But beneath her confident exterior, Amaya hides a deep vulnerability - a mental health condition that makes her struggle with emotions. Adam Brooks, heir to a vast fortune, has distanced himself from his family's business empire. Scarred by a past relationship where his ex used him to gain benefits from his family, Adam has grown cynical and disillusioned. Despite his reluctance, he agrees to Amaya's proposal, seeing it as an escape from his family's expectations and a chance to redefine his own identity. As Amaya navigates her complicated relationship with Adam, she must confront her painful past, her complex relationship with her birth mother, Maria, and her own dark fears and insecurities. Her condition worsens, and she begins to lose control, pushing away those who care about her most. Forced to confront her inner demons, Amaya must make a choice: surrender to her darkness or fight for a chance at happiness. But as she struggles to find her footing, she realizes that her future is tied to the fate of her business, her relationships, and her very sanity. Through Amaya's eyes, this story explores the cutthroat world of business, the fragility of mental health, and the power of human connection. It's a raw, unflinching portrayal of a woman's fight to reclaim her life, her love, and her very self.

Milola · História
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

your warmth

'Tabemono' is a revered Japanese restaurant in Country Z, known for its authentic cuisine and traditional ambiance. With minimalist decor, paper lanterns, and tatami seating, it offers classic dishes like sushi, sashimi, and teppanyaki. The restaurant's attention to detail and fresh ingredients make it a top choice for Japanese food enthusiasts.

Adam Brooks sits with his friend Chris, whom he hadn't seen for about a month because Chris had been away on business in another country. They sat at a table near the entrance of the restaurant, chatting about typical guy stuff. Chris was telling Adam about his trip and the attractive women he saw, but Adam's attention was slightly diverted when he noticed a lady enter the restaurant. He quickly recognized her as the lady who he had taken to the hospital after she had fainted in the parking lot. He was stunned to see her. He watched her closely as she passed his table, moving forward to another and taking a seat. At the table was also a man who seemed to be in his early fifties. His gazed fixed on her, watching her closely, she looked much better than when he first saw her.

"Adam!!" Chris almost yelled

" What's up?"

"What's up?? Have you even been listening to me this whole time. What are you thinking about?" Chris said sounding a bit annoyed. He had been calling Adam for about a minute but his mind seemed to be elsewhere.

"Um...am sorry. I just thought of something for a moment. What were you saying?"

Chris sighs.

At Amaya's Table

Amaya smiled warmly as she took her seat across from Mr. Lee, the chairman of All Shapes. Despite being in his fifties, he exuded a remarkable energy and an aura of confidence and sophistication. His impeccably styled salt-and-pepper hair and sharp gaze spoke of a lifetime of success. Dressed in a finely tailored suit, his attire reflected his affluent status, with every detail meticulously chosen. He engaged Amaya in some friendly conversation, suggesting they discuss business after their meal. A few minutes later, their order arrived. They ate in silence, and once they finished, they delved straight into business. Mr. Lee's company supplied a wide range of materials essential for dressmaking, including intricate beads, lustrous pearls, and detailed embroidery. Additionally, All Shapes offered a variety of other design elements such as sequins, lace, and unique fabric patterns, ensuring their clients had access to everything needed to create stunning, high-quality garments. They were the best in Country Z. They had called for a meeting wanting to discuss something new with her.

"I hope I wasn't a bother calling for a meeting on such short notice," Mr. Lee said.

"Oh no, please don't say that. It's my pleasure to have this meeting with you," Amaya reassured him. "So, Mr. Lee, what did you want to discuss?"

"Well, Miss Amaya, my staff and I recently conducted a survey among the public, and one of the key issues raised was the type of needles we use," he stated.

Amaya eyes suddenly popped at that the mention of the word needles.

"Yes. They complained that the needles we used were not good for the fabric, causing holes and loose threads in the dresses. We researched this issue and developed a needle that is slightly thinner than the standard ones. We tested it on a few outfits, and the results were surprisingly amazing. These thinner needles cause less damage to delicate fabrics, which is crucial for maintaining the integrity and quality of the material. They also allow for more precise stitching, enhancing the overall appearance of the dress. This precision is especially important for intricate designs and detailed embroidery. Additionally, using thinner needles can reduce the risk of puckering and wrinkling, resulting in a smoother, more professional finish. It's a small change that can significantly improve our final product. I brought along a few samples for you to see for yourself. I just wanted to discuss the basics with you. I hope we can have an official meeting soon to talk more about it."

"Sam...samples. Mr. Lee..um..." Amaya struggled to speak. She had just gotten back from the hospital. She didn't want to go back. She felt her body shaking as Mr. Lee pulled of what look like a tissue from his pocket. She wanted to tell him not to. She wanted to tell him that her assistant and other workers of the company would check it out. But for some reason her lips seemed glued together. Mr. Lee slowly and neatly unfolded the tissue on the table, revealing five needles of varying sizes. The sight of them made Amaya's vision blur and her heart race. Her breath hitched in her throat, and a cold sweat broke out on her forehead. She jolted up from her seat, almost knocking her chair over in the process.

"Amaya, are you okay?" Mr. Lee asked, a bit stunned by her sudden move

"I'm sorry," she managed to stammer, her voice shaking. "I... I have to go."Before he could say another word, Amaya turned and hurried out of the restaurant, her chest tightened as it a band constricted around her heart. She moved out of the restaurant, trying to get to her car which was a few meters away. She moved slowly and a bit unsteady. She pleaded with herself deep down not to faint. Her eyes started to tear up a bit. She felt her body loose all it's strength and fall to the ground but before she could hit the floor she felt a pair of warm strong arms catching her. Adam who had seen Amaya rush out of the restaurant looking the way she did the first time he had seen her. Out of concern he followed her out and was lucky to catch her before she could fall. He looked at woman in his arms. Her eyes barely opened as if pleading with herself not to close them. He felt a little surprised because this time as he held her, her body temperature seemed to be normal. Amaya whose eyes would slowly lose sight of the day's light struggled to take a glance at the person who was holding her. It was midday, the sunlight had reflected on the person face making it impossible to see him clearly. She faints but for the first time in a warm and peaceful way.

Amaya opened her eyes slowly. Catherine was the first person she saw. She looked around and in the room also was Dr. Martin and Nurse Linda. All with worried expressions on their faces. She sighs

"Amaya! Are you alright? Oh goodness, what could have happened again." Catherine said displaying all the worry she had inside. She moved closer to Amaya to help her as she tried to sit down.

"Are you ok?" Dr. Martin asked

"Yeah..Yeah am fine. Am fine." She said

"Nurse Linda would bring you something to eat. I'd like to see you in my office when you done." He said to Amaya. "Mrs. Catherine, could you please follow me to my office. I have something to discuss with you." He again said to Catherine. Catherine gave Amaya a little nod and smiled before walking out with the doctor followed by Nurse Linda.

When they all left she looked around before catching a glimpse of her attire. She wasn't in her hospital wear but rather the red dress she was wearing. She moved to the sofa in the room when she saw her bag on it. She brought out her phone and checked the time. It was exactly 2 pm the same day. She stood rooted to the floor until Nurse Linda walked in. Nurse Linda seeing her standing there shocked quickly nodded when Amaya was about to say something and said, "I know Miss. Amaya. Dr. Martin still wishes to speak with you. Please finish your meal and take your medicines. I would be back in a few minutes. She kept the tray of food on a table and left. Amaya curious about the whole situation finished up the meal, take her medicines that was kept on the tray alongside the food and moved straight to the doctor's office. She knocked and entered and was surprised cause Catherine wasn't there.

"She got an important phone call and had to leave for the office." Dr Martin said

Amaya quickly took her seats and asked him what was going on.

Dr. Martin simply said "I think you found your warmth."