
A Day with Raizo

Today, much to my astonishment, our class had an unforeseen surprise test. It had just been a few weeks since I got admitted to this school, and already this?! As if the prior days full of downturns of a predicament wasn't already enough...

(Well, it is given from THAT teacher... so guess it's not too shocking...)

Just a day ago, Raizo woke up and found out his powers had been temporarily sealed, so I was pretty worried on how he would be mentally about all this than me. After all, though he was pretty smart in concealing it, I could still catch glimpses of his knitted eyebrows and stiff features. Nonetheless, he was still recovering, and we were all proud of his progress...

I glanced a peek at his corner, but he looked unexpectedly normal as if nothing was weighing on him presently.

(Hmm? Maybe he had time to study after all, so he isn't too worried...? Never got that impression though in all honesty.)

My lips perked into a wry smile as I looked at the teacher handing out the appalling piece of paper. Everyone who received it wore a tinged expression of apprehensive uneasiness which, in turn, made me catch some of those infectious nerves and tension. But soon after, I got the feeling that someone was staring intently at me which caused me to look around in wonder.

It was Raizo, who was giving me a thumbs up in reassurance. I smiled softly in return and mouthed, 'You too.'



Thankfully, I had been paying attention in class for the subject - the moment I saw the paper lined with questions in bold, all my anxiety simply washed away. As if being in my favor, the answers kept seeping into my mind like a conveyor belt for this blind pop quiz, and within no time at all, I put my pen down with confidence.

(Thank goodness! Now I hope I got it all right.)

When the time was up, we all handed away our papers followed by a mixture of some groans and cheers. I, too, was able to exhale a sigh of relief knowing that it was finally over.

'Man, that was tough... Glad it's done now.'

'I know dude! Although I'm pretty sure I'll pass by a hair... or maybe not at all.'

'If you boys were paying attention this week, you wouldn't have been miserable like this~'

The students were spread in small groups and still chattering about the lingering feeling of what's known as a test.

"Asuna-chii!!!" While I was stacking some books to stuff in my bag, I heard Inori scream my name as she hopped over.

"I-Inori?! What's wrong?" Her abrupt hug caused me to falter a bit and almost drop the books.

"Waaaah, I did so bad on that test...! What will I do?! I knew I should have paid attention in class but it's just so haaard...!"

"A... Ahaha... It's fine, at least it wasn't the finals... You still do have time to study, you know." I tried reassuring my friend as I patted her back.

"*sniff* How did you do...?" Inori diverted the question my way through her wet eyes.

"I-I think I did pretty well..."

"Gaaaah...!!! Lend me some of your smartness, please! I'd give you anything for that!!!" Inori resumed to cry away while squeezing me tighter than before.

"You know you just have to pay attention in class instead of napping all the time..." I couldn't help but sigh at her complaints.



A minute later...



Only after Inori had calmed down that I had room to breathe freely. I'm also absolutely sure we were making a huge scene in class for that brief period, what with all the derisive stares I was receiving with which I couldn't really argue back...

"*sigh* Akari sensei sure doesn't hold back his punches, huh? He's the only teacher who ever gives us a pop quiz!" Inori protested with her arms crossed.

"I know right? We're still all learning kids here!" Raizo joined in on our conversation at some point as he plodded our way.

"Oh, Raizo!" I blurted his name out without any reason.

"Hey, hey, Raizo-chii, how did you do on that test, hmmm~?" Inori asked with a teaser grin, eyeing for any kind of reaction out of the red head.

"Ehhh... I dunno. Not too confident about my answers is all..." Raizo scratched his hair apprehensively.

"Hah?! But you looked so normal before AND during the test! I thought you would ace it?" I was totally stunned by how composed Raizo looked every time I secretly peeked his way - a complete opposite of what I was hearing right now.

"Well...... *groan* Let's just forget about that dumb test! It's done, over!" Raizo averted his eyes in a pouty manner.

"Heh heh heh... You know, Raizo-chii here has never been good at stu--"

"Shut it Inori!! Leave me alone!" Raizo put his palm on Inori's mouth with his cheeks tinted a light coral red.

All I could do was watch the two have a friendly quarrel amongst themselves, a part of me slightly curious about Inori's cut-off remark. Either way, Raizo certainly knows how to liven the mood. Or is he just that easy to tease?

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot! Asuna, I came here because there's something I had to tell you." Raizo finally let Inori go before turning his head my way.

"I plan to take you somewhere after school, so don't leave the class, alright?"

"Oh, um, sure! I won't." I beamed, and Raizo returned the grin with his own.

"Great! You'll love it, I promise."

(Wow... I'm actually getting pretty excited! My first hangout with my brother... We're already feeling close like a family!)





The toll of the bell reverberated loudly through the still hallways, marking the end of the prolonged school day. I quickly packed my stuff and the moment I finished; Raizo advanced up to me.

"Well, shall we?"

I gave an eager nod. We both exited the class side by side all the way until the school gate. The cool breeze as compared to the musty classrooms freshened me up. Raizo then led the way as he began walking in front.

I couldn't bottle up my curiosity anymore, making me question, "Raizo, where exactly are we going?"

Raizo turned back to face me with a smirk, "Hmm... Let's see.... Actually, it's a secret~"

"Awww-- Come on! Not even a hint?"

"Nope! It's a man's word."

Raizo laughed out loud when he saw me puffing my cheeks in defeat. He then ruffled my hair with the other hand carrying his bag. This one simple sensation seemed to expel any persisting impatience I felt and, in return, lifting up my mood. A while later, I noticed that we were walking along a bustling street, the trotting of footsteps thrumming in the dry air. I was still clueless as to where Raizo was planning on taking me, but I tried to practiced patience until we reach our location.

(Guess I'll just have to wait and see for myself... hopefully it's not too far now.)




"Okay, here we are!" Raizo exclaimed with open arms as he stood in front of a cute and vintage store.

"Eh? Here...?" I gazed up to see a dainty sign reading 'Glazed'.

"Yup! It's the best confectionery shop in the city! I wanted to take you here since it's also one of my favorite hotspots." Raizo was beaming with a spirit of fervor as he led me inside by my hand.

(Gosh, his sweet tooth really never quits...)

As soon as we entered, the sweet scent was already wafting through the air, letting in an inviting vibe. I could see why it would be considered heaven for any sweet addict. The place was pretty small, but it had a mysterious warm feeling to it that one wouldn't want to ignore.

"Oh wow! But hey, I thought your sweet tooth was only limited to sweets. I guess you're fond of any dessert, huh?" I commented as I surveyed the store and then back at Raizo's profile.

"*chuckle* Mhmm, anything sugary is a friend of mine. Especially when it's too delicious to pass up!"

Suddenly, I felt hungry. Perhaps the drifting aromatic scent peaked my hunger level as my stomach let out a soft growl.



I could already feel my cheeks burning all the way till the now blushed ears as I dropped my eyes to the ground, unsure of what to do or say. My ears perked upon Raizo chuckling lightly from the side.

(Why does my stomach always have the worst timing?! Not like I can blame it though...)

"See? You totally didn't have a proper bento today, right? So, have whatever you like since it's on me. I guarantee that everything here is top-notch."

(What? So, Raizo is just being considerate...? I thought nobody would notice...)

Somehow, his kindness filled my heart with delight and admiration after gaining his stamp of approval. Recently, I'd been noticing that Raizo was ALWAYS there for me as a brother. The alien feeling of having siblings was slowly, ever so slowly, starting to abate as I was now able to enjoy and treasure such joyous moments together.




For a while, we both scoured through the displays of colorful sweets and baked goods until a middle-aged man showed up from the back door. Once his eyes met Raizo's, the man immediately brimmed with familiarity.

"Well, if it isn't Raizo! Haven't seen you in a while. How've you been?"

"Yeah, it's been a while! I've been good, just bringing my sis here to taste one of the best desserts from the best place here."

"Ahahaha! You truly know how to make my day! If you like it so much, how about paying up extra then, hmm?"

"A-ha, I definitely would if you also give me extra to what I order." Raizo joked back.

Raizo and the man seemed to be having a great time chatting and teasing one another like it was a norm. He must be a big regular here for even an owner to recognize him every time. I grinned at the laid-back atmosphere while having that tiny realization.

"Well, Asuna. What would you like to have?" Raizo finally asked as he focused my way at last.

"Oh, I don't know... They all look so good!"

I was viewing back and forth from some rich, scrumptious creamy pastries lined up to the golden flaky fruit pies beside them. There were also some cute, vibrant cupcakes along with poofy, crispy cream puffs. It was already a delight only to stare at them like some arranged decor.

Apparent to feeling desperate, Raizo jumped in, "If you can't decide, should I recommend one of my specials?"

I agreed in hunching stump. Raizo gestured to the man snapping 'the usual' to which he nodded before bending behind the polished countertop. Seconds later, the man brought out a beige and brown package and laid it out in front of us. I took a peek from the transparent window and saw a crispy pie stuffed with a drizzly strawberry sauce and wrapped in a sunny colored crust baked to perfection. It looked and smelled divine, sparking my mouth to water unknowingly.

"Oh my, it looks delicious!" I squeaked with laced fingers.

"Yeah? Then wait till you taste it! Without a doubt, Glazed owns the best pies in the city. Speaking of, I really love their sour fruit pastries as well as the banana-vanilla cake..."

While he was talking, Raizo looked just like a kid on a field trip which initiated a tiny giggle out of my arced lips.

"Hehe, maybe next time then!"




Our visit ended with me promising Raizo about visiting this small bakery again with the rest since it seemed like he had a whole list of recommendations waiting to be tasted. Still, I was very much looking forward to next time.

The sun had subsided with the stars welcoming the twilight blue stained sky by the time we exited after saying goodbye to the merry owner. Even through the thin paper bag and package, the scent of the pie was still sweetly aromatic and fresh. Along the way, Raizo informed me that he had the perfect place in mind for us to enjoy the pie. Of course, I gave him the free reins to guide the following steps. Soon after a bit of strolling, we were met with a vast field of blooming flowers. Even under the dim moon glow, I could already tell that it was a breath-taking place. I've always lived in the same city as Raizo, but never have I ever stumbled upon this area, leaving me flabbergasted with pleasant surprise.

"Oh wow! Look at all these blooming flowers! It feels like this gorgeous landscape is filling up every inch of my vision - I can't look away...!" I exclaimed as I clasped my hands together with surging happiness.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? Mizore would have loved it."

"Really? Does she like flowers?"

"Yeah, all kinds of flowers. She takes care of her own too! At the balcony sanctuary." Raizo continued.

(I learned something new about Mizore! I'll be sure to remember it from now.)

Raizo briefed me that this flower field used to be almost like an imaginary place - mostly because it was too sensational that one would really believe to be dreaming. Because of the generally conventional belief, the route was cut off until it became desolate and, in time, forgotten. This was until now in the modern era where few had started coming here and leaving unharmed. Raizo was one of them.

(No wonder I never heard of this field from anyone I know...)

I felt it such a shame not to see such a vision and engrave it in memory at least once in your life.

Raizo and I sat on a small hill and opened up the box. The crisp dew of the grass was a perfect touch in contrast to the warmth of the pie in my palm. After cutting it in half, both of us took a bite simultaneously. The crust seemed to be melting on my tongue and the kick of the strawberry tartness created a perfect bliss in my mouth. I wanted to keep savoring this flavor forever!

Seeing my 'priceless' reaction, Raizo gleamed with content as he continued his piece.




A few minutes later...




"Haaaa...! I'm stuffed! Great as always."

Raizo patted his stomach before lying down on the grass and I followed suit. The dancing flowers swaying with the cool breeze felt so soft that I kind of started getting drowsy.

"...Thanks a lot for today Raizo, I really enjoyed myself." I whispered to my side as I stared at the twinkling sky carpeting the sky above.

"Mm, anytime. So, it seems our first brother-sister hangout was a success!"

I nodded to his light clap.

Yes. Today was a truly significant day. I got to know Raizo a bit better, with some bits about Mizore, and also got to see one of his favorite spots. I yearned for this very moment of peace to stretch just a while longer.

(I guess having siblings isn't so bad after all...)

Along these moderate lines lied a foreboding darkness just waiting to slip through even the slimmest of a crack and run rampant on the moving world. I was completely unaware of what's to come next...




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